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Posts posted by Psych

  1. i really am, and I have like no interest so you can totes sub me out bro

    but you don't have to cause I mean i guess i can stick around we have like what one-two days left

    also I still think the cat thing is max funky and 360-yolo

    it is hard to keep this tone up for a whole post

    wait who is my vote on

    also i forget what bearclaw claimed but I feel like jalmont has also disappeared and while the hydra is starting to sound weird to me i just can't see a set up where a hydra isn't town like it just sounds weird to me so I'm more inclined to think the B buddies are scumcult so

  2. FE6 script is busted. A few days ago, the links for Prologue up to Chapter 14x were working fine. But now EVERY chapter goes to the site map, even Epilogue and Character Endings.

    By the way, what actually happens if you load too many pages too quickly? Do you get some sort of message page or does the site simply not load?

    Something similar to this was happening to FE7

  3. ugh i've lost motivation for this game how am i alive on day 6 i never make it this far

    idk i think beli is scum but i also am thinking refa is just pulling a really good game as cult so if he tricks me then gg but idk he's still town for me right now i guess

    ##vote beli

    we can talk about stuff but ugh i am just 0% about this game right now basically

  4. There are more than a few knights that Azel can kill in chapters 2 and 3 and he can at least chip stuff all around. He also gets a horse and can use the Hero Sword on promo. And has Pursuit.

    Seriously, I've never had trouble with Azel, but Ardan is another story. Even the one time I tried to seriously use Ardan, Azel did slightly better than him.

    Worse comes to worse, you only have to get him to level 14 and can feed him civilians in chapter 4.

    But yeah your turn counts seem abominably high. Like even assuming you can do it pretty fast for Gen 2, you still have some units like Lester or Leen or Patty who aren't going to be getting a whole lot of levels. Maybe if you had Holyn Patty i'd think she could do stuff before promo, but the fact you need to go so fast makes me question whether you can go fast while getting the people who are lagging behind enough levels.

  5. Not really, just like it'll take forever with 5 move and no Pursuit. Ardan can get Alec's slim sword, Ethlin's light sword and the pursuit ring, and then the Hero sword, so it's not like he won't have good weapons. All the lances in chapter 2 might hurt though.

  6. You need to use the Player Weapon Editor module. If it's not an available weapon, your characters don't have access to it. There are 140 items for the player, and 2 blank spaces if you want to add some. You can also rearrange things if you want.

    If you give the character a seige tome, the character can't move, so I recommend against that. Giving the player a Hel tome causes some bugs which I haven't fully finished investigating yet, but it's mostly just graphical issues with your attack and it also has some bugs in the arena.

    If you want the character to have different holy weapons than normal, you'll also need the character to have the right Holy Blood.

  7. Jalmont: Psych didn't claim vanilla, he claimed cultproof and iirc he thought he was vanilla at one point because there was no sign of a cult for a while?

    Beli: Via didn't self-doc because they had confirmed scum to shoot, and forcing us to go through more days with a cult around is a questionable idea at best. And there was never a good point to kill me this game, lol. Not with all of the clears flying around.

    Anyway, thoughts on potential CLs will come in my next post! Refa, I hate your ISO.

    Well I also don't have any other powers so I'm basically a vanilla who can't be recruited

    You think everyone thinks I'm mafia? I can't even remember the last time someone straight up said they thought I was mafia.

    So Quote had the option to prevent the kill on a night where he would obviously be killed and opted to perform a kill instead? I don't get it.

    I don't think you've ever explained why you want to vote me?

    Also, if you're going to spell my name out then spell it out correctly or I will find you and cut you.

    Waiting for Shinori to flavor claim would be ideal, though considering how he's played wouldn't surprise me if he didn't. ("LOL I FORGOT")

    ##Vote Shinori

    What Refa said, and also because I'm starting to doubt the cat thing as town, because it screams an easily provable mafia thing

  8. Sorry for spamming up the thread, this is going to be my last post for a while! I mean it!
    Player      Character       Role                 Mafia  CL
    bearclaw    Refa            Super Bussed (?) 
    Belisarius  scorri          Cat Picture Sender   X 
    FFM         Rapier          JoaT                        X
    jalmont     Blitz           Cult Inspector       X      X
    kirsche/SB  Vhaltz/Mitsuki  OTP                  
    Psych       eclipse         Cultproof           
    Refa        BBM             Mafia Addict                X
    Shinori     ?               2 Night Roleblocker         X
    Weapons     Iris            Prims Watcher

    This is how I think things currently are at the moment ("Refa why did you put yourself as Cult Leader, are you trying to admit something" no fuck you I'm making this not FMPOV). If anyone has any issues, they can uh...tell me what they are!

    I'm good with a Beli or shinori lynch

  9. If someone has over 200 posts, you can change the order in which the ISO displays the posts from Descending to Ascending, so as to access the earlier posts. If someone gets over 400 posts, the ones between the first 200 and last 200 are not possible to display via ISO unfortunately.


  10. Life would make a probable cult leader

    FFM's role doesn't make sense as a CL. Jalmont's claim also seems kind of weird to me as CL? I dunno, I feel like he'd get POE'd really easily. In all fairness, I can see why other people would think that I'm CL but yeah. I dunno, I can kind of buy Shinori. Does anyone else think it's weird how he roleblocks on odd nights but does nothing on even nights consistently? I kind of figured it was because he was an odd night roleblocker but meh.

    Shinori could be cult leader, since if we're assuming the CL recruits on even nights, his other power could be odd night roleblocks.

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