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Posts posted by Psych

  1. I'll be the first to admit, I haven't used Nightmare in a while, and it seems to have been updated so that might be why I'm having trouble. Last time I used it it was probably an earlier version.


    As for my problem, I can't seem to use the FE4 Player Weapon Editor module? This used to be able to work where you could change aspects of the available items for FE4. So you could potentially give the player Dark Tomes or whatever. But I can't seem to mess with it and it just says expand which is permanently grayed out.

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about or what I'm looking for if I can't fix this?

  2. I...what...This is the second time we've seen it?

    The marriage system requires a specific part of the plot to happen, with either timeskips and or time travel. IS likely won't want to repeat an exact story type so we probably won't have it next game, but maybe in future ones.

    I mean I guess if we want to have it different from 4 and 13 we could have the parents just age and have children after that but that makes me struggle to think of how that could work in relation to a game.

  3. I like Psych's reason for claiming, despite the exact roleclaim itself.

    I also don't really understand the top sentences

    Not gonna lie, I think Boron makes good case points here and against me too, god i suck, but one thing I probably didn't make clear is just how much things like self-meta usage appear as scummy behavior to me. While BBM refered to his behavior as typical scum behavior in an effort to point out bearclaw's actions, I still think that it's scummy to have attributed himself to it. I still have reservations against SB but i've been so focused on replying to bbm that I haven't really touched on anything else

    I don't even get this. I'm scummy because i gave a detailed explanation to ffm?

    All this hate on my meta :(

    Hey I fell asleep early and unexpectedly.

    Dismissing Marth's gutread is pretty lame though. Gutreads are a thing and you can't hammer on someone for stating them.

    I meant didn't. I didn't notice that typo till now


    legit all these arguments are over stuff that is hardly relevant

    I have no reason to doubt elieson's claim. It sounds weird to me, but I mean we have had zero shot stuff that comes up later. I suppose it could be scum faking and then driving later but i'm not getting that from him.

    I'd still prefer another lynch to him but I'm not opposed. I think he's town but I can see how he could be scum but it's just not strong enough for me.

  4. BBM (5): Refa, Blitz, Elieson, Psych, Mitsuki
    Elieson (4): Iris, Shinori, BBM, Reinfleche
    Iris (2): scorri, Belisarius
    Refa (3): Kay/SB, Weapons, Sangyul
    Bearclaw (1): Levity
    Mitsuki (2): Proto, Marth
    Boron (1): FFM
    Weapons (1): Eurykins

    Voteless (2): Bearclaw

    I believe lynch is 7

  5. Eury I missed skipping your wallposts <3

    @Psych- I did explain myself to Elie, twice, and it's not just the self-meta thing that's bad about his vote on me. He just dismisses all my scumhunting as terrible even though he clearly hasn't understood my Bearclaw case at all, since he's twisting it into me using self-meta to defend myself, and says literally nothing about my Refa case either. And his SB case is also really semantic and doesn't make sense.

    ALSO my god I'm not using self-meta.

    I agree with what Boron's saying. Refa literally hasn't looked at any of my posts since he initially voted me. He's just parking on it and not adding to it at all in any way. I'd still go for this lynch if people don't want to lynch Elie.

    anyways my claim: my role is provable and Via will prove it for me tonight

    that literally just makes it sound like bizz is your scumbuddy and you two want an extra night alive

  6. @Psych, what do you think of BBM, Refa (cause you said you are not accountable for him) and Bizz. Also, what do you think of the Bear cases and the inactives?

    I don't like how Psych is sitting on the sidelines and making witty comments instead of actually posting stuff or trying to scum hunt.

    I don't think refa is scum but i think he's being lazy and sheeping and not bothering to look very far. I think i've been skimming the bear stuff and don't really have a read on him, and i'm neutral on inactives. also sorry, i was asleep/busy so i'm just now posting today and i was actually posting stuff the past few days though?

    BBM using Self Meta is terrible and I think people who do it automatically become 75% more scummy because of it.

    I literally do not even care that he included townreads because it's obvious that he would lynch his scumreads over his townreads.

    His entire post was bad; poor scumhunting and bad self-defense. This is what scum does.

    There, does that make sense?

    I interpreted his mention of Quote in his lynch chart as a scumread; otherwise he would have mentioned every single player in the list, implying that Quote is among his more townie-reads. The mere fact of including her in a concise lynch-priority list implies that he has some form of scumread on her.

    BBM I literally think that posting meta as a self-defense is one of the most scummy things that anybody can do ever, so I think you're extremely scummy for it.

    I was unclear on the Iris/Quote thing...I figured since they were on your list, that you had mild scumreads on them. Mybad.

    Mitsuki hasn't responded and also had questionable sheepable rolespec. I'm not committed enough to voting for her because I can't tell if I legit think she's scummy, or if I'm just sheeping because I'm incredibly distracted. Also, SB said:

    It reads like he's being more inquisitive to you, and has two other people that he could place his vote on that he seems more "confident" about. Why would SB vote for a player that appears indecisive on? The vote on you looks like a decent pressure vote but he took it off after one response, so what was the purpose of that vote? It's clearly not aimed at any kind of definitive scumread. If it was just a reaction test and vote for pressure to get an answer then that makes sense, but I still think his vote was out of place when he could've just asked you for clarification and not placed a vote on you. That's why I think SB is scum(my).

    BBM I'm trying but I'm just not getting your response to me wrt the Self-Meta not actually being Self-Meta, and would really appreciate it if you tried explaining your case again with quotes and stuff.

    I agree with elieson and this is also in regards to blitz, but i did find bbm scummy until the past few pages. I really don't like him now and in a read through, but it looks like he just keeps trying to excuse things and is tunneling a bit too hard?

    BBM (3): Refa, Blitz, Elieson

    Refa (3): Weapons, BBM, Kay/SB

    Bearclaw (2): Levity, Boron

    Iris (2): scorri, FFM

    Mitsuki (2): Proto, Marth

    Kay/SB (1): Mitsuki

    Levity (1): Shinori

    Proto (1): Weapons

    Elieson (1): Iris

    Blitz (1): Rein

    Voteless (3): Bearclaw, Belisarius, Eurykins

    If these are wrong I blame Paperblade.

    I'm pretty sure I was voteless as well?

    Elie I wasn't even using self-meta as a defence. Seriously read the post- I'm using an example of my scum game to talk about something ALL scum do and then comparing it to something BEARCLAW is doing, and calling him scum because of it. My play, in this game, doesn't enter anywhere into it. And even if it did he's just like SELF-META IS THE SCUMMIEST THING YOU CAN DO END DISCUSSION without even explaining why self-meta is scummy.

    Elie is just like throwing around accusations with literally no backing about how my post is poor scumhunting and stuff because he's said nothing about my Refa case and clearly isn't reading my Bearclaw case either. His SB case is extremely semantic because it hinges on SB voting me for weak pressure despite not being as suspicious of me as others because he used "kind of".

    I think I prefer this to Refa right now, ##Unvote, ##Vote: Elieson

    It really just feels like you're trying to throw suspicion off of yourself by . this whole post doesn't sit well with me. Elieson is even willing let you explain your arguements and find quotes and you ignore that.

    Let me get started by saying I honestly didn't get much at all from the first like 6 or so pages. Really didn't. The bearclaw stuff was probably the biggest thing besides the interactions between Levy and BBM. I thought it was kind of weird that he didn't vote and even mentioned he wasn't going to vote but I also don't see scum!Bear doing that and I felt the jumps onto him were a bit easy as a part of it. Probably the biggest one I disliked was BBM's. He just moved his vote onto bear and the only reasoning was that 'He didn't like Bear's objection of the town read on Levy.' To me, it currently seems like a lot of BBM's posts are more defending himself and just posting general reads and not actually scumhunting. I'm kind of null on him at the moment with the possibility of him being scum. I'd honestly be more confident in him being scum if it weren't for the fact that Elie is pushing him and I'm scum reading Elie.

    I feel iffy on elie but I think I'm currently leaning scum on him. His first big wall really reminds me of his scum play though honestly. His Response to BBM also felt bad. Or plausibly forced. Reading as scum at the moment. Would like him to post on his other scum reads and not just BBM.

    Scorri is inactive and I would love for her to do more, completely null at the moment which doesn't help anything. PLEASE SCORRI COME JOIN US I DON'T BITE.

    Don't like FFM's post but he needs to post more for a more solid read.

    Also currently I don't like SB cause gut from a few of his posts. I'll probably have to get into this a bit later. But a fair amount of it is just gut/feeling and I don't like it.


    ##Vote: Elieson

    Current thing is something like Elie > SB > BBM > a few inactive-ish people > Levy > Null reads > town reads

    I don't like Shinori either, since it seems like he's defending BBM. He specifcially states he doesn't like BBM and then goes and votes Elieson who's arguing with BBM and this just doesn't make sense to me and I don't like Shinori's attitude over these two.

    Why would Psych/Weapons claim their unrecruitable status so early? Couldn't a rolecop/tracker/whatever easily find out if they're lying? I guess they could be bombs or some such trying to wipe out those roles but IDK

    Elieson's logic that "self-meta = major scumtell" feels kinda contrived but the way he acts so sure about it is giving me town vibes, like he's drawing attention to himself when he shouldn't be.

    anyway Boron is the player who I'm getting the largest scum vibes from at the moment.


    ##Vote: Boron

    also I didn't get dem kitties so fuk u :<<

    I claimed because my role told me i was unrecruitable and because it alerts me to the presence of a cult? So I wanted town to know about the cult. Weapons literally had no reasoning other than "hey i'm unrecruitable".

    I disagree that BBM is only scummy because of his self-meta, but it certainly doesn't make himself look better

  7. I only have like 62 wins or something so I can't tell if I'm much better at this game than most other mobas or we have so few players but I usually feel like I'm carrying my weight or more.

    also wow finally someone plays this the game is so good guys we need more players

  8. I asked Kay if she wanted to look over my post and she said nope BEST HYDRA BUDDY.

    The mafia got fakeclaims in SFMM3, so they probably have them here too. This is null imo.

    Psych: you said that you thought Weapons was joking, but then said you think he's scum/cult trying to claim cultproof? Which is it?

    Refa should probably have guessed that it's a joke too, but instead he's sheeping Psych's reasoning which is kind of bugging me? I don't really like his #83 either because there's no real reads in there besides town!Via but I don't really get the point of that paragraph in general? What's the point of saying "I disagree with your reasons for townreading Via, this is why I'm doing it" if you're not gonna call BBM out for being scummy because of it?


    ##Vote: Refa

    i more of meant i didn't believe his claim

    and it's possible his anti-town and was faking the cult proof

    also how is psych sheeping me if i'm not even voting right now

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