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Posts posted by Psych

  1. i always took that as kind of similar to how technology developed

    I mean it was like 70 years since aang and the development of lightning and metal bending

    we had the first cell phone in like the 80's and it was big and bulky and look at phones now, everyone has a super small mini computer

    also the metal benders were primarily the police who are run by toph's daughter, so they kind of have a better reason for knowing metal bending if toph taught her daughter

  2. Psych, that's a defeatist attitude, not cool =/ If you really think you're going to left alive for an easy mislynch, then you should be participating and contributing harder. Town would rather not mislynch a townie, no matter how badly they're playing, over scum.

    I didn't like Makaze asking you to claim and I felt that he was role fishing, so I told him to shut up.

    yeah like I said i'm reading you town but that post just rubbed me weird on a second pass

  3. honestly boron is the only one on my wagon that i feel isn't sheeping me

    @Psyche again

    Don't spout BS on me saying I flipped my vote late and iddn't explain why when I was gone for most of the day then specifically said I preferred other people > Paperblade but was fine voting him for consolidation. Seriously.

    ##Vote: Psych

    shinori and j00 have been so intermittent and lurky that I feel they're trying to gain towncred by voting me, shinori also being a huge OMGUS

    makaze is just deadlocked on my lynch which i don't like since it seems like he's tunneling me and bladescape wasn't even around for day 1 so it seems like he's just trying to join the easy lynch for the day and wipe away day 1

    makaze has been acting really weird and just focusing on my actions and kind of ignoring everyone else, while at the same time not necessarily helping town what with my claim and the way he wanted info out of me


    i think that elie and bbm are definitely town

    ##vote psych

    was that helpful?


    why even ask me "what are your reads", i can just spew those out easily

    now, is there anything in particular you would like me to talk about? i'll give my thoughts as i read it

    honestly I don't think cam's that scummy, I feel like he's acting like how paper was and it felt to me that it was just coincidence that paper was scum, yes i don't like his attitude or his contribution or lack there of but idk i feel like he leans more itp to me than scum

    people know i usually soft claim or crumb a lot so there shouldn't be anything weird about that

    i also think if i'm not lynched i'm probably just going to be left alive for an easy mislynch later if we get down to like mylo or something so idk just a thought that came to me

    As others have said, NO. Sorry, but I'm feeling better about my vote every time you post.

    Okay. I can get how it's anti-town to ask for the role itself.

    But if you can forgive that mistake, the more important questions are still unanswered... The ones we actually need, I mean. Which is also suspicious.

    Why soft claim? Not answered. How could the role have been proven? Not answered.

    But they went ahead and answered with which role it was... Why would they soft claim and then full claim without reason? I don't feel any better about it than I did before I asked.

    Okay... So the soft claim they made was not suspicious at all?

    Wouldn't they only profit from such a soft claim if they were scum?

    Please elaborate.

    What role do you have?

    How could you have proven it?

    Why did you mention that you were a role when said role can still confirm you town and get you killed? How did claiming that you had a role profit town enough that your inevitable death wouldn't matter?

    makaze's posts make me really uncomfortable, like i can't put my finger on it

    he also focused really heavily on the SK/ITP line of conversation before it looked like i could be lynched today, making me feel like he's scum worried about a potential serial killer messing up his plans before deciding to go for an easy lynch

    also while i've felt good about boron so far


    Psych, what are your reads? Why are you sort-of-claiming-but-not-really? Why did you try to push FFM over Paper yesterday? Does it really matter what your role is? Can you talk about something else and tell us who you actually suspect?

    at the time I read this, it made me feel like he was just trying to stop digging himself a hole, reading back while i was looking for makaze quotes makes me feel like this was a potential way of him getting his scum buddy to shut up

    but other than that i'm reading boron as town

  4. i haven't been able to defend myself because what, there's like nothing I can really say? like I still think people are just focusing me cause I'm an easy lynch and yeah I haven't exactly been scum hunting well but idk it's not like i'm suddenly going to figure out how to turn that around so I don't really have anything to say

    I think cam is a better lynch than me though because the things he's doing aren't helping the town whereas i've been trying and yet can't really change anyone's mind so idk

  5. As for active players, Boron's case on Psych seems worth a sheep. @Psych: why did you jump to the conclusion BBM hooked you and not a potential scum hooker? Down with a Cam lynch too.

    My flavor for the hook was going to jail and I took that as being similar to BBM's.

  6. Psych, you've been asked for more than that. Could you please help us out here some? You're not helping your case at all.

    So you don't have direct questions so you can't defend your case at all even though the general consensus is that you're scummy, Makaze thinks you're confirmed scum, and you have/have had votes placed on you in the phase already. Not contributing at all is very anti town. AlI've seen so far really is strawmanning peoples arguments against you, which is avoiding the suspicions really.


    Neighborizer, which is why I said technically, considering it doesn't actually give me any info other than talking to people

    I don't think I was strawmanning (considering I forget what that is). Makaze hasn't even really explain why very well.

    And yeah that post does not make me feel well about him at all. I feel like he's using me for an easy mislynch.

  7. There's two scum and a hostile ITP left in the game. If you're going "oh i found one my job is done" youre not contributing to the town. And if you're so certain you have a confirmed scum, chances are your head is up your ass. There's no actual confirmation here, I don't see a cop report. And Psych hasn't even gotten a chance to defend himself yet. You need to get off your high horse.

    You doing this and going "oh I'm done now" makes me feel like you're scum. Your actions aren't benefiting town, and your attitude needs adjustment.

    No one has even given me direct questions to answer

  8. Makaze why weren't you scumreading Eury day 1? What exactly do you want from eury to convince you that she is scumhunting?

    FFM why arent't you considering the possibility of me being scum as well? Your cam vote relies on the few people who didn't vote paperblade so why am i not on your scumlist?

    Psych what are your thoughts on the people accusing you.

    I reread FFM's new defense post on D1 and I feel he justified himself better which I will explain later because I am tired. Still not happy with his scumhunting skills though.

    I was actually beginning to scumread BBM at the very end of d1 but hadn't really gotten a thorough view point of his posts so decided not to vote him just yet till i read more.

    Makaze is playing super weird because he never actually mentioned Eury D1 and shenanigans and I think he instantly townreads her because of her vote I think.

    Darros hit the nail on the head with my arguement and not voting for Paper. There's been dozens of times where people were in my position and ended up with a wrong lynch target, so maybe I did pick wrong with paper. And I attribute some of that to my messed up reads this game, but other than that I don't have anything to defend myself with because they all seem to just be saying i'm scummy because I'm being scummy.

  9. What a way to end N1/start D2. Damn. ;/

    1. We have the numbers Boron offered us D1. Take it with a grain of salt- the ITP can probably be almost anything, and at this point, it's pretty obvious that they have killing potential (I do not recall any double-night killing abilities on scum-side ever existing, and as of right now, no town vig has claimed either deaths).

    2. Something feels weird about Makaze's notion of "couldn't that be a survivor?"- possible redirect away from the possibility of NK'ing ITP?

    3. For someone who had insomniac, I felt/saw little use being applied to said ability (1st post = some rather shallow reads, the 2nd post doesn't really do anything at all). I was expecting some other reads/thoughts from j00 as the night phase wore on, but none were given.

    4. I don't like Psyche's notion/post starting D2. "Which sucks cause I could have proved my role too" If you're town, congrats on confirming the fact that you have a power role of some sort to the scum team(s). If you're scum, (which I personally found you to be since D1), it'd easily explain why BBM chose to target/block you, imo. (You just so happened to not have conducted the NK yourself, if you are Mafia scum.) He remains as one of the higher priorities to lynch this day phase.

    ##Vote: Psyche

    I don't have a power role


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