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Posts posted by Psych

  1. Honestly I'd rather they remove them and just buff champion health/armor/MR/attack damage and maybe give more MPen/Attack Speed item options. Most stats you get through runes aren't huge bonuses except in early game where they can simply buff base states.

  2. I always loved it when a Phantom would spawn with a Killer Axe and absolutely wreck everything.

    Obligatory images.



    These are the best

    Knoll's usually my go-to summoner since I like having one of each class and I feel he usually pales compared to Ewan due to Ewan's extra levels. I like Ewan as a Druid, and I've actually never unlocked Lyon so...

  3. Forever upset that Izuka wasn't recruitable. I know he's a dickface who deserves to die but DAMN did I wanna play as a Summoner.

    I'm not upset Izuka wasn't recruitable, I was upset Pelleas wasn't a Summoner. I mean, come on, you had Tanith with Reinforce in 9. You took it out and couldn't retune the Dark Mage into a summoner?

  4. I wonder if this might subscribe to the theory that the designs of the Megas are what Game Freak would ideally retcon the original designs into but can't/won't because they figure that the players would be mad if designs they liked were changed permanently? (Or that the art team just decided to make new art under the principle of "What if we designed this Pokemon for the first time right now?" and the previous still applies.)


    A thought I had yesterday when I saw the news yesterday: Anyone think we might see some split Megas a la Charizard and Mewtwo in ORAS? (Except with R or S instead of X or Y as the "form's" name.)

    I like both of these ideas

    But I can't really think of any Hoenn pokemon who would get the split mega. Maybe Rayzaquaza? And say the R is more Groundon inspired and the S is more Kyogre? Or it could be a pokemon from a different generation.

    I'm liking the redesigns too, except for Phoebe. I liked her the most back in Gen 3 cause the other Elite 4 just seemed boring mostly, but now she looks too simple and unoriginal compared to Sydney and I except they'll make Drake look hella cool.

  5. Yeah it's pretty much a new player thing, new players do things people don't like and/or are easy for scum to make look bad, so they get run up a lot. Either you get better and it stops or you don't and you become Marth. #shotsfired

    or you become psych and play with that

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