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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Two skins? I knew S1 was Victorious Jarvan, but was was the other skin? oh god i am so instabuying it it is amazing that arcade hec skin though, ugh i really don't like it Honestly I don't think Vi really needs a buff, she seems like she's in a good place though if she gets behind I do admit you feel it more than someone like Jarvan, Sejuani or maybe Zac. But those three are mostly tanks rather than a damage jungler that Vi wants to be. If anything, I'd think lowering the cooldown on her passive so you have it more often would make her better, so that stacking health might be more rewarding and allow her to go tankier and abuse W procs and diving with her ult.
  2. Is the Victorious skin given for solo queue only or can you get it for 5v5 and 3v3?
  3. Andrea and Boris head to the beach, not the desert, as that is much too hot. Evan and Mel finish vanquishing the enemies, and retrieve the Question Ring from the chest. It will allow someone to ask one more question than normal when Discerning Realities. It appears there is also a hut on the beach, and some fruit trees. You'll likely need something to reach the fruit in order to knock it down. There's also a withered plant in front of the cliff.
  4. Banshee's hurts Veigar the most probably, but at a certain point you just waste spells in your combo because they die too fast. But if you can block his Stun you have a chance. Plus he's usually very squishy. I do the ballin' veigar build, where you build Seraphs, and everything out of a NLR with a Void Staff and hit 800 AP by like forty minutes.
  5. "Well I can probably close a wound, but I'm not sure about inside stuff." Leon sighed and took his staff in hand, before giving it a spin, and making the orb on top of the staff glow. He placed it close to Raelyn's head and let the energy seep off and heal her wound. Leon's hunger had deserted him so he let Caslan eat himself, before pulling a chair up to the table with the others and sitting down. He put his feet up and rested his arms behind his head, waiting for some orders. No one was really lively and he wasn't exactly sure how to lighten the mood.
  6. Oh, nothing is alive at the moment near Boris and Andrea, except those Beetles near that tree a few screens back. So you guys can explore.
  7. Hey it's fine if you guys want to keep doing both rolls yourself but like I know eail and eclipse are kind of letting me do both but... i'd prefer if you guys do your hit rolls (and take your options etc) and then when I update I do damage rolls, cause that way I don't have to assume something you wouldn't want or whatever scorri, you're fine though, you just made me think of it, like if you guys want you can do both or whatever
  8. Leon headed back into the inn, with his staff in hand. He noticed the group of four at the table, none of whom exactly seemed like a ray of sunshine. "You guys have a bit too much ale before the fight?" He smirked, before noticing his joke falling flat. "Hey, I can help you guys some, but it's not nearly as good as Sayina. Who's up first?" Leon tried going through his bag for some bandages, but he didn't have many medical supplies. He hadn't expected such wounds, and was really only equipped to handle first aid through his staff. "I guess I was kind of lucky in that fight, since how would it look for a healer to get hurt?"
  9. Andrea and Boris finish off the enemies, receiving 7 Rupees. Evan deals 7 Damage to the Red Crab, while Mel deals 7 to the Yellow Crab. Red Crab: 6 HP Yellow Crab: 4 HP Red Beetle: 11 HP (it's 3 am and i'm not in the best of mind and am messing up rolls and bonuses everywhere, so you guys kill stuff and this will get edited later or it won't and i'll just clean slate things and shove you guys into puzzles)
  10. Leon sighed deeply. He was still a bit anxious after the fight, and the adrenaline still had him shaking. He got out his watersack, and took a sip, before heading over to Sayina. "I can help with wounds, but I'm not sure how strong it'll be. I'm not used to battle wounds like this and the most I did back there was clot things." He might have been hiding during the fight, but when the alternative was a healer getting hurt, it was acceptable.
  11. ##Unvote, Vote Shin I'd rather not get lynched today and Shin has seemed very inactive lurker and scummy and there aren't many other wagons sooo
  12. I am an amnesiac. When I take a dead role, I gain a vig shot. If I use the vig shot, I lose the role I took and become vanilla. I was planning on shooting scorri. Due to the paranoid shot, I effectively had two shots, which i planned to use on bizz and scorri.
  13. I had a vig shot if i picked up a dead role asap, but i'd end up throwing it away and not being able to use it. My plan was to take the D1 lynch, and use my shot N2, becoming a vanilla (effectively) on D3. The ITP gave me the paranoid kill, but i was planning on killing scorri anyway, so I was able to save my shot and take the extra one and kill bizz, but was roleblocked.
  14. I was last night and that was where my second shot mentality came in
  15. SUPER INSIDE SCOOP ONE TIME ONLY PSYCH AT THE BEACH IN THAT ITSY BITTY BIKINI OUR SOURCES REVEAL HIS TRUE MOTIVES okay i tried to shoot bizz because i had two vig shots and was saving my scorri kill for tonight i was like oh well might as well kill someone else i thought was scummy i didn't want to out it because i am scared of being roleblocked again the reason i told manix i didn't plan on using my role very long is I am amnesiac. When I take someone's role, i can use it and stuff. I then gain access to my vig shot. If i use the shot, then i lose access to the regained role. tl;dr moral of the story is don't give psych vig shots
  16. BtS Patch 1.2 Fixed a bug where players were dying less than needed Fixed a bug where combat teams were too good Increased damage taken by PCs
  17. because i confused them and helios (player) is still alive when helios (role) is dead and no one is going to accept this as a legit reason so w/e
  18. also if you read the haze role, it's just titled serial killer and can't kill also it can't win without the ether role so I couldn't even win with it if i had taken it
  19. nah i just confused helios the person and helios the role also kk lynch me #yolo
  20. I don't know why you would be Bizz, I've already claimed and it's not that easy for the mafia to fake claim amnesiac like really, who would do that
  21. you're trying to excuse poor play with roleplaying and although you might be busy, you seem to have plenty of time to ignore most of the game
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