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Everything posted by Psych

  1. most dayvigs are one shot and the only one I can think of that might not be was Shining Force mafia, but that was just a 2-shot vig who could shoot whenever also I don't remember what game weapons claimed yet
  2. The only problem is that scum with a dayvig is incredibly powerful and almost broken. Weapons would have to be third party and I'm still in the camp where I believe Elie is the only one. Whatever he did though is just ugh I have no words
  3. also I'm probably going to die tonight, or at least soon, since poe will end up pretty easily soon
  4. I feel if Euklyd is scum, PGO is just an easy fake that Paper or Manix gave him since it's his first game and he wouldn't have to keep things straight later on. I'd be happiest with his lynchout of the others. ##Vote Euklyd If there is an SK, then that's 11/4/1/1 leanings probably, and giving the town 2 vig shots leaves little room for error, so I'm not sure how much weight I'm putting in for that. 11/5/1 might be more likely, since 12/4/1 seems heavily town
  5. I have a roleblock left. What did Refa claim? Cop? I just saw where he outed his results. I feel like Boron could be lying and be a mafia driver, but I'm leaning town on him. I think Marth and Elie are town, since I'm pretty sure Elie probably wouldn't have idle'd if he was SK And I don't really have a reason to think Scorri isn't town. I'd like Euklyd to be lynched, with Weapons after that, but I just get a vibe from Boron even though he seems really town to me.
  6. bbm said flavor was generic and i succeeded and i didn't necessarily block anything but I think I did since that would probably explain the single kill though if there was an SK numbers are probably 5/2/1 right now?
  7. I'm not sure if it is relevant but I protected Boron last night and the flavor I received implied it was successful so I'm not sure it was generic I did it or I actually stopped him from dying flavor.
  8. ugh I'd prefer a Refa lynch to Paper but I don't want to tie the lynch ##Vote Paperblade
  9. Leon took a deep breath after the battle, but his work wasn't over. He rushed around mending wounds for anyone who needed it, before some more commotion had started off the way about a Senian. Leon really needed to pick up some sort of tome to start defending himself with, even if it was just a cheap one at some stall somewhere. He went over to where they had found the commander, healing Ernce's wounds before speaking. "This seemed a bit too rushed for a planned attack. You had to have been aiming for something other than just the one person."
  10. Leon finds some spare points in his pocket and levels up to promotion! His acrobatics and agility blossom as he becomes a Jester Dancer. HP: 5 Str: 0 Mag: 6 Skl: 3 Spd: 7 Luck: 4 Def: 1 Res: 3 to HP: 7 Str: 0 Mag: 9 Skl: 6 Spd: 11 Luck: 4 Def: 1 Res: 3 HP: 21 MT: 9 Hit:6 (7-12) Avo: 13 (18) Def/Res: 1/3 Healing: 14/7 14 Points remaining, for real this time.
  11. I took Resolve instead of Lucky Hit, scorri. Also gave him 30 points to match new averages instead of 190 like before. Leon has also leveled up and I edited the post.
  12. like he's third party but I can't quote the results BBM gave me and I have no idea if there's like an SK and survivor and it's two individual 3rd parties or what but elieson is not town and he's not mafia
  13. Leon makes sure Zeff stops bleeding from his everywhere before taking a defensive stance, ready to run and jump at the first sign of danger. Leon heals Zeff +6 HP Zeff 15/15 HP Leon earns 3 points, 9 points total Leon uses Dodge, 1/2 Uses Remaining 0/2 Sneak uses remaining
  14. I can't quote but he is not aligned with another person
  15. If I do, I don't know about it. Also Paper clarify what you mean about me being sure of my results. I'm blind though, cause I don't know Boron's role. Unless he's safeguard or driver or something. also what I don't think lynching thirds is scummy, and I don't think Paper is scummy, but I think the way he's going about it could be better. Also I believe Elie's claim for now.
  16. Assassins suddenly have reliable 2 range then since otherwise you need legendary weapons for it mostly.
  17. I played Olaf for the first time ever on the beta the other day. I had to 1v2 top lane against Shen and Jax, and I had like 70 CS from axes and was like 2/5 from them diving me. I also was doing really well from just splitpushing for farm and then coming in to team fights. I think he's really good and I might actually have a chance to learn top lane with him. My build was Hydra/Tabi/Shurelya's/Ancient Golem/Warmog's/Frozen Heart. I intended to go jungle but we had someone go afk early because they got angry at the instalock Jinx and I had to go top. I ended up 8/11/10 and was the tank for the team, and while my damage wasn't great I was able to clean up nicely. I think he was okay, and I didn't really have mana issues even though I was farming with axes being 1v2. I liked him so I hope he does well. Jinx only was released like weekend, so I feel like this might be another Lucian case and she won't be out till 3.13 and I hope that's not the case. Looking forwards to the Thresh skin and the ward skins. Can't wait for Sivir next though.
  18. Leon noticed Zeff take another nasty hit during the battle. He rushed back over to him, administering another round of aid before sneaking back to his hiding spot. Leon heals Zeff +6 HP Zeff 15/15 HP Leon earns 3 points, 6 points total Leon uses Sneak, 0/2 uses remaining 2/2 Dodge uses remaining
  19. Name: Oswald Holzen Gender: Male Age: 34 Race: Human Class: Fighter Appearance: Oswald wears a green tunic with a shoulder guard on his left shoulder and a strap across the chest. Occupation: Lumberjack Nationality: Antaran Personality: Bold and brash, Oswald always looks to challenge himself. His temper can blind him to bad decisions, and he'll drink you under the table then wrestle you on top of it. Inventory: Hit Axe C, Resistance Armor C Skills: Resolve Level: 1/1 Raw Stats: HP: 9 STR: 11 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF:4 RES: 1 Simplified Stats: HP: 27 MT: 11 HIT: 12 AS: 7 AVO: 8 DEF/RES: 4/6 Backstory: Oswald worked for his father's logging company since he was young. His father was the best lumberjack and carpenter around, and worked hard every day of his life. He would tell Oswald stories of forests of silver trees, with leaves of gold. Oswald always laughed at his stories, but secretly held the dream deep inside. When his father passed and Oswald took over the business, he worked on expanding across the continent. While still growing, it is one of the most well known logging companies and it's wood is said to be of the best quality in the land. And he may still be searching for that silver forest. 40 Points left Leon also levels up! too lazy for level flavor Speed +1, Magic +1, HP +1 Leon has 5 points left.
  20. I'm Lute from Sacred Stones. I have a kill, an inspect, a roleblock, and another power. Honestly I don't scorri, that was me just jumping wagons. I mean I was convinced he was town because I thought it made more sense for me and him to exist or me and Bizz but not him and Bizz and honestly I kind of had a heat of the moment era there and didn't think things through when I should have and didn't react well.
  21. Elieson is third party
  22. I defended SB so hard and helped turbo scorri yesterday even though she wasn't lynched, so I felt as if it would like like I really had it out for her, and I wasn't sure she'd flip maf. I wasn't as aggressive towards kirsche, I just didn't like his flippant dismissal of not needed a lynch reason and it was scummy to me, but I ended up picking wrong I guess. rolespec, but I don't think there's a third party. I can't really think of many third party claims but then again BBM might have used a different claim and simply changed it's alliance. that's just my gut feel though Polyduces kind of just gave up though, and I'm not sure how I feel about that, but Refa just wanted a turbo lynch and to stop communication and then started sk musing so I'm not really sure who'd I'd rather lynch but I'm going to sit on Refa because he's bothering me more than Poly's apathy.
  23. Leon had awoken early in the morning and gone out for a walk around the town. He wanted to try and improve his acrobatic skills, as he might be able to use them in combat, A jump here, a backflip there; a bit more flexibility could definitely help. Payday would be coming up soon, and he'd be able to splurge on something a bit better than these old clothes he still had from the circus. By the time he got back to the inn and returned to his room, commotion had started. He followed the others downstairs and as fighting broke out, Leon remained in the rear. Spells flung from all sides and arrows being let loose, Leon noticed Zeff take a hit. He rushed to his side and healed him, as Zeff was busy protecting someone else. Leon quickly ran behind a pillar on the side of the street, in an effort to remain safe. Leon heals Zeff +6 HP Zeff 11/15 HP Leon earns 3 points, 3 points total Leon uses Sneak, 1/2 uses remaining 2/2 Dodge uses remaining
  24. with the scaling on W I'm actually a little scared of Jinx Nidalee lanes
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