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About PacoHeavyFire

  • Birthday 09/28/1995

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    Books, Youtube, Football, running, drawing, and bitches (:
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late.

  2. I would post more things for this topic, but I'd have to think about them throughly, but how do you think 4 class sets for each Parent character would affect everything? Would it be too much?
  3. Just wondering, how do we know the ones we know, and why don't we know some of the others?
  4. Halla, so, I decided to start my Lunatic + run, but I guees I nned advice. What changes? Just skills on the enemy? Can I tackle it thr way I tackle regular Lunatic? Or could someone guide me through the first 4 chapters?
  5. Maybe there will be a FE game that centers around Arvis, and he'll be considered as a Lord, yes. And that game will be fucking awesome
  6. I would actually Say Sumia, then Frederick, the Kellam, and I mean, yeah, the avatar might be the best general, but Meh, who would leave their avatar as General?. And actualllt my parameters are based mostly with Stat Caps and Skills, growth wise Kellam of course takes the first place.
  7. Im doing this as a serious topic hecause I started thonking the other day, between Fred, Kellam and Sumia who is the bst general. I figuered out, well, Kellam being the default option lets see what he's got: First off, his modifiers are madre specifically for this, yet i think +1 Str is weak, skilwise, Renewal, Luna, Pavise... and tgat was all I could see for him. Then Fred. Nice modifiers, Luna, Pavise, Aegis, and some Breaker skills from w. Rider And then I tought, what about Sumia? I was like, well, -2 Str and Def suck, and her speed is kinda wasted, but she has Lancefaire, Luna, Renewal, Pavise, Galforce, and maybe even Relief. I also tought, well, when the three are equipped with a Lance, Sumia has the highest.attack of the three because of Lancefaire. So yeah, I know Fred and Sumia haver vetter stuffto do, but are they the best Generals of the parent generation?
  8. Think people is confused toward.what.makes a Lord. Roy isn't blue haire por example, and Ike doesn't have royal blood. I think Lords in FE are main characters in ever game, who hold some sense of leadership and share a common goal which might be peace, etc, and most likely command an army. I think the avatar is just a very key part to the plot, it.serves as a customizable, semi relatable.character for.the player and that's pretty much it for me.
  9. Huh. So I guess that's why all risen teams on the Map are level 20 promoted teams?
  10. I tried to grind by fighting low leveled Spotpass legacy characters to gain exp and also wexp because Exponential Growth really just gives Exp, but no matter what happen I always get 1 EXP and no Wexp, is this normal for Lunatic? Because I remember in Normal and Hard it just hasn't like that.
  11. I think bride is a nice class for the skills, and also as a nice balanced final class for Sumia, at least I like it
  12. Agree, Vaike is an amazing choice fir Nowi, Nah becomes incredibly better with all the.class inheritancr she receives from Vaike. Also, what do you mean by OHKO? Is that possible in Apo? What I do is pack forged brave weapons for my lead unit and brave and beast killers, maybe armourslayers for my support units, then just kill everything in one turn, idk if thats similar or...
  13. I never said I wanted those skills for Apo,I meant that whike you build skills, those skills are really useful, like in Mire or.Dark Flier heavy chapter The skills i try to have for Apo in any are Sol, or Luna, Galeforce, Faire skilks, Armstrifht,and as fillers Quick Burn, Lifetaker, maybe Renewal. Thing is things like Vantage I think are obsolete in Apo, for example, I always try to.he the one to.initiate.battle
  14. I think for that build that would be.Sumia,well, I would like that. If Not,maybe one of the children
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