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Status Updates posted by Tangerine

  1. chok on urself

  2. STFU btch gd i hat u

  3. There are a couple VC DLCs, no? I didn't get any of them because I had already burnt myself out on in :P. What were you interested in?

  4. That is loli you dirty man!

  5. WHAT IS THIS? They have their clothes on! How's a girl supposed to get into this?

  6. Any specific search tags I should use for the really good stuff?

  7. What should I google? I'm new.

  8. mother f where is my yaoi?

  9. btch i wud rathr smel lik dog sht then CRASH sht cuz thts wut u smel lik n its fkn rotten. my gag reflx is on ovrdriv evry time u get within 2 miles of me. ur horrible, rottn smel alon peels my skin

  10. stpd fkn banana it not a fantasy we liv n da sam fruit bwl n i can SMELL it u fk hed.

  11. dats how dey us u i SAW it i wuz jus hangin out n da fruit bowl n crashgordon take u out n us u lik a sex toy 4 hours!! u likd it 2. he mus hav put u insid him lk 25 tims!

  12. filthy stupd banana u probly smell like ess becuz sum greesy comptr nerd repetedly use u as a dildo. u mak me throw up jus thinkn abut how much u injoy it. gross

  13. stpd btch ur not elit ur a joek u probly not evn on a tre u probly in thr GARBAGE becuz ur rotten

  14. u stpd btch ur a fruit 2!!! god wat a dumbess.

  15. You have sent me a friend request! I require five good reasons for this request before I can accept in good faith. I have turned down countless random friend requests! Prove to me you are not one of them. I look forward to your response!

  16. ur vtm morin n vtm fkched

  17. at lest its not vtmn moron

  18. vitm c btch evr herd of it?

  19. at leest im helthy 4 them u pretnd 2 b helthy but ur not at all ur lik a virus

  20. I expect to see something come the 12th then! That's right, weekly gifts!

  21. Well, it's the thought that counts! Good man!

  22. no thos arnt reel frends lik wat i hav

  23. ur frnds ar tree brk n monkys

  24. ur stil on becuz nobody but ur famly want u lol fkcr

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