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Elite Lord Sigma

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Posts posted by Elite Lord Sigma

  1. I've enjoyed what I've played so far. I do have a few questions.

    1. I know of three gaiden chapters: the two Wayland chapters you get by default, and one chapter revolving around the Red Wind and Magnus (15x, I think). I didn't get the latter the first time around, so I'm curious if there are any others besides those three.

    2. Are the tactician rankings holdovers from Blazing Blade, or have they been uniquely determined for this game?

  2. 17 hours ago, Dunal said:

    The BK got a slight buff in the next update but yeah he's still your overall best unit for 1-E regardless. 'Hard mode' kinda screws with that however. I think the concern was that he wouldn't scale for the remainder of the game but he gets stronger with every re-appearance. The BK fight at the end of the game isn't as easy as the original.

    I assume you're making it so you can't cheese the fight with a Hammer like you can in the base game, right?

  3. 5 hours ago, Golden Battler said:

    Playing on Dolphin 5.0-7004, I get an error going into 1-2. The pre-mission dialogue (with Laura and etc) loads just fine, but then the game just infinitely hangs on a black screen. Not sure if there's something I can change on my end, but might be worth looking into.

    This is a known issue. The file causing the problem has been identified, but I'm not sure if Dunal has fixed the issue yet.

  4. 9 hours ago, Dunal said:

    Yeah this would seem to be the case. I can PM you later and investigate this if you want. What I can do is rebuild 1-2 adding/changing one thing at a time (creating like 8-10 different versions) and by process of elimination as to what works and what doesn't, we can figure this out. If it's something very specific (Like a Thief existing outside of a reinforcement), then fixing other maps should be doable as well.

    Sure, that sounds fine with me.

  5. I believe I've identified the file causing the issue for modded Wiis. Namely, the dispos_h.bin file in the bmap0103 folder in the zmap directory is part of the problem. When I removed it from the ferd folder used by Riivolution for patching, it proceeded to the battle map fine. Unit stats and classes were not affected, but Sothe did enter the map from the location in the vanilla game and not the new one by the chests in the southwest corner of the map. I also believe the enemy unit deployment was identical to how it was in the vanilla game.

  6. 38 minutes ago, Dunal said:

    It may be to do with the 'Mess' file for general text that's causing the issue. I could provide a version of the hack with the original file for this and see what happens.

    I tried removing the e_common.m and common.m files both separately and simultaneously from the ferd folder, but I still get a black screen loading into the battle map for 1-2. Perhaps the issue is with the map or enemy layout files?

  7. I tried running this on my Wii via Riivolution, but I ran into the same issues accessing 1-2 and beyond noted in the release post for the current patch. I did notice that the class name of the mage with Worm in the Prologue seemed to change between loads. The first time, his class was Scholar, but it was Wind Mage on my most recent attempt. If I recall correctly, I believe you also changed the names of Thunder and Fire Mages, yet they were the same in 1-1 as they are in the vanilla game. I'm not sure if that will help you identify the issues proceeding with this on the Wiis, but it's something.

  8. Proof that RNGesus hates me.



    Tharja 4* (-RES/+HP): Blech.

    Frederick 4* (+ATK/-DEF): Already have a better one. Next.

    Ogma 4* (+ATK/-HP): Pretty damn good, but I already have an excellent Ogma.

    Eliwood 3* (+RES/-HP): My first Eliwood is better.

    Sully 3* (+HP/-RES): A pretty bad nature to have for Sully or most anybody else.


    Followed by proof that RNGesus loves me.




    Clarine 3* (+RES/-DEF): Not terrible, not great either.

    Selena 4* (+DEF/-ATK): Also not that good. 

    Cherche 3* (+DEF/-HP): Meh. Could be better.

    Raigh 4* (+ATK/-RES): -DEF would have been better, but this one is pretty good.

    Jaffar 5* (?): Yay!

  9. Tried out another pull. Results were pretty mixed.

    -Barst 4* (New) (+RES, -DEF)
    Not good. Barst wants +ATK or +SPD far more.


    -Roy 4* (+RES, -HP)

    Blech. Pretty sure the Roy I already have is better.


    -Serra 3* (New) (+SPD, -ATK)

    Workable. It's not like she can do much damage with how weak Absorb is to begin with. -DEF would probably be a better bane, though.


    -Subaki 4* (+SPD, -RES)

    Appropriately enough, Subaki ends up with a perfect stat distribution. Resistance is already his worst stat. 38 Speed at 5* Level 40 is a pretty good benchmark, allowing him to both avoid being doubled by almost the entire cast and double characters he otherwise couldn't. The 31-33 speed range is pretty crowded, including: Clarine, +SPD Cordelia, Male Corrin, Elise, +SPD Eliwood, Jakob, Jeorge, Kagero, Merric, Odin, +SPD Ogma, Olivia, +SPD Olwen, Palla, Peri, +SPD Raigh, +SPD Raven, +SPD Male Robin, Roy, +SPD Sakura, Serra, Takumi, +SPD Young Tiki, +SPD VIrion. I'm pretty pleased with this one.


    -Oboro  3* (New) (+HP, -RES)

    Passable. +ATK or +SPD would probably be better, but Oboro doesn't particularly mind having less RES.

    So, assuming you made it through that wall of text, I thought about boosts and banes for a little while, and I can't think of a single instance where -HP or -ATK would be good banes to have. Can anybody else think of something I've overlooked?

  10. I was able to clear the main story on all three difficulties using my core team. This was mostly because I pulled a 5* Ogma on my first draw, who carried until my second pull. My second pull gave me both 5* Lyn and two 5* Takumis, so most of the remaining missions were a piece of cake. Armors gave me a bit of trouble, but pulling a 5* Young Tiki on my fourth pull resolved that issue nicely.

    So, here are the units I have with stat spreads that I know for sure.

    -Ogma 5* (+ATK, -RES)

    -Young Tiki 5* (+SPD, -ATK)

    -Raigh 3* (+SPD, -DEF)

    -Cecilia 3* (+SPD, -DEF)

    -Fir 4* (+HP, -ATK)

    -Lyn 5* (+HP, -ATK)

    -Eliwood 4* (+ATK, -HP)

    -Sanaki 5* (+SPD, -DEF)

    -Frederick 3* (+DEF, -RES)

    -Virion 2* (Neutral)

    -Male Corrin 4* (+HP, -RES)

    -Gunter 4* (+HP, -ATK)

    -Hinoka 5* (Neutral)

    -Takumi 5* (+DEF, -HP)

    -Hinata 4* (+RES, -DEF)

    -Sakura 4* (+ATK, -HP)

    -Peri 4* (+HP, -ATK)


    Some of these are ideal. For example, Ogma loves being able to hit enemies even harder and doesn't really mind lower RES when he can't tank magic to begin with, while Sanaki likes not getting doubled by 90% of the cast. Others (read: Hinata, Peri), not so much.

  11. Wait, the randomisation would be applied on download, you say? Not when running the patcher?

    Piggybacking off of this, if I wanted to "reroll" the randomization for a new playthrough, would this be possible without needing to download the patch again? For those of us who are playing this via Riivolution, would it be possible for the randomization stay fixed for a particular save file each time the patch is applied?

  12. Planning to release something very soon.

    Recently been experimenting with the idea of randomized shops (particularly bargains) as well as various changes to map design in some cases. Otherwise, it's more or less complete.

    How much randomization would there be? Would it be optional or part of the redux as a whole? Also, do you mean changes beyond alterations to enemy placement/variety/density/etc in regard to map design?

  13. Hello, I'm playing Bloodlines for the first time. The swarms in Chapter 1-2 are still a bit borked. One of them stole the Silver Icon hidden in the peak, and Tyren couldn't steal it back despite having higher Speed than the swarm. It also didn't drop when I defeated the swarm. Is this intentional?

  14. Hello, Marcella. It's always nice to see entertainers in general that are willing to interact with their audience.

    Anyway, my question for you today is this: do you sing at all? If so, is there any vocal part (soprano, alto, etc.) and/or songs in particular that you enjoy performing? I'm asking because, judging from the snippets I've heard in your performance of Lamb in League of Legends, your voice sounds lovely.

  15. While I was looking through the updated unit data you posted on Thursday, I noticed a few inconsistencies in stat caps between characters of the same class.

    1. Leonardo's Marksman caps are listed as 36 in STR, 36 in SPD, and 24 in MAG. Shinon's Marksman caps in these same stats are respectively listed as 36, 37, and 24, while Rolf's Marksman caps are listed respectively as 38, 38, and 22.

    2. Mia's HP gain upon promotion to Trueblade is listed as +13, but Lucia's HP gain upon promotion to Trueblade is listed as +12.

    I'm pretty sure all characters of the same class should have the same stat caps and promotion gains, so are these inconsistencies an oversight?

  16. Hey. I finished playing through what you've done so far, and I have a few bits of feedback I'd like to share with you.

    Generally, I feel the difficulty is about where it should be. However, I believe there are a few changes you've made that result in certain sections of the game being too dependent on luck. The two major offenders here are the Wish-shiv thieves in Chapters 17 and 19 and Howard in Chapter 18. Even my most accurate lance-wielders average only around 60% accuracy against these thieves. Combined with the armor-piercing nature of the Wish-shiv and its high crit rate, they caused me to reset frequently to get past the opening half of Chapter 17 and parts of Chapter 19.

    My issue with Howard is that his stats are so high for that point in the game that any unpromoted unit cannot face him without risking being one-rounded. Sending Shon up against him for his sidequest is thus borderline suicidal. However, I like that his base stats make him worthwhile once he joins your army, so I don't believe nerfing him directly would be the best way to address this problem. Rather, I'd suggest simply getting rid of the Amulet in his inventory in Chapter 18, since it pushes his AS up to the point where he can double so many of your units. It's already hard enough to even land hits against him without risking having all your work undone by him one-rounding whoever you send against him.

    On a smaller note, the Munio shaman in Chapters 17 and 19 are annoying to deal with, since actually killing them forces you to slowly whittle down their tome uses and thus slows the pace of the chapter down to a crawl, but they don't feel nearly as cheap to go up against as the enemies I mentioned earlier. I'm also experiencing the glitch where Stephanie disappears from the army after Chapter 15, but you've already addressed that problem in a previous post, so I won't harp on it. I also noticed a few spelling and grammatical errors in the text you've added in the hack (such as Mina's dialogue when she joins the army).

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