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Posts posted by Pretty_Handsome

  1. Tell you, Walhart's Paralogue is faster, easier and only requires you pair up and have a 1-2 weapon once you're strong enough for it.

    Veteran and/or Paragon majes it easy to get to that level for maxing out.

    I got all the skills in the game that Male Robin could get by doing it.

  2. I haven't played the game, admittedly, but I think this game's level system is way better than Awakening's.

    Only thing I like better is not needing to return to base classes. Everything else is inferior to Awakenings.

    Maybe if we get Paragon and Veteran via dlc it may make things less painful.

  3. After 30 the exp gain is just so bad and unlike Awakening we don't have a decent exp grind map or Walhart's paralogue which flooded you with capped promoted classes to kill.

    I vastly prefer the old way of reverting back to level 1, made getting skills and getting stat ups much easier.

    Especially when you consider that getting to 40 on Felcia, Flora, Jakob, Azura and the such in their base classes is a trap as you don't revert to level 1 promoted. So if you didn't class change them asap it's a pain to get them in other classes for skills and different growths that would help them. Especially Azura who has very bad growths as a dancer.

  4. Unlike Awakening the children aren't actually canon this time around. The story ignores their existence entirely.

    Marriage seems non-canon too unlike Awakening which established marriage as actually happening in the story. That and all children are canonically born for the direct future, before time travel, and future past which had the odd case of 2 Morgans which is unique to that timeline.

    Just fluffy things to mess around with this time around.

    Though if any route has them it would be Revelation as that's the completely off the wall random route.

  5. Lead


    Nohrian Trust

    Hoshidan Unity


    Speedtaker or Dragonfang









    Have a person run around nearby with Potent Potion and Quick Salve to buff up.

    Rally bots are much trickier this time though. Haven't found the perfect rally bot yet that isn't log book Corrin.

  6. No they didn't.

    Soleil is horrifying in the original version and comes off as extremely homophobic.

    The NoA version is actually true to her character.

    She likes girls, she's not just gonna shack up with every guy that looks her way.

    I'm still not happy that the only gay options we did get are...

    1 - Behind paywalls.

    2 - Only 1 per gender.

    3 - Only gay for Corrin, no one else. All other S Ranks are opposite gender.

    4 - They're portrayed as sexual deviants, masochists, stalkers, sadists, outcasts, deviants and the such.

    5 - Their appearence as well contributing to the above. They're intentionally made not to look like regular people.

  7. I disagree with Forbes here.

    The localization is pretty good with some improvements such as Soleil. Changes were needed.

    All this talk, not Forbes in particular, over the changes is annoying. It's like saying you cannot enjoy sushi in the usa because it wasn't made exactly the same way with the exact same ingredients like in Japan.

    Well, gosh darn it, the usa sushi tastes better in my opinion as its catered towards my American tastes.

  8. It's only a challenge if you go with awakening's philosophy of charge in head on and kill everything. Instead keep your units together and position them so that they surround the spawn stones. That way when the enemy comes in you essentially ambush them, can prioritize targets, and set yourself up with attack stance barrages. You don't want to kill everything that moves. Wipe out 2 or 3 groups and you'll have plenty of xp for everyone.

    No, it's a challenge when you have units who can't even do 1 damage to the enemy abd get one-shotted. The map is slso way too long for the pitiful amount of exp from it.

    Scouting is superior in every way.

    Challenge maps aren't expensive, I easily make its worth and than some and with the gold map coming there will be no seal issues.

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