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Posts posted by GoldsbroTSG

  1. Miria was out cold. There was a couple of coughs, before opening her eyes, and yawning... It was a hell of a hit, but Miria seemed to turn that knock out into a nap. She looked around, then sat herself back up quickl, "W-Wait, did I miss Syndra? What happened? Wha--?!" She looked around, she was still being seen by medics. But she noticed... she still had some energy in her. She took a step up from the seat she was in. She seemed, fine, for the most part. She did a few stretches.

    "Uh, i-is my friend okay?  Have I been out long?" She asked the medics. Would be bad for her to try to leave and something was wrong.

  2. Miria nodded with a smile as Luia... seemingly, complimented her name. The girl immediately dropped her gold for the fee, and did a few stretches. She had to make sure the bones were nice and awake. "Okay, I'm off then~ Wish me luck Syndra, Mari. Oh! And Mari, speaking of what you said earlier, hahah, ask me again about it when I get back." She hadn't forgotten the comment the arm-girl made regarding a mercenary group. Little did she know... No! No time for distractions! Miria stepped herself through, and made her way to her position. Not before arming herself with... Miria realized she had left her helmet. After that whole week, had she forgotten to keep it with her after losing it? Well, it was too late, she already paid her money. Getting herself armored up, she mentally prepared herself...

    When her name was announced, the Lunar Gold stepped and held her sword in the air as the crowd cheered. She loved this. It was an exciting, blood-rushing feeling. Her first opponent arrived. The Red Flame. Something fire related. Cool, Miria thought to herself. Miria at this point was used to fire. She got this good. The girl immediately went in to attack, got a strong first hit in, but the Flame responded with a fireball. Miria's armor easily took the blast as she put her arm in front of her face. And she was still coming! Remembering not to be lethal, instead of a sword slash, Miria gave her opponent one good punch, and down went the Red Flame.

    Next up was one 'Green Thunder'. Must've been like some kind of duo regarding their names, Miria thought it was cute. It was a much similar fight, Miria was able to charge in for a hit, and after eating a bolt of lightning, she went in for a finishing shot, able to cleanly turn the sword to it's side before smacking the man across the face and sending him to the ground. Another win, Miria was still feeling good.

    And now comes Sakaim Narva. Not as flashy as Red Flame and Green Thunder, maybe a little more business first, fun later. Miria gave a look at this individual, she wasn't positive on if she could confidently beat this one, and soon, her sword engulfed in flames. The trimming of her armor had begun to glow red, and her normally shining gold eyes, similarly became a fiery red. She moved in to strike, giving one good shot towards her opponent. In return, he went for a shot of his Elflux, but Miria's flames burned to bright, and the shot had missed. The flaming girl went for her strike, and seemed to have struck too well, and Sakaim fell.

    Next up was Ramirez. This guy felt familiar, but... Miria didn't really worry about it. What she remembered, this was the guy that had stopped Mari, who lopped off her arm. He was tough... With full confidence, Miria went in and-- With barely any time on the clock, Miria's first strike... hit home, and Ramirez was already down. She thought this would be more... difficult. "U-Uh... S-Sorry!" She announced to him, she felt bad about how their fight had just gone. The girl was sure he'd be just as flabbergasted when he was up.

    Then, there was one Deci Long Reach. That must've been a title, especially considering the bow. Miria's assault began, and she got the first good hit in. Deci fired back, and Miria felt it in her shoulder, even if it bounced and broke apart on her armor. She gave a swing, and not only had she knocked out her opponent, their bow was snapped in half.

    As Lumina Wanderer stepped up, Miria's flames had faded away. That was it, and she wasn't going to be able to bring them back. Miria had to rely on her skill for this one. At least, she hoped she could. Her first attack was on point, a good hit on Lumina, but she was quick to fire back: some kind of light spell! The golden girl was quick to dodge the attack, the fight in Liste reminded her of what happened last time. Another hit struck, but this time Lumina's light had struck Miria, knocking her back a bit. As she regained her footing, it seemed some of the woman's wounds were healing? This was some other form of magic. However, that wasn't going to stop this armored hero from showing her ferocity! One more strike! But it still hadn't been enough!

    It was then...

    The final spell casted hit Miria, but something about it was way stronger than before. Miria was sent flying across the arena. The crashing and rolling knocked the wind out of Miria as she finally came to a stop. That definitely hurt. Miria shook her head, she felt something warm trickling down her face. She coughed only to see dirt fly around. She was on the ground. But.. she couldn't stop fighting. Not yet! She hadn't won yet! Miria tried to force all her energy to her herself off the ground. It looked like she was going to make it. Until something in Miria's brain forced her to stop, and she had crumpled back, face first into the dirt as her armor dissipated, and she was back in her regular clothes.

  3. Miria's smile was big and confident. She stepped forward, keeping her game face on point. She was gonna kick ass, and she felt good about it.

    "If I may, the name is Miria, but if you can announce my name as, 'the Lunar Gold' when I go in. I promise you'll understand." Her voice toned down from her usual excitement, toning it down to show how serious she was about this request. She thought the lady would be nice enough to follow through.

  4. "Don't die... well, that'll be easy for me." Miria answered with a smile. "And as for the arms, I got my own thing my arms will be safe from. I'll be fine~"

    Syndra suggested she should go first. Or assumed, either she gave a raise of her arm, flexing her muscles, "Yeah! I'll go first, that way you'll know what you're up against, right?" She asked, with her usual glee.

    It was then that the lady who seemed like the proctor of the whole arena, she brought Mari her gold, and then directed herself to her and Syndra. Miria gave a confident smile, "No ma'am, I'll be going in, full force. I'm tough as nails~"

  5. Syndra was still behind her, showing some extra worry on if shaking the arm was safe. Miria never thought about that, she was too busy thinking about if it worked fine. And she didn't even introduce himself! "Oh, um, I'm Miria. Nice to meet you, Mari. Haha, Mari, Miria, they're almost the same~" She thought it was funny, at least a little. She started a bit at the arm again, then at the desk. "Yeah~ The last town I was in, I was able to make my way through the arena we were in, so, I'm feeling good about this one~ You did good, it looked like. Any tips before either of us go in?"

  6. "Wow..." So it's been some time for Syndra. That makes sense, depending on how long she was in the Tigers. "That makes sense. I just grew up in Moranno. Tiny little trade town on the border of Kansei. It was small but it was always busy."

    Miria started humming a small song, nothing huge, just a thing for her. Then, she continued, "Papa was a treasure hunter, he always liked finding knick-knacks and trying to sell them in our shop. I normally ran it for Mama once I was old enough. I needed a stool when I turned eleven, cause I couldn't reach the top of the stand." She giggled. "I miss it, honestly. Moranno was always so lively."

    They continued to walk until finally reaching their destination. It's an arena, like most arenas look. She was ready and raring to go. "Aha! Here we are!" She turned to Syndra, a proud smile on. "Shall we?" She asked as she stepped into the arena.

    Walking in, Miria was almost immediately overwhelmed by the sounds of the cheering and roaring. There was a fight! Maybe she'd get a good look at her future competition! Off she went to the stands to see what was going on. It was a pretty tough fight from what it looked like. A lady and another guy with axes. The lady went in for another attack, but the guy countered and lopped off the lady's entire arm. Miria's gasp was overpowered by the whole stand. However, said lady gave a thumbs up, and the healers were able to put her arm back on. Miria was astounded. She had no idea healing magic was that powerful. It filled her with so many questions, but(!), there's no time for it. If this lady was done with her fight, Miria was ready to go right in. As things calmed down, she walked out of the stands, and made her way towards the front.

    Who happened to be there, but the 'arm lady'. Miria approached, and her curiosity got the better of her, "Are you alright miss? Did they put it back on right?"


  7. Miria nodded happily, "Alright! Let's do it then!" as she laughed, she turned to take the lead of the duo and began making her way to the arena. She took in her environment, taking some mental notes of what was on the way. 

    "It's pretty here," she quietly spoke, as she turned to check and make sure Syndra was behind her, "Have you ever been to a place like Cerezia before? This is the first time I've been in a city this big."

  8. The girl's face lit up when Syndra suggested spending time in town together. And even to a bookstore. "That's sounds awesome, totally! Actually, I was gonna start the day at the arena. Get some action in, a little workout, then enjoy the rest of my day. Some good lunch, maybe get some new clothes. I'm sure we could work some bookstore'ing into it~! Well, if that's fine with you?" She didn't know Syndra's take on going to the arena. She didn't seem the kinda person to want to go buckwild on an arena gauntlet. But, maybe she was down to watch? Miria's head tilted a little.

  9. Miria was lost in her imagination, 

    What if a cape? That'd be cool. Ooh, ooh, what if we tricked out our gauntlets, that way we could fight with our fists if we need. If only we knew someone who could fix this damn thing.

    She pondered all sorts of ideas until she her a familiar voice call out to her. She stopped and turned around. It was Syndra, running to catch up with her. Miria waved out with a smile, "Hey Syn~ What's up?"

  10. Miria listened and nodded silently. In reality, she didn't want to leave poor Gean by herself. She was hurting, the incident in Sarasin's manor was very clearly still weighing on her. But... Miria was also someone who respected her space.

    "Okay." She spoke, simply, but she still kept the smile on. "Just..." Miria leaned over and gave her sister a big hug. Maybe a small joke will lighten Gean's mood up at least a smidge. "You still owe me lunch, heehee~" letting go, Miria crawled her way over , and started her hop out of the wagon.

    "Love you Gean. I know you got stuff going on, but... my fingers are crossed~!" And out she hopped.

    She took in the city the group had found themselves in. Maybe... some time on her own should be fine. Tio said something about an arena. Maybe that was her best bet, some quick fighting in to start the day.

  11. Miria was still fast asleep in the wagon. Best way to handle the travel when she was bored was to sleep and let her energy build up. She uncurled from her spot with a yawn, and began scanning the area. She realized they had stopped. Patting her head some to wake her up, she finally got up and realized they had made it to a city. One of the Evokers referred to it as 'Cerezia' from what she remembered.

    She got some of her water, and took a few sips from it. It was still hot out. Hopefully they'd find an inn and Miria can find a bath, or a pool, or something. And a good place to eat, she could go for a nice meal.

    As the girl planned to leave, she noticed her big sister seemingly thinking, or something. Miria assumed what happened back in the mansion was still lingering on her. Miria wasn't sure if she could relate or not. Maybe, considering her family troubles, but... Gean's was on another level. So(!), Miria decided she'd do what she does best.

    "Good morning Gean~" She started as she made her way over to the mermaid, anx planted herself next to her. "What's the plan for today?" She asked, carrying her award-winning smile.

  12. Miria had easily brought Gean to her resting spot, it was almost second nature, she was tough and all! But once Gean was laid out, Miria pulled out a chair, and sat as she watched Renais play. She had already decided she was going to sit and keep Gean nice and watched over until she was good to go. Just to bring out her book, and begin a bit of reading. There was a good bit she was ready for, some big fight that was about to--

    The girl was caught so off guard by the sound of multiple keys being slammed, she jumped out of her seat and began backing up, dragging the chair along with her. When it started to die down, Miria realized instantly what had happened. Renais... just passed out where she was, face first into the piano. Miria didn't even need direction from Gean, she had immediately ran to and gently scooped the pinkette from her... Accident area. She cradled and held Renais for a moment, giving her a soft rub to her head, That had to have hurt... The brunette turned back to the bed, noticing that Gean scoot to give the girls space.

    And without asking questions, Miria laid the poor pinkette with Gean, and helped get her comfy and blanketed (and made sure the two were nice and snuggly together).

    "Easy, just like that." And she pat Renais's head gently.

    "Now then, I'll be right here," and she went back to her chair, turning it so she wasn't looking at the duo in bed. She gave the nod to Favio regarding Gean's request. "I'll be right here keeping an eye out. For safety." She wasn't sure how much it was necessary, but she was at it now.

  13. And that was that. Several people already vacated the dining room, like Renais and Alvira. That left not many people remaining as people began to disperse. Miria scratched her head, thinking about what to do next.

    It was then that Sarasin explained about how his assistant could show Gean to a room to rest. That sounded like a good idea. However...

    "I guess that settles things right now. Anyway," Miria lowered herself towards Gean's chair, and without warning, scooped the fellow Tiger into her arms, without a second thought. Almost seemingly... too easy for Miria to pull off considering the size difference between the two. "Mister Favio, if you'd be so kind." She spoke with a smile as she started walking towards him, Gean almost like a princess being cradled in Miria's arms.

  14. Gean got herself off the ground and took the water glass. After a bit, she... dropped a few bombs.

    Gean was a noble, chased out of her home. A noble from Lufiria, no less. Miria wasn't really sure on how to take in everything that was happening. Gean was an acquaintance of the suspected princess, and someone named 'Jeremiah', who's after Gean. Someone In-- Versaris claims they stand no chance against.

    Miria couldn't help but stare at Gean, she didn't really... have her own input towards all of this. She understood needing to run from home, but... what Gean probably had to go through...

    There weren't any words from Miria as she approached the girl in her seat. The girl wanted to just... hug her sister, but felt it wasn't appropriate at the moment. So instead, Miria just lightly patted Gean's head. She tried to offer the usual kind smile.

  15. A princess of Lufiria is the prime suspect of the stolen relic? That seemed... even for what she knew of Lufiria, extremely far-fetched to Miria. But, she has been read up on her history, and wars have been started for stupider things. Miria was thinking about speaking up, then suddenly Gean was on the ground, several people already helping her. Miria took that moment and instead reached for some water on the table, and lowered herself to Gean.

    It was so odd to Miria, that Gean collapsed so quick at such news. At that moment, Miria knew there was something Gean knew, or something about the situation was bothering her. As of right now, Miria didn’t really care, her sister was in need of help.

    The girl took the glass of water she grabbed and motioned it to Gean’s face. "Drink some water real quick, and just breathe, okay?" And Gean’s hands would be met by a slap should she try to grab at the glass. Miria was in her caring mode.

  16. Miria continue to massage Nyx's shoulders despite listening that 'she's good'. Miria of course, wasn't that blind to Nyx, but she was going to push anything either. She was too busy thinking about what Sarasin had said regarding their journey, and it made Miria's skin start to crawl.

    She really hadn't thought about the idea of... their actions attracting the attention of knights, organized military. It was one thing, to beat down bandits, pirates and criminals, but knights? And with this stolen relic, there's no telling if the knights would engage on site if the potential of the Tigers being thieves was there at all. 

    That sucks for them, definitely, but it put a moderate amount of fear in Miria. It was one thing, running from home because of assassins. But knights? If they really wanted to...

    Miria steeled herself. Instead of potentially worrying her fellow Tigers, she gave a light smile to Renais and Gean. "If we run into them, we just... gotta protect ourselves each other? Right? We gotta get our mission done." It was the best response Miria could give to her companions.

  17. "Hmm..." Miria didn't have much of an input to add regarding Nyx's totally inconspicuous criminal past, but it was cool to Miria to know her now. She was a former criminal, at least, from Miria's understanding, so she had no issues with the idea, nor really had any intention to press on the idea at the moment. Maybe later, especially with the sudden look coming from Nyx. Miria got out of her seat, and walked herself over to just give her (normally) drunk companion a gentle shoulder rub, to try and help the woman relax. 

    There wasn't much Miria could really add that wasn't I'll be here if you need something, but what really could Miria do aside from... exist? Helping Nyx with whatever was bothering her was probably a job better suited for Gean, or Syndra.

    It was then the girl's golden eyes locked on a familiar pink-haired healer making her way into the room... going immediately into the wine. Miria snickered at the idea of drinking so early in the morning, but she wasn't going to judge. Instead, she rose up and started waving one of her hands to get Renais' attention.

  18. The girl, despite nearly drowning herself in a sea of breakfast, made sure to keep up with the conversations as best she could. Some coins that left twelve-thousand between the group. A little... small, but they'd make due. That was what they do as mercs. Maybe some more luck will fall their way in a bit. She pulled herself back up, a belly full of food, and a great mood. As far as she was concerned, the day was saved. She wiped her face with a nearby cloth, and directed herself to a nearby conversation.

    Specifically, what caught her mind was Nyx's exchange with the butler. Gean interjected some, but mostly it was the former two. Something about... a former, dubious past. Really, that part peaked Miria's interest more than scared her.

    "Ooooh, Nyxi, you used to be a troublemaker?" She tried to find the best word to use as she spoke in a tone to try and keep the talk between the trio of her, Gean and herself. "That sounds so cool~"

  19. Miria and Gean had made their way to the dining area. There was so much food, Miria could sate herself and not hamper anyone else, she was sure. It had barely been three minutes with her and her sister at the table before Miria barely had space to put her hands on her section of table. Eggs, sausage, some fruit, all the works! Miria was as happy as a pig in slop, as she dug herself in; she needed this pretty bad. If anyone had a good eye, her demeanor had entirely one-eighty'd from exhaustion, to a glowing smile as she ate away.

    She paused her miniature destruction to give her attention the man who began speaking. Sarasin, the owner of this manor. He began with some words of gratitude, and it gave Miria a giddy little feeling inside, it felt good to do good and know she did do good. Then he followed by asking for Natalya. Miria was sure that she could answer for herself so... the girl returned to her breakfast.

  20. Miria was caught heavily off guard when suddenly Gean turned around and started shouting. But there was a word that did catch her attention. The golden word, the thing she needed the most right now. Food. Her mood shot up. She went from her cleared tired mood, to back to being excited. Her smile nearly exploded, as Gean turned her attention to her, even asking if she wanted to eat. She immediately went in for a hug, almost a usual crash.

    "You had me at food. Absolutely, you got it." She looked up to her big sis, beaming.

  21. Miria took her time on the counter until she felt good enough to be back on her feet. She had an extra place to be. Get some gratitude, finally start their way to their next destination, and Miria would pass out, probably on Renais again and have sleep for lunch. Would be the best way for her to end her day before setting up camp.

    She began to fold the robe she had gotten before taking a pause at Mikoto's tails. She wasn't the smartest individual, but Miria swore she only had four tails before. But, she left it be. Miria did expect to get an answer she liked, and honestly, Miria probably wouldn't get it it. She took it as, something probably magic related.

    By the time she got herself to the front, she was barely feet behind Renais and Gean when she saw a man in front of her point in a direction in the manor. Miria just decided she'd stand, and wait on the other two, small smile ready to go. Maybe she'd follow them, maybe not.

  22. Miria nodded to Mikoto's words, until suddenly her hand was against her chest. She tried to brace herself, but couldn't help but notice the weird stuff that was being pulled from her. It put an amount of fear briefly into the normally excitable girl, but it was soon overcome with almost as intense an exhaustion as yesterday. She started to tumble but thanks to Mikoto's help she caught herself before she could tumble over again. No soreness in her arms or legs, or anything of the sort. Just... Tired.

    "Hah, haaa... Okay, yeah. The walk back's gonna be f-fun," She gave a tired laugh as she straightened herself out. "Thank you Miss Mikoto. I will go ahead and..." She pulled out her packet of coins, and started dropping out her gold on the stand until it was at the amount asked. Three-thousand three-hundred and thirty-three. Well, breaking down what she had wasn't going to work, so fifty will have to do. A worthy investment, surely the fox lady would like the extra seventeen. Miria gave a big smile, "Thank you~"

  23. "Well, uh..." She took a look around, as she focused on a particular item. "That one over there. That's one of those weird, magicky, vitality pumping robes isn't it?" She asked as she took the quill, preparing to write, before hesitating a moment. The girl shook her head, she already made her mind up.

    "Anyway, I plan to live a long, and successful life, what's one year?" She smiled, keeping her positive shine as she confidently signed the contract the lady summoned up. She never  knew when she'd see this Mikoto again, but considering her attitude, and being super magical, there's no doubt they would. Magic is weird like that. Placing the quill back, "Okay, now you do the energy-tiring thing, right?" She asked with a tilt of the head.

  24. Miria gave a small snicker at Gean and Renais over their interaction. She made her way over to the stand with the fox lady offering discounts and all sorts of wares. She placed her hands on the tables as she took a look at all the cool stuff. Soon, she put her focus onto the lady herself. Mikoto, Miria remembers.

    Honestly the idea that giving up a year for a lifetime of discounts was an even better idea.

    "Excuse me miss, I'll trade a year for something. I think, that's how I should say it, right?"

  25. Miria followed along with everyone else. She was still pretty exhausted from the night before. There really wasn't enough food, and the poor girl was feeling some kinda way. And here they were off travelling to a mansion for what she assumed was for a showing of gratitude for protecting their town. That kept her spirits high, knowing she did some good, and she did her best to fight back everything she was feeling at the moment. Boy, if I sure am starving though...

    At the front of the manor was a... strange, fox lady, selling things. With a caveat. As Miria looked and gazed at all the wares, she kept her attention on what they were talking about. Some things involving the group either agreed or disagreed to.

    A price cut for just a year of your life. 

    Miria put some thought into it as she gazed at the items. But she noticed... a few things. Some items for boosting your strength. Something like one of these can... help me not get struck down again. Think, think... I mean, I plan to live a full, happy life. Who needs one year.

    Miria went to approach the keeper, but waited to take her turn to speak.

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