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The DanMan

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Posts posted by The DanMan

  1. 5 hours ago, Armagon said:

    I do remember something about the Smash Ballot being used in future games. Bayonetta won but if i remember correctly, they put out a list of the remaining top 4, i think. Anyone got a list for that or am i just remembering wrong?

    Nintendo never did anything in regards to the ballot.

    I'm of the persuasion at this point that Bayonetta didn't score remotely high and the "realizable character" excuse was PR vagueness. The dev team likely saw a good promotion opportunity/character with moveset potential and just ran with it (also of note that her games recieved a re-print shortly before her release). If the Ballot has any sort of actual bearing, I see it being now.

  2. 2 hours ago, Armagon said:


    Turns out Source Gaming just messed up on their tweet. In the actual article, it says that Sakurai said that the first proposal was put out in December 2015. The project plan wasn't finalized. Key word there is first proposal, which means that, aside from the "everyone comes back" part, the roster likely hadn't been set in stone yet.

    Which means Rex and Pyra still have a decently big chance!


    2 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:


    And the roster is included in the initial proposal-- of note is that 4's initial proposal didn't even have anything for Chrom, which means his consideration and rejection were entirely Sakurai's part as he was writing up the game plan.


  3. 4 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    There was a list of changes to the fighters during the direct though. Changes like updated Final Smashes. Now of all the characters to get a changed Final Smash, Robin wasn't one of them. Therefore, using basic logic skills, we can deduce that Robin's Final Smash hasn't changed at all from what it was originally.

    Except "individual changes number in the thousands".

    By that logic, Peach won't get a new final smash because they didn't directly touch upon it. Nothing was brought up about Snake being changed... but he's got several new attacks and a different Final Smash.

    The Direct failed to mention that Cloud's limit charge goes away after 15 seconds, or that both his range and power have been toned down. It talked abou Marth's Dancing Blade bein faster and played it off like a buff-- but with slower start-up, greater endlag, and lower damage it's actually a nerf. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Motendra said:

    Ah,but it was. In the very interview addressing why he wasn't. I'm on mobile now and don't have it on me, but the general idea, to my memory, was that even though they could have made a moveset for him, he wouldn't stand out when compared to the rest of the swords cast, which is where the "just another sword" thing comes from. 

    Palutena& Viridi trolled 'em so hard that peeps actually went with their interpretation it seems lmao

    I'll verify this with the actual interview in question for you when I get home

    I don't exactly remember that-- I only recall Sakurai's Famitsu column right after Robin and Lucina's reveal where he said that Chrom was considered early on but ultimately removed due to being too similar to Ike.

    I'll be interested to see if the weapon choice bit is as stressed as you claim it was.

  5. On 6/18/2018 at 12:54 PM, Cysx said:

    They said shipped a million. That means that for all intents and purposes, nintendo did sell that amount to resellers, but not that 1 million people bought the game. Which is typically what "sales" are referring to.

    Shipped effectively means sold to publishers, so this is more or less a moot point.

    5 hours ago, Boring Panda said:

    but not nearly the same as past warriors games did,

    What. Warriors games have always been fairly niche (for example, DW9, released on three platforms, has only sold 750k). FEW's sales are about on-par with HW, and both of them had 80% of their sales in the West.
    And as a general rule of thumb: when do spinoffs sell as much as main series titles?

    Anyways, I'd expect 1.5 million sales or so out of it.

  6. Just now, Robert of Normandy said:

    It's a new official designation for some clone characters. So far the only confirmed Echoes are Dark Pit, Lucina, and Daisy. 

    The exact line between an Echo and a "regular" clone aren't clear, but it seems that Echoes aren't being counted as separate characters in the roster. Exactly what that means I'm not sure, as I don't believe any of the Echoes have been playable at any of the demos yet.

    It was a rhetorical question; I know perfeclty well what they are. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

  7. 7 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    If Chrom was an Echo Fighter, they would have already changed his Final Smash to show this. Since they haven't, I'd say that it's a safe bet that Chrom isn't a playable character.

    Robin's is one of the few final smashes we haven't seen-- which is the biggest aspect of this theory. If we do see it and it's the same, then the theory is pretty well shot down.

    1 hour ago, ZeManaphy said:

    It'd  probably  be Grima attacking, similar to Heroes. But I doubt Chrom will make it; since he's a "regular" sword lord; nothing has changed since the last title; thus I believe Robin's smash is the same. 

    That wasn't the reason he didn't get into Smash 4-- he was excluded early on due to being too conceptually similar to Ike. Complaints about swords are entirely from a vocal sector of fans, and to my understanding have never been brought up or referenced in any official interivews. Now, what are Echo characters again?

  8. 2 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    I saw a number of K.Rool fans are excited about Ridley because they see it as their chance too, I can only wonder if those dedicated Geno and Lloyd fans are hopeful again as well.

    K.Rool's another one on the list I wouldn't be shocked at seeing make in.

    ...Heck, what if a lot of the newcomers come from the DLC Mii costumes? K. Rool, Heihachi, Lloyd, Geno, Monster Hunter...

  9. I'm mostly expecting 3rd parties + more highly requested characters. It's a bit weird thinking none of my most wanted have a shot anymore, but that's what I'm expecting right now.

    With how much fanservice there's been already (deliberately altering the gameplay to encourage more offensive playstyles, Battlefield modes for stages and hazard toggles, Ridley and Daisy), I'm expecting that trend to continue.

  10. On 6/15/2018 at 12:09 AM, Nym said:

    To all of those who said Celicia should be Robin's echo fighter.

    Sorry but I don't see it.

    She's too different to Robin, yes she uses a sword and magic but that's about it. That's not even the same type of magic in the first place, she doesn't even use tomes because of Valm's magic.

    If someone deserve to be Robin's echo fighter, it's Morgan.

    Smash doesn't prioritize accurate character representation as much as people seem to think; heck, Celica's deal could be weaker projectiles without durability/having them be a bit more powerful but be stuck damaging herself a la Pichu. They'd just need to move her arm dow a bit in her idle animation so it doesn't look like she should be carrying a tome.

    EDIT: Actually, y'know what, let's rig up a poll for this: https://strawpoll.com/4f7b281g
    Ike/Chrom, Celica/Robin, Alm/Roy, and Other as options.

  11. 1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

    Am I those people? Pretty sure I only ever mentioned Effie, and I've never dismissed the cases of Henry and Gregor in the localization either, as I wasn't talking about them, I was talking about Fates. You're just lumping me in with unconnected people. I was using Effie as just as one of the points on the laundry list of changes from the Treehouse work on Fates, and why I think it's not a good localization job as a result. And on the whole, I do still feel Fates got a worse localization than Awakening, thus I don't look forward to if Treehouse does the upcoming game as well.

    And I'm going to reprise that claim about her, as I went and looked up some dialogue to compare for Effie, as I couldn't say off the top of my head if it was or wasn't the case. She does indeed have notable changes to her localized personality in the dialogue too. (I also still think it's silly you'd separate VA/my room lines so much in the first place, as if those shouldn't count) I won't drag it out to not go too off topic, but here's one example:

      Reveal hidden contents


    She's much more soft-spoken in the Japanese version, fitting with her VA work and the whole package as she's meant to be a gentle giant type. In the localization, they emphasize her strength and basically cut out the original soft-spoken quality of her, matching her closer to the way they went with her VA work.

    This particular source also points out some other issues and changes as well: https://imgur.com/a/X2w49

    It's got a rather extensive number of comparisons for various characters showing a multitude of cut or altered lines, often lowering the quality of the localized dialogue compared to the original work.

    Tagged due to length:

     It's more frustration in general with this topic; Henry was used as a broader example.

    ...There's one or two off-handed references to feats of strength, but overall it's pretty similar. 
    I'm still pissed that they used a name meant to call back to a project asking for multiple games to be localized for their obsessive bitching fest. And of course they make copious use of ellipses, leave honorifics intact, and treat the localized names as cancer; they're running super rough and literal translations. I'd honestly like to see someone whose actual job is localization talk about this-- IMO, it's quite telling that you had fan translators dmeanding the game be boycotted over this stuff whereas the professional translators were the ones criticizing Persona 5 while remaining more chill about it.

    And in general, of course they're going to try to avoid having family get brought up in supports that turn romantic and thus will completely undermine it all. Stuff like Ryoma and Shiro's paralogue potentially wouldn't have flown with him hitting his own son. Soleil already proved super controversial pre-release and is based on a completely foreign concept-- of course they were going to change her and have her lean bisexual. And of course having Kanna, obviously a child, get explicitly romantically involved wasn't really going to fly if it caught fire. Seriously, do you think 8-4 wouldn't have done any of those alterations? And the feature/item removal was almost certainly mandated from Nintendo themselves, meaning it would've been the same regardless if it was localized internally or externally. A lot of that was directly due to controversial aspects of the game-- with the different direction, my gut is telling me 3H won't have as much stuff like that

    I'm not saying Fates' localization is flawless, but it's absolutely nothing new; Awakening had a ton of big and small changes as well. I can't present you a compiled nitpick library of them all because they weren't sensationalized and I've only heard/picked up on them over time, but I can point you to stuff like 8-4's massive mishandling of the first Gunvolt game. To me, 8-4 and NOA are roughly the same thing and produce roughly the same result; I'd gladly take someone "better", but it's not really going to bother me and I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. It's not like Radiant Dawn, where they botched the difficulty naming and screwed up save transfers

    Really though, this is a topic I shouldn't have gotten involved in because I knew exactly the way things would end up going and had already said in the past I was going to try and stay away from the discussion. Som I'm just going to do what I should've done after my first post in this topic and leave it at that.

  12. 12 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Wait, this guy says Ike doesn't have throw combos anymore, but I heard before that Ike DOES still have them. So which is it then? I hope he still has them, I used them a lot...

    There seems to have been multiple slightly different builds at E3; for instance, Marth's damage has been seen as both identical to his current version in Smash 4 and the weaker version in 4 at launch.

    I really don't think character analysis is exactly worth it at this point.

  13. 31 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    If you want to swing to their defense over it be my guest, but their bastardization of her character was terrible from the voice direction alone. She got flipped from cute gentle giant to muscled meathead. If you're going to rag on Gregor, I don't see how Effie's change is any less bad. Just agree they both are then?

    While I know it won't happen, I wish we could get a localization team like XSeed instead for future games. From my experience with their stuff, they definitely try to remain very faithful to the original material while keeping a smooth localization. Most changes have been understandable for stuff to make sense for Westerners, and I haven't seen anything like the rewrites or liberties taken by the Treehouse team with their work.

    Because Gregor extended to every bit of his dialogue (with a good ol' Incredible Hulk reference stuck in as a crit qoute); Effie remains solely confined to her voicelines. You labelled it a "personality rework" when it's a partial one at best and pales in comparision to examples from Awakening.

    And really: neither of them really bother me. What bothers me is the overall hypocrisy and selectiveness. People come out in droves to defend Henry recieving a total rewrite, yet as soon as Effie or Hisame get a few different voicelines they start crying foul and labelling them "bastardizations". 

    X-seed could potentially mean no JP audio, which would have a whole other crowd out in droves to complain.

    I need to learn to stay away from these conversations in the first place.


  14. 3 hours ago, Alkaid said:

    Effie's personality rework was just plain unnecessary.

    That's a gross overstatement-- it was exclusively limited to her voicelines; her supports and dialogue are almost entirely untouched. It's a lesser example of what happened to Gregor, who was rather generic in the Japanese version only to end up sounding like a smarter version of the Heavy from TF2 in the localization.



  15. 11 minutes ago, Soleater said:

    You bring up some good points, but Treehouse also exasperated Garon's cruelty to the point of making him into a joke, and deleted an entire support just to make a joke, so I'm not sure if Awakening is that bad in comparison, since while I admit that the Donnel and Olivia thing in particular bugs me, they also made Henry a more well-rounded character in the localization (him actually reacting to Olivia's concerns, and his whole pun thing coming from the localization, and making him a little less...grim?  Like he was still a joking kind of character, but they played it up a bit and I think he actually benefited).  I'm still worried, but I'm hoping for the best.

    Garon was so generically evil in the first place basically anything could've been better; and removing a single support for the sake of a joke may as well be the same thing as radically altering one to me (I'd rather have nothing in place of Walhart dwelling on the thought of killing his own son).

    Henry went from an actor to an actor who believes the act; I know a couple of people who personally hate how he turned out and consider his localized and JP versions completely different characters. His localized version is a comedic sociopath who seems to have a fetish for blood and death; it's a pretty far cry from stuff like Effie and Hisame simply getting a couple more gimmicky voicelines.

  16. Something I haven't seen anybody else mention is that Robin's grab range is actually decent now. In the big character overview/everybody's back trailer, you see him grab DK about two steps away; this bit seems very significant and deliberate because in Smash 4 you literally had to have Robin's model overlapping with DK's a bit to get off the grab. So it's no longer garbage. Now give them average movement speed.

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