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Everything posted by Leona

  1. And I haven't beaten the game yet. I have ashamed my family :( (HAPPY ZELDA MONTH YEEEEEES)
  2. I went by Roxas back then
  3. I think you called me out on this last game I played too, and I'm way more active now than then. Although some of my content might just be filler.
  4. Reshiram is so beautiful....

    1. Topaz Light

      Topaz Light

      Heh, this image is actually cropped from the artwork on a Reshiram card!

      Here's the URL of the full image:


    2. Leona


      Omfg that's beautiful

  5. Unvote ##vote: Lord Gaius He seems eerily quiet to me. There might be a reason for that, and if so I'm not familiar with it, but I kind of find his silence suspicious. I used the vote tags right, right?
  6. I like your Ringabel theme

  7. Rapier, I don't know how to tell you this, but.... You're kind of a prick
  8. I just read my role PM
  9. So this is just random voting, correct? Then I guess nobody will mind if I ##Vote: Izhuark
  10. So this is just random voting, correct? Then I guess nobody will mind if I ##Vote: Izhuark
  11. I haven't read my role PM lol Reading is for scrubs In all seriousness I'll get to it later, as well as voting.
  12. Why are you in the Shadow Realm? I don't remember sending you there

    1. Diaqxolite


      I was feeling like crap.

  13. I feel like I've seen your name before somewhere.... Anyways, welcome to the forest. I'll try to find out why your name looks familiar and get back to you. EDIT: Couldn't find anything
  14. Orson was a playable unit in a single chapter of Sacred Stones, but became an enemy unit after that chapter and was encountered as a boss late in the game.
  15. I think it can happen to Jill in PoR too, not just Orson.
  16. Posting here just to bump for no reason other than to give you an unnecessary notification. I'd give you a kinstone fusion, but I don't remember any of the good ones.
  17. Time for me to join another mafia game, I guess Expect me to have changed my name again before it starts
  18. You know, at some point things just start to get rude
  19. My personal favorite is Skyward Sword, although I like all of the Zelda games. I especially like the soundtrack and controls/gameplay of Twilight Princess in particular. I've played Minish Cap almost to the end, so I'm familiar with Vaati too, and he's probably my favorite primary antagonist from Zelda. I like Ghirahim more but I can't consider him a primary antagonist.
  20. You won't get far with those rules. Minish Cap is pretty brutal.
  21. NPCs in video games are kind of cursed to die too easily. Escort quests have this quite a bit. Heck, I even encounter this problem while playing Skyrim.
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