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Everything posted by Leona

  1. I don't know what any of this means, but I frickin love it. Hi-five!
  2. I think I remember reading about this bug. Might help providing the chapter it happened in. I think you can skip cutscenes in Radiant Dawn, which might bypass the problem
  3. It's technically not pointless, there are a few pointy letters in here. Most obvious one would be v or w
  4. Dammit, now I feel like I need an Ace Attorney name change....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phoenix Wright

      Phoenix Wright

      hahahaha perfect. :D it will be awesome!

    3. Leona



    4. Phoenix Wright

      Phoenix Wright

      wooooo!!!!!! :D :D kay is the best!

  5. Leona

    Ilya! Heh, sorry about that incident with the..... heh.

    1. Yari


      You're forgiven. Because I do not want to get on your bad side.

  6. Yeah but I have a compulsion to argue anyways. And I don't know why.
  7. Great, now I feel obligated to argue back, but it's honestly pointless to start an argument about something this minor. And yes, I will deal with it. Somehow.
  8. I autofollow all threads I post in. Deal with it.
  9. JESUS PEOPLE CALM DOWN I woke up and had 100 notifications. Exactly 100. DON'T DO THIS TO ME! On a different note, this thread is quite the spectacle. *shot*
  10. Desperation. Lowers all stats by 5 when attacking, but increases all stats by 5 when defending. Name might not be fully relevant.
  11. Yeah, a case of mistaken identity is always annoying.
  12. It's.... it's..... Of course it's beautiful, there was no chance of anything other! Artist, you have my respect.
  13. Yeah I'm sick of people thinking I'm you.
  14. tbh I think the limit is too high. It's hard to concentrate with more than 8 people in there.
  15. There's also surprisingly much Dragonair porn. And I thought I had safe search on. Although I did run into this
  16. The King would like to partake in these festivities. Translation: Gimme a hat. I can provide alternate pictures if my current one is unsuitable It's difficult to find suitable pictures, as my glorious visage seems to take out the majority of the frame. Maybe the one from the wiki article works the best.
  17. Calling her old. What a nice way of welcoming someone.
  18. I'd like to see Hector or Lyn, definitely, but what I'd love most is if Ephraim was added to the game. And I mean I'd pass out from fangirling if that were to happen.
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