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Everything posted by Leona

  1. Are there such things as Guide Dogs or Police Dogs? Wait, there are? I thought those were made up!
  2. I thought Validar was Robin's grandfather....
  3. Oh yeah, but.... uh, what about..... oh, the BASTARD
  4. I have a cat named Brutus and he's about to kick yo ass In his spare time he reads Shakespeare Keeps quoting it too, I never know what the hell he's talking about
  5. I just like the word psychopath, I think it's a funny word >.> and now I'm confused as to what my age actually is. ^.^
  6. I'm just a psychopath. I'm not sex-obsessed, I just don't want to learn that sort of thing.
  7. Why would you? If one of my teachers tried to teach something like that they'd end up in a ditch with their head several meters from the body
  8. I kind of wish they taught game design and programming because online tutorials all confuse me and seem to require some payment. School does actually teach useful things, for example, math. They teach math to train you at thinking logically. They don't teach things like paying bills or getting jobs, but they actually teach some things that might potentially be useful to know for your job. Though they may be expecting too many people to become nuclear physicists or something. If I'm being honest I can't think of one thing school's teaching me that's completely useless. Oh but they should definitely teach survival skills. That's kind of an important thing.
  9. I want Gummy back. I wanna know where he's been since GK2. And Franziska's vanished as well, I kind of want to know what she's been doing too.
  10. Burger King would definitely win, the King of Red Lions would die of obesity.
  11. I picked something about growing up on a farm, and I've noticed several mentions of that..... though it might just be my imagination
  12. ....did I do it again? Pick someone else's name?
  13. There are two Roxas on Serenes. I'm one, and I'm a girl. I doubt you were talking about the other one. By the way I'd love to know why it took five days for me to get subbed out, because apparently it wasn't a shortage of sub players
  14. Youngster Joey is clearly the superior choice for Smash, though Just think how ridiculously OP he'd be, and his final smash could be his Rattata in the top percentage of Rattata
  15. *looks at name, thinks of Zelda* *looks at avatar, thinks of Fate* >.> Welcome to the forest, friend!
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