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Everything posted by Leona

  1. I like the prison, it seems like a really fun thing based on like the minute of trailers I've seen once that happened to vaguely cover the subject.
  2. I would be very happy if they cut all the "My Room" things from the main game and put it as free DLC
  3. I'm pretty sure there are no SF users in my country, though I could be mistaken. I've never met anyone who plays Fire Emblem. Ever.
  4. Out of the hundreds of people I've met online, I don't believe I've ever met in real life.
  5. I prefer the Fate series Gilgamesh, this one isn't as cute
  6. I wouldn't be opposed to them censoring the clothing of some characters. In fact, I would support that. The rest just seems very silly. Even the cosplay stage.
  7. Even for Nintendo standards, this seems a bit ridiculous. Banana peel? Seriously? Entirely removing a unit? Cosplaying? INTERNET MEMES? I like some of these changes, but this is most likely a joke.
  8. The way you worded that is misleading. The Discworld novels are over, although she might write stories of her own (and apparenly she's been involved with the script for several video games I've never played).
  9. Terry Pratchett by a long shot. Knowing he'll never write another book makes me sad.
  10. ...! ...? ... ##Vote: Mancer
  11. Which of you silly buggers changed the name of this thread? Because I like it.
  12. I'm hoping none of you will ever see this side of me Who are you?
  13. Integrity seemed pretty chill the few times I've spoken with him. ....uh.... well, I have seen worse mods
  14. This was still a problem in Awakening. It just was way less annoying because the supports were way less interesting.
  15. Yeah, something like that. I didn't know any English at the time.
  16. Apparently I won. Yay. And I survived this time. Double yay. And I managed to get through another game while being scumread by 80% of all the players. Not much to yay about that, I'm kind of used to it.
  17. The 3DS has a bunch of 3rd party titles though, or at least as far as I'm aware
  18. Your tribute is accepted I like the special edition, because it's a hard copy of the game and it's all three at once, which I'd like to call the ideal FE Fates experience.
  19. Ekans. It's literalli Snake backwards. At least Arbok isn't Arboc, so I can give it a little bit of credit. Also Darkrai is redundant as fuck
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