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Everything posted by Leona

  1. Leona


    F A N C I F U L F R I G H T E N F O O T W O R K
  2. Leona


    F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eight letters
  3. Leona


    You seem to be putting a letter as "not in the word" in some places and "in the word elsewhere" on others. *points to I and N* Nevermore
  4. Hopefully they'll release Zelda U this year, though that would kind of seem like "we totally meant this to be an anniversary title all along ahaha". Nintendo may not have been doing much with the anniversary, but I know some dedicated fans have been celebrating and hyping it (my twitter feed is filled with it).
  5. I always make Amelia a Paladin. Her battle sprite is pretty good, and she can be pretty powerful as one (though I think Seth is still better) Never used Ewan, I don't know how good he is. He has access to some classes that are otherwise limited to Knoll, but beyond that I don't know how good he is.
  6. I thought casual mode was just a nickname for newcomer mode all this time >.> I hadn't noticed the paralogues, I knew what people meant but I thought of them as side stories. Didn't realize they were the same thing, but I guess I kind of knew
  7. tbh I'd like it if the game released here in August, because then I'd probably be able to buy it
  8. They tend to translate the instruction manuals into more languages. I usually get my games with a Danish instruction manual, which is kind of..... Or at least that's how it was with the DS. The 3DS seems to have English manuals here, which I like much more. I wanna see how badly they screw that up lol
  9. I'd back away slowly, then run, and then most likely report them to the authorities for use of illegal substances
  10. I mentioned that I'd never met an intelligent dog. Then someone shows up and starts shaming me for claiming cats are smarter than dogs, which I never did. In this thread. If someone starts arguing with me and then blames me for it, of course I'm gonna be pissed. OK I love this post.
  11. If this had occurred to you in the first place then this wouldn't be a fucking problem!
  12. Happy 1 year birthday apparently

  13. OK why are you twisting my words? EDIT: By the way by aggressive I meant they attack each other and other domestic animals. They don't actually hurt people.
  14. All of the dogs I've known are literally idiots. They can't even do the things they were bred and trained for right. Although calling them aggressive might be a better way to sum up their behaviors. Meanwhile I feel like my cats understand me, even when they weren't bred or trained for anything. Sometimes they leave the house for weeks at a time and then show up at home alive and well, apparently having hunted for themselves. I don't like dogs because I don't find them very intelligent. However, wolves I like. You can't not like wolves (unless you had some past trauma involving them or something like that)
  15. Arranged marriage probably. She probably didn't have a choice. Or maybe Validar was actually a good husband when he wasn't thinking about religion. With Robin being such a perfect vessel and everything, Validar may have gotten a bit busy.
  16. Anyways, every creature is different. Don't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, cats and dogs may be similar but they're not the same.
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