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Everything posted by Leona

  1. Beruka's pretty great. Everyone else acts like it's been poisoned, while she'd actually prefer it that way.
  2. It's probably a good thing I haven't been given a warning yet, because I..... kind of don't react well to that sort of thing. I think I'm improving recently, but..... well, I'd probably get more warnings as a chain reaction
  3. I've managed to avoid warnings and infractions by barely staying active. Though I have literally been warned by staff members from time to time. And I mean literally been told "don't do that"
  4. Oh, I hate that kind of shit. It bothers me with Pokemon events as well.
  5. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BattleButler You might find some of them here.
  6. Earth Seals are kind of plentiful, and are only really useful if you don't have the proper promotion item for one of your units. Heaven Seal 1 in Eliwood's story can be obtained in chapter 24, if Hawkeye is still alive at a certain point. I usually use this chance to promote Lyn, as she's usually been sitting at level 20 for a while. The second Heaven Seal you get after Battle Before Dawn (chapter 26) and can use it either in the Gaiden chapter (provided you unlocked it) or the next chapter. Eliwood gets automatically promoted after chapter 27, you don't need an item for him unless you're playing Hector's story. The chapter numbers are a little different for that one, but it mostly stays the same.
  7. This is just..... it's.... it's absolutely perfect!
  8. I don't think there are any competitors. Gaming isn't really big, though a lot of people have PlayStation or something. Nintendo's kind of dead around here.
  9. I thought the Scandinavian countries were the countries on Scandinavia, but I guess I'm wrong >.> Can anyone tell me why Iceland doesn't have a Gamestop?
  10. Denmark isn't Scandinavia. Webhallen might ship to Nordic countries, I'll have to check that out.
  11. I'm gonna have to either order the game from some other country or just get it on the eShop, because I don't think any of the stores in my country even know what Fire Emblem is >.> I'm probably just gonna end up with the eShop
  12. Now I just got to ask my mom to place a preorder when they become available >.> IF they become available
  13. This entertains me. Fetch me another joke!
  14. As long as it's before I get a job, I don't really care when Fates comes out here >.>
  15. Leona


    A N E M I A EDIT: Wait, you said 8 letter A N C E S T O R
  16. Leona


    I'm too lazy to find a clapping gif. Your turn, @Kyea. Aurora is correct.
  17. Leona


    A _ U _ _ _ (what is wrong with you?) A N E M I A A R T E R Y
  18. I'd want to be on Elibe, as a mage, archer, pegasus knight, wyvern rider or myrmidon. Vast preference for myrmidon. I'd either be from Etruria or Ilia. I'd likely just be on the winning side, trying not to fight very much or get myself into any danger. I'd most likely be a really crappy mercenary. I guess if a character based on me were put into FE6 or FE7, then she'd be a recruitable enemy unit. My weapon of choice is a bow, but that's not an option for a myrmidon so I'd maybe have a Light Brand.
  19. Leona


    I almost guessed sandpaper again lol. Didn't realize that had already been guessed. SADSPONGE
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