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Posts posted by Geriba

  1. Intellectual property rights need to be protected, and all those fighting against it are just a bunch of anti-capitalistic, free-riding pirates. Since we can't hang 'em from the rafters like we did in the old days, SOPA is an acceptable Plan B.

    Do you agree, Serenes? Serious responses only please.

  2. Man, Flacco is awful, but that Ravens defense is just quality. Surprisingly stout effort by the NE secondary so far, however.

    EDIT: Also, I long ago trademarked the facetious use of :newyears: . Just make sure to give God Brady credit for future use. :newyears:

  3. Karla and Canas were killed by the plot, since neither appeared in FE6.

    He's mentioned indirectly as the son of Niime. Canas' death is one of the most certain of the FE7 cast, unfortunately.

    I also buy into the Karel-killed-Guy theory, since a) that's what happens in the A-support Guy/Karel ending, and b) it would help explain how the cold-blooded Karel of FE7 first got onto his sentimental, redemptive streak.

  4. I think you're overreacting. Take it down a notch; it seems that you're the only one disgruntled by their posts.

    Trust me, I'm not angry. If I come across that way, it's because I'm a pretty passionate guy. If a conversation doesn't involve some level of fireworks, it's not a good conversation.

  5. I've used GameFAQs for years. I continue to go to the boards, but I'm not sure why. They are all festering boils of elitism and circle-jerking.

    Aw, you're sweet.

    As someone who originally hails from the GameFAQs FE7 community, I feel like it's pretty solid as far as the ToS is concerned. There's definitely leeway for moderator abuse, as evidenced by the recent surge in questionable moderations over the past few years, but it's ultimately part of an attempt to curb back offensive or irrelevant posting. Which is probably a good thing, especially compared to more leniently-run forums. Like Serenes, for example. The crap I've gotten away with is ridiculous.

  6. yes


    49ers vs. Ravens, make it happen

    Heathen. Besides, would you really want another Harbowl? Given how exciting passable finger-numbing "unique" it was?

    Get outta here Brady

    So I am going to assume that you've come back from a long hiatus? I don't remember the name so now I shall go search your name history =3

    The name sorta sounds familiar I guess.....?

    lol look at this hater. :lol:

    Hi Jaffar.


  7. Since antiquity, people have wondered how the fuck we can be aware of ourselves spatially without any stimulus to indicate position. It's not understood to be a single sense--it's understood that many senses, should we try to categorize, exist entirely separate of other sense. One need not have sensations of touch to know where they are in relation to their physical environment.

    You're missing the point. The TC asked a pretty straightforward question about ranking the five senses, and then that other dude decided he was going to overintellectualize the issue and link together "touch," as it's traditionally understood, with a number of other cognitive-spatial phenomena-- as if just saying "touch" makes you seem unintelligent or misinformed. It's ridiculous, it's awkward, and it had no real place in this topic. It's not even correct.

    EDIT: And maybe I should give kd some slack, since you were the one who decided to change the topic's direction with this little gem:

    We have more sense than just the five though ;)

    You know what he meant. Or did you just want to sound smarter than everybody? :newyears:

  8. And I'm going to win the Superbowl this year. Just to clarify for the handful of Serenes NFL fans who (mistakenly) believe otherwise.

    By the way, the official Fire Emblem Title of the Patriots™ is Rekka no Ken, but our friend Gronkowski says he prefers Sacred Stones. The Gronk isn't very smart.

  9. With the rate these 10/10's are flying he's gonna beat marcus in score. Which is horribly incorrect. At least be honest people, whatever you gave Marcus, Pent should be 2 points below.

    1. Combat is good but the point has been made in Erk's thread that it is largely overkill and loads of other characters do just as well in combat. Just with less overkill.

    2. Still a foot unit, though he and all magicians with him get reduced movement penalties

    3. Supports are nice to have but not influential enough to adjust scores by a whole point (if earth affinity isn't available, anyway)

    4. Staves are nice to have, though I mostly give his physic to my main healers to ease their healing and stuff.

    All in all, nothing he does is phenomenal, it's just the fact he does it. And joins late. Still, better than Erk. 6.4/10


    Jesus, look at this flagrant score deflation. Shameful.

  10. Yeah, "touch" is a big oversimplification-- thermoception (temperature), nociception (pain), balance, proprioception (sensing where your body parts are in relation to one another) are all separate from it, as well as interoception (senses related to organ functions, including hunger/fullness). Touch, by contrast, is basically sensing pressure.

    This is the exact reason why everybody can't stand science types. Touch is touch, and if you want to subdivide it, then you're free to do so; but it's not an "oversimplification" to refer to what has since antiquity been understood as a single sense, and to post with that dumb condescension reeks of pretention.

    Anyway, my rank:






    EDIT: Also,

    Taste is by far the least important for me. If I lost my sense of taste, maybe I'd actually eat healthy shit.

    lmao! So true

  11. Low ratings are cracking me up.

    Seriously, in a topic series as informal as this one, how can you NOT give Pent a perfect score? Great bases, A-staves, auto-A support, cool personality and portrait; just fun and efficient to use all around.


  12. I saw the ten. Lolbias. Wasn't there a rule preventing these kind of ratings? :awesome:

    I'd be surprised if there was, since it's not like anyone's enforcing a universal standard. Some people rate based on looks, others personality, others on how the unit helps with a given set of runthrough conditions. Live and let live imo

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