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Everything posted by Geriba

  1. Well, she's crushing on Red Fox, so we already know she's into kinky shit.
  2. Not sure if anyone's still keeping up with this list, but I've got a question about Cyas; namely, why is he all the way in the "unrecruited" tier? Seems to me that his situation is like a more extreme version of the Karel/Harken dilemma in FE7: you're giving up a superior unit for no real reason (and in FE7, Karel can arguably shave off a handful of turns depending on the map you get). Still, I happen to like Cyas, and feel he deserves better. The opportunity cost involved in letting go of lolSety is admittedly great, but in that case, throw Cyas into bottom somewhere; his A-rank staves mean he's never entirely useless anyway, and Sety is largely unnecessary.
  3. Man, this sucks. I was totally ready to come in here and just level this topic with unhelpful, harsh criticism... but I really can't find anything much to criticize. Didn't realize there were this many talented people on SF. Do you do requests, by chance? Just curious.
  4. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: EDIT: yes
  5. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  6. Are you just trolling? ...Guess we have our answer. and sup
  7. 2007, yeah. And Narga watches the NFL? Sweet deal. Who's your team?
  8. haha! what a wonderful parody! such fun. very clever. about 100x better than that other loser topic right guys
  9. Don't get me wrong; I'm still an arrogant, condescending asshole. Just one who thinks SOPA is a joke and enjoys messing with gullible people.
  10. Last post in this thread: ...is better than your favorite Fire Emblem character. It's been fun everyone~
  11. "serious" "discussion" p.s. it was a joke thread, move along
  12. I mean that I associate with the Democratic party, who near-universally reject SOPA in its entirety. Didn't mean to take this in a political direction; I know as well as you that the meaning behind party names have changed dramatically over the past ~250 years.
  13. You can have the last word after this, but as a reminder, you're taking an internet back-and-forth seriously. I'm not sure how that'll end with anything but a headache. But if it makes you feel better, you can throw in one of your "lines" and "end" me as well as this topic. Ready the cannons
  14. whoa now, let's cool it. We've had our topic of controversy, let's end with some civility. lol I'm a liberal
  15. All good things come to an end. On the other hand, I'm sure my reputation as a conservative SOPA-mongerer will persist well past the natural lifespan of this topic. And I embrace it
  16. as if women didn't already speak another language, lol
  17. You'd put your job ahead of your lover? That's shameful.
  18. I've got a challenge for you: try making another post in this topic with a normal-person format. It could be fun!
  19. You wouldn't ban me (at least I hope not). We go way back Administrator,whatever
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