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Everything posted by 3Comrades

  1. The truth is Romance is some form is ubiquitous. It is in all genres from a very young age. It is touted as a way to live your life and a step to happiness and adulthood in all media, or if not that, then at least a natural condition of humanity that defines a person when going through it. Being "left out" doesn't even begin to describe this near constant showing across human culture. So much so that certain media is a must if you want to be included. Even gay artists and poets have had to couch their language and words so it can only be hinted in a certain way (the reason subtext is read so deeply in the gay community is it used to be the only way to have any representation on a human condition) And as other people say, we have to hide. So much hiding for so many reasons where when we try to commiserate often ends in romantic fairy tales that isnt real life. No I can't "come out" or my fiance will lose her father, and her job, and I will lose friends. Where marriage isnt a question of do you want to, but are you willing to screw yourself over for me? Where any wrong move may mean violent retribution. It means that you have to take time to present to certain people, and always live in fear that an unexpected guest might find, and every sudden noise in your own home makes you start thinking "Is my life over do they know?" It means when you do tell someone, having them tell you, you are filth, it means lying or manipulating people you love so you don't have you and the person you love, lives ruined. It means someone who wasn't meant to find out blackmails you. It means trying to appease and make that person happy so they don't ruin your life. it means less financial security. It means talking to the person you love about the possibility of kidnapping. It means long rules about acting around family, especially younger family. All of the above is personal experience and so many people have it worse than me. All of this happens because we are treated as wrong and so non-existent. And when our entertainment does the same thing, it is once again restating we are not accepted in this near universal human concept of love. Heterosexuality is reinforced and stated in most of all communication on the subject ever. The few about us are analyzed more deeply, changed or spoken in subtext until very recently. There is no way to say how an intrinsic part of you is included everywhere you go, and how much of ours is hidden and excluded when it is more part of our lives (if only that it affects our lives on a deeper level due to ramifications of it not being accepted). Because I will tell you, the lack of anyone, or anything like you in a subject that is ubiquitous for everyone else is paralyzing. Because like it or not, our orientation affects so much of what we do. And honestly it hurts us. Gay people suffer from more stress due to the worry of some things straight people take for granted. Certain financial, social, and relationship anguish is extremely rare for straight couples while all too common for LGBT. And all this takes it's toll. Whether shame, grief, guilt, or just plain stress. I am not saying creators have to/need to make it available in media, but it does provide an important outlet for many of these things. It is important to us, and is appreciated.
  2. I wasn't insulting it, I just meant that OP wasn't necessarily at fault. I just meant that discussing things for fun or debate can sometimes be the worth in and of itself. I am sorry if I have offended.
  3. Here is the thing, that poll wouldn't work to change anyones mind on because it was done on this site. Game developers are well aware that the people who follow a game months in advance have very different ideas than the people who will casually buy the game. People who wouldn't buy it normally on this site will be rare and their issues won't be the average consumer issues. That is when the market to casuals happened, when people realized the vast number of people who were talking to them didn't represent the marketing power of the game. Truth is, the best poll that could change peoples minds would be to show a few thousand who never heard of the game (or at least the sequel) Tell them the basics and then ask the questions above. Either way a poll on a fandom website months before the game is released doesn't really show the marketing power, except of a very limited number of people that will be assumed to buy the game anyway because of how adamantly they follow it.
  4. No, the thing is fetishizing one side of a culture, especially parts that many in mainstream don't, to the point of obsession. That is a Weeaboo, and why a Francophile is not nearly as derogatory. You can enjoy foreign music and food and aspects of a culture, of course, nearly everyone does. But in many cases, weaboos who visit Japan are considered weird while the expats that visit for every other reason are considered more respectful of Japanese culture because they don't try to simplify it or view it as one thing. No one I know has attached Weaboo to any aspect of being a fan. Weaboo is almost entirely attached to the obsessive behavior. My father loved sushi and Cowboy Beebop, no one ever called him a weaboo, and he would have no idea what it was. I know a DnD player who loves Japanese architecture and tries to put it in his games but also never even would know what it means. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/480/219/42f.png (An example of someone who fetishizes an ideal instead of a culture) http://i.imgur.com/MQikq4i.png(And the opposite which points out the ridiculousness of it) I believe the ninjas/kitsune/samurai are awesome, that sort of stuff isn't at all what I am talking about. I mean more the sexualized little girls, sexualized siblings, and the whole cute is sexy phenomena. I liked Me Castle. (I even don't mind the petting, although become uncomfortable to some of the characters reactions to petting). But some of these things are much more allowed in some genres than others. That to me is the Weaboo/Japanese Otaku stuff I have a problem with. Not Samurais, and kitsune, or other mythological/historical aspects of Japanese culture. No one should have an issue with these things in a JRPG.
  5. I think she is saying that "weaboos" like certain things and attaching that title to things they like makes sense. She is looking at it from this side. On the other side is otaku, which is a sub-culture. The idea is Japanese Culture-Awesome! The Otaku sub-culture that also created weaboo sub-culture...eh not so much. This has influences of AnimeOtaku/Weaboo culture, and that can be frustrating, also some people defend some of these elements as "Japanese culture" when that can be a bit of a misnomer?
  6. Well in pokemon, they would have hearts to show how full they were and satisfied with their care. This could be similar in that they got their pettings for the day and you can't increase them more at the moment. I mean I don't think they will allow you to pet them forever into S rank so this makes sense?
  7. lol I really love your positive attitude. I think she really was designed very well. I feel we will learn more if we join Nohr, curious how she will react.
  8. Yes this is what I tried to say, and you said so much more eloquently. I like another country's outlook and themes and history in their media, but for foreigners, the difference between sub-culture and culture is hard to see but can make a huge difference. And it is okay to see the faults of a sub-culture, without putting it on the entire country.
  9. I will say that Japanese media can sometimes be a bit much. Miyazaki really put it well on some of my feelings toward anime and Japanese games. The fans are making things for fandom, but in such a narrow way, it can be uncomfortable. I think it is easy to confuse for many of us, Japanese Culture and Japanese sub-culture which a lot of these things can sometimes represent. The incest, the lolicon, the ridiculous fanservice, the voices made over the top "cuteness", and even some of the character tropes are sometimes really uncomfortable to me, as is the otaku sub-culture that created it. But I do like the Japanese motifs/buildings/historical references/cultural themes.
  10. I disagree, but we will have to leave it at that. *shrug* As far as characters, they said it had more than awakening, and Awakening had 49 playable characters counting spotpass. So There will be tons on both sides before it is all done.
  11. I only say that because it doesn't give too much for a highly conditional skill, while Kazahana's highly conditional skill, still has a very huge effect
  12. I am surprised Tsubaki's personal skill is so poor. Especially compared to Kazahana's.
  13. So many people died when going against her that she became a bit of a legend bigger than her deeds. Did she kill her baby or was it SIDs and a conveniant way to frame an enemy? We will never know. But she was a pretty amazing ruler. On topic, I will admit this was my first thought, and I would like them mixing it up, but judging all the other characters, I find this unlikely. I would love a game that was good vs Evil and slowly realize it isn't nearly that cut and dry. Or even realize you are on the wrong side. Also, would love Shakespearean politics with everyone being crazier and darker than you first thought, but don't think FE is that type of game.
  14. Naw, I just want a third option, I always love C choices more especially between a rock and a hard place, and its as a DLC I feel it will be shorter but be a little more leeway with how it comes to its conclusion, which I think is awesome. Who knows it may be super tragic, but I have a feeling it wont dissapoint.
  15. Eh, I have a best for last mentality, I am looking forward to the 3rd path the most, but I want the whole picture before I play it. Its like when there are 3 alternate endings, but the last one is the best and the most right, I feel playing the other two afterward would be anticlimatic for me, but it is definitely the one I am looking forward to the most. I think you and Aqua find a way to mitigate it, but a third party enemy makes them join forces.
  16. I don't like her model or her character personality design. Pretty disappointed.
  17. Hopefully the more incestuous elements if they exist, I mean localization does smooth the way between cultures in major ways, so that the average consumer in the new country won't be baffled or weirded out by its inclusion. I mean localization purpose is to translate to the culture as well as the words. All groups do it, so I see nothing wrong with lessening some things that make sense in cultural context, since well, the average Western user doesn't get that context.
  18. It's weird because Cyrus is my type of girl, lol. But would like to romance Kagerou or Crimson. So far I will admit to not being very fond of the Butler/Maid thing, but who knows maybe Joker and Felicia will grow on me.
  19. Actually, most historical female rulers killed their husbands to get there, or had a dad who really couldn't stop making girls. Cleopatra was one. But also Queens would kill their husband and rule as regent until their sons grew older. I mean this was a staple of political intrigue, especially if the father favored a different child then her child, but also so she could have time in the sun. One Empress of China, Wu Zetian, practically killed/exiled many of her own children, expected to have poisoned her husband, killed several ministers, all to stay in power. I mean, it really isn't uncommon for Queens to murder to become ruler, especially if they don't like the ruling monarchs policies.
  20. I believe the steak was made poorly so only half the team ate it, and gained a +1 but because it was a "murder" steak it debuffed them as well. I think because of the materials/random/or the cook can give extra effects to the cooked items
  21. Wow, good points, Shadowofchaos, thank you for translating, it really made my day :)
  22. I like this feature, but it is odd saying it is optional, I mean technically 90% of all characters in past games were optional, and most skills have been optional, and fighting with anything better than a Bronze weapon is optional, supports are optional. Stuff like Pheonix mode I understand since its addition has no effect on other players. But in games, usually optional used as a reason not to complain means it has no effect on your game if it is included, and simply exists for other players to enjoy a game. Say what you like, but it does have an effect on the game and people should be able to complain. i love it, crazy for it actually, but it seems unfair to declare "optionality" as a shut down when it really doesn't qualify in this case. Option is if ME Castle gave no stat boosts to anything, or availability of better items and other boosts. Technically it is an option, but not so much of one that calling it one means people can't complain.
  23. Nah, even the most glorified and fanatic armies eventually will grumble and turn home without food. You need more food when going to war, and whole battleplans can surround denying the enemy access to your food. That said, its fire emblem. Its always evil country vs good country right? I think the big difference is the enemy combatants are good people, and I kinda like that Nohr is about reform as fighting for right on the wrong side is more interesting concept than being a hero fighting for the good guys or being wholly evil and embracing it.
  24. I will say one reason I love these forums so much is it is much less pronounced here then on other forums. Every group of games will have favorites and haters, but here it is beyond reasonable levels while others it seems an out and out war. This is one of the most civil game forums I have ever been on, so long time members here may not get how bad it was elsewhere?
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