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Everything posted by 3Comrades

  1. Speed demon was awesome, as was Savitar, but they are doing the main flash plots anyway. I don't know if they will delve into some of the others, especially with how kooky the red/blue trinity could sometimes be. I don't think there were superheroest, just government projects, and secret operatives stuff from the sound of it. It would have been more noticed and they turned everyone's powers down a notch. I caught the coast city reference too. There is rumor that Diggle will be made into the next Green Lantern, which will be interesting, and he does have the military background to lend it weight. Didn't queen bee show up? As for Geo force, I like how he is, but always worry they will bring up terra whose whole plotline left a sour note in my mouth. But that said many things seem to point at some sort of teen titans, but I don't think that would work at all. What is your favorite comic?
  2. Research it hard, some things take advantage of their bottom sellers and bank on them contributing. Others are really on the up and up and can be pretty stable. I wouldn't invest any money until you know if it is only a commissions thing. Many people get a lot of perks getting others to join. On the other hand, it will probably be reliable, it is best to try to rsearch and see if it is a bigger company, if so, it probably has reviews that can give you an idea. If not, it is likely they are too small to try to take advantage and is a great job to put your nose to the grindstone with.
  3. Oh man, this is so fun to talk to someone about this stuff. Most people I know are not comic book fans, but love the shows, and I feel sometimes missing out on talking to fans of both and their perspectives. Magenta was pretty minor in the long run, but I agree, didn't Max teach Bart most of what he knew and not Jay? I mean Jay was there, but Max Mercury seemed to have the highest influence on Bart. But yeah JSA all the way. I love Black Canary and Wildcat's relationship, but even more I really loved how all the old JSA members are, although I love Modern JSA, I really didn't enjoy reading actual golden age comics. Its like they came into their own 50 years afterward, but thats mostly disconnect due to time periods, and they have Way more complexity and development than their other Earth counterparts. As for Black Canary and Arrow, Black Canary is an amazing character in the comics who plays off of Arrow perfectly and has some pretty amazing moments. But the show? I mean Arrow usually seems like a child in some ways, but that may be my frustration at them taking one of the few characters that are kinda fun and making them Batman. I feel like Arrow's character is what the plot needs it to be and is sort of bland. But Black Canary is worse. Its like they drained all personality from them and tried to give them the same dynamic, which is hard to watch. I really Love Hawkgirl, but always felt weird to have her and not Hawkman, especially if they are really going to emphasize some plot points. Commander Steel would rock and I didn't catch that at all, but Heywood+Steel who else could it be? But from the looks of it, they are going to go with a veneer of different plots and story lines, and some will definitely have something to do with Justice League Detroit, but if i learned anything from these shows, they take a good deal of liberties. Being a fan of the comics and shows seems to be a weird mix of excitement and disappointment and i try to compartmentalize it, but some things let me down when they shouldn't, and some odd things get me really excited. Barry dating Linda was one of those odd moments. It's Linda OMG! Wait, no, Barry that's your nephew's wife, stop. Or seeing Dr. Mcgee as an old woman when Barry is young was kinda hilarious and made me really happy. There is a 10 year old out there, Mcgee, and in 10 years you two will have an torrid love affair. Or Singh is getting married, and I have to snark that Piper is just acting like a jerk because he is frustrated his boyfriend is getting married, and never even bothered to dump him. These things add to the experience, and make me enjoy it more, while also occasionally annoying me, and I never know which one it will be.
  4. As far as the comics, Wally is in high demand, and one of the advertisements of Convergence WAS Wally West is back! But no, TV and movies prefer Barry, although this is one of the few appearances that Barry wasn't him in backstory but Wally in personality. Barry inthe Flash TV show is entirely his own man, something that draws me to him since he is relatively like neither character. Well what do you think of Legends of Tomorrow and that atom is on it, and will shrink? I admit I watch Flash for the villains, and I like them more usually then the plots because Flash has a complex relationship with his villains more than most any other hero. So when Cpt. Cold and Heatwave were announced to be heroes on the team, I was all for it. And yeah, I love Cisco. Most of the time, Flash is more light hearted than the other stuff going on (I enjoy gotham, but it can be a bit much.) but I give that credit to Cisco more than most of the main cast, I think the show losing him would be a major loss since he gives the show a diversity in tone. I think the show could survive every character but Barry dying, except Cisco, although Joe is a nice addition as well since he may be the only (non love interest) who isn't an awkward genius. Do you have a favorite character? Comics or Show? Comics: Pied Piper, Linda may have helped Wally grow, but Pied Piper really showed Wally how someone can become a better person and taught him quite a bit about not being a jerk. Show: Cisco, absolutely, his naivete, humor, and self doubt seem very genuine and are a much needed part of the show. Arrow I prefer Diggs. He has maturity that the team needs, and while a sober character, I always did like the "voice of reason" character. I guess also why I like Joe so much in Flash.
  5. To be honest, there were and are peaceful people and they are almost always a small group or country with no armies. Amish, Tahitians, Inuit, the Semai, Nubians, and many others have peaceful cultures, they don't have standing armies of their own. In essense, you don't become a large and powerful country by being peaceful. But it is a JRPG, Hoshido can be portrayed and lauded as peaceful without me having any qualms, but historically, peace loving people don't ever have big armies.
  6. yeah, I beleive that choosing Nohr means Nohr are still a little bad, but you are going to reform it, you just have to deal with the Hoshido first. But ultimate enemy is likely Garon. And very possible that Aqua is a "willing captive" mainly because many times there were exchange of hostages. Hoshido couldn't let Kamui sit there, but don't want war, so Aqua was sent over to ease the hostilities. It was more common in feudal eras, an exchange of prisoners, especially in times of war. To prevent war, we exchange hostages and neither side will rebel. Which can still make Hoshido a bit gray, but in a different way.
  7. The truth of it is, Alcohol is illegal past a certain point, and drinking and driving is illegal, people do it, yes, but it is illegal and there are repercussions. Don't make it illegal to do it, but you have to do it in your own home or in restricted areas, because smoking is very dangerous to people who don't smoke. If alcohol is not illegal and causes the harm it does, than neither should cigarettes, but there should be a limit, and since you can not judge or control number (like drinks) judge and control where, so that smokers only harm themselves. that really seems to be the only fair way to go about it. Also definitely no jail time, but a fine that is higher in certain areas. (Hospitals, Schools, and the like)
  8. They do like their less than well known heroes. I loved that Fire Storm was in there, he was always one of my favorite concepts as a hero, but hard to keep up with the revolving members after being out of comics for awhile. And yeah, really hoping Wally is brought back to the world. I feel like the shows have caught up to "the dark age" right when the comics are starting to head away from it. So interesting what they were doing. I will say, I often thought Wells was going to be Malcolm Thawne, and Eddy was going to be Eobard, and curious what they will do with eddy in the future.
  9. Ah man, it is really weird for me these new shows because I loved Wally west, he got me into comics and one comic I really loved was Green Arrow. The shows are weird because they show some conventions (I mean his romantic Rival was named Eddy Thawne) but not others. Enough that very few of the plot twists are really twists, since they happened in the comics. I mean Laurel had to become who she became because those two have been off and on for decades. But Oliver Queen is not like that. Ollie is a fun, kinda obnoxious, but loveable hippie type guy who is more Tony Stark in personality than Batman. More known for his witty one-liners than brooding. Not saying he doesn't brood and that he isn't worst father figure ever, but he is a fun snarky character at heart. Also since Wally West is my flash and not Barry some things jarred with me. Pied Piper being a jerk was surprising. I mean I know he used to be a villain, but he is the villain with the kindest, biggest heart later on, and he never was just more of a jerk than the others. Also Trickster, the other reformed Rogue later on, is insanely evil?! Trickster was never the Joker, he was mischievous, and even malicious but making him a knock off was disappointing and oddly humorous when he was calling the second trickster a knock off, especially since the second Trickster and him faced off as reformed old guy vs criminal young blood in the comics. I do like the stories, and the new characters. Cisco and Joe rock, but its a weird set of feelings for me. Its not bad, just really weird, and wished I could take a peek at some of their ideas when they planned it. Glad it brought new people to the Flash though, even if it is Barry.
  10. I used to have very similar problems (even the sleep one) and the most helpful I can be won't be helpful at all. Stop looking. Girls (and I think guys too?) can sense desperation and that can be a turn off, also to find the right person you need to fall in love with them, wanting someone so you can fall in love is natural but sadly doesn't work well. Also, you are making a whole lot of presumptions that are undermining you before you begin. For one, don't go on the internet in places that support those ideas. MRAs and hard core feminists can be a mean bunch that are mostly slinging mud at each other. I can promise you that there is a girl out there who thinks talking to a guy will get her in an abusive relationship and forced to never have a future, and eventually kill her. Irrational fears on the most part caused by a vitrolic internet that only really says most of these things on the internet. Also be honest, Christian who doesn't drink is fine, I am a Agnostic who never drinks and I found someone who practically doesn't either by just going to a game store. 4 years later I am engaged. Looks don't matter as much as you may think they do, but self conciousness about appearance does. Overweight and have acne scars? Greasy hair you have to wash twice a day just to make it clean for the next 12 hours and usually too apathetic to try? I was all of these things, and I had several people when I started to manage some things that admitted they had feelings for me, one dude I barely knew called me up at 4am to confess he loved me. And when I say manage things, i don't mean become good looking, successful flirt and businessman, just care about yourself you know? Money? Now here I admit that girls and guys deal with this differently. I was lucky to find someone who doesn't need ambition in a partner, and I work hard to pay the bills, but we make ends meet and have enough for a treat in a blue moon, we are happy. See, happiness is partly finding the right person, not just any person that will have you. I had all these thoughts too, scared of girls(lesbian), unable to fit quite in, uncomfortable home life(with parents), sleep problems that developed since I was a kid, severe lack of ambition, poor and struggling to just make ends meet, and ugly as sin. I also had severe depression since I was a kid, but I eventually made peace I wasn't going to get all my goals and to be satisfied as much as I could with myself. Now, I have a loving fiance (who I just met at a gamestore and befriended, a total straight girl, who turned out to be a Bi girl, but most importantly someone I grew to like and love before wanting a relationship, and was joyful to have as a friend), still ugly as sin, but the sleep problems got much better when the anxiety did, depression gone, and I make money where I can to help support us. Most of all I am happy and manage to be me, and found someone who likes that person. For me, this is almost like fairy land to before. It's about self care and acceptance, don't beat yourself up, stop the desperation and slow down. Try to be kinder to you, and ignore the mean parts of the internet. A little at a time. And don't try to be something you aren't to achieve something you later learn won't fit you. Sorry so long, but had to say i empathize, and it really can get better.
  11. The chan at the end will probably be translated as a pet name, it felt, since it is affectionate, and pretty sure they won't reference your gender in a cut scene in the English version. But I just meant Kamui is important to their siblings, and Camilla's affections are just another lure to one side or the other by loving siblings.
  12. I love tom boy or better yet Sully like characters who kinda outgrow the cute phase, so I voted for Hinaka, but really as someone to romance in the game, lean a lot more toward Aqua due to being unrelated.
  13. To be fair, all the siblings from both sides seem to have very strong feelings for Kamui. They are crying over Kamui, calling Kamui pet names, and generally very fond of the protagonist as a whole, other than the brothers who seem distant. I think that is supposed to be the draw from both sides.
  14. Believe it or not, while they would enjoy it, they would miss the combat, what you are proposing sounds fun, but is very different, and needs voice actors not to feel like a read the text game. And while many of my friends enjoy VNs, they enjoyed fire emblem awakening more due to an interactivity and that the characters and story are rewarded and broken up by fighting, the hard thing to understand is many of these people like combat, they just dont enjoy it the most or are necessarily good at it. The problem is when you aren't good enough to enjoy it or make it a fun past time and more of a frustration and issue. They view these games as combat is something you have to beat to get the good stuff, a trial and then reward. The fun is being able to beat the game to get the good stuff, failing over and over just makes them feel bad and eventually an insurmoutable obstacle that is no longer worth it. I know if Pheonix mode can be turned on and off, there would still be a sense of fun because when it got too hard in a fight or 2 they could easily manage and still keep enjoying it. A game where the Combat is the obstacle for the reward, rather than a reward in itself can make it more fun, even if the difficulty of the obstacle is arbitrary. As for characters dying, since that is the reward, for me and many gamers, Permadeath is just not an option for a fun game, since every time a character dies, the fun of the game for us gets reduced. Even one character dead can feel like we lost the game, and I imagine like a usual Lunatic + player coming back and only being able to win it again except on hard, the sense of enjoyment we get from the game is tainted.
  15. i mean I checked, and the old games seemed to have more than 8 characters, I feel we think these siblings are the only answer because we have only seen them on the most part. Most likely marriage will be between the other, unseen units.
  16. There are several people who I know who quit the game due to difficulty on Normal/casual and loved it beforehand. Things like loosing the child units and some maps they found difficult to master, made frustration where they were perfectly fine before, and enjoyed it. if you haven't heard people say Normal/casual was frustrating, they probably are not on here. For a few people, my normal/casual scrub self was thought of as a master, and they would hand me the game to beat some maps because they were on the verge of quitting otherwise. Many of them played the game, and was drawn to it for the same reason i was. Match up the characters, beat the story (I know many may claim its hardly beaten when that easy, but I can assure you pride and elation can come regardless of difficulty setting), enjoy the characters and what they have to say, and feel rewarded after a map. In fact one friend was really happy with the news, as soon as I mentioned it would be included, because she could finish it by herself and not feel like a loser, and she really loves the idea of 2 separate stories making a larger one, and I say the game won't be out in at least a year, but she doesn't mind and loves new details. Also, many casual gamers are getting enough from it from the main games, of what a real gamer is and other stuff. Calling someone worse for what they do in a single player game? That is the no thinking mode, it's also just malicious. I know so many impassioned gamers who get really involved with these games but have no interaction with the gaming community because so many people in it are snobs or bullies. I mean me? I play on easy and am bad at gaming and I don't care, but many people who have been gaming most of their lives are really uncomfortable about being bad, and like modes where they can feel great. It's an optional feature, I don't understand why people have to make their own fandom so toxic for newcomers.
  17. But they weren't saying classic should be removed but that keeping it can both widen the area of interest for the games as a whole, while also bringing new people to the game to enjoy classic and the harder aspects of the game as a wider appeal also means more hard core people who may not have noticed it otherwise. As fas as old guard vs new Guard believe me I know what it is like to be part of an old guard of something and the new thing sucks, and you have a multitude of reasons for explaining why it is bad, but I mean, expansion is good as a whole isn't it? Without Awakening, the games would have been preserved but no more would have been released, at least not over here. So there is a good thing, but also new blood to keep it going. New teens who can enthuse and enjoy future games, and so on. I was complaining to my fiance that 5th edition DnD was terrible, horrible, and that every new edition it seems to get worse. She agreed but then she pointed out that 4th edition brought a lot of people into the hobby (including her) and hopefully more people would realize how fun it is. Looked over the books and I noticed they weren't half as bad as they seemed, even an improvement in many ways I refused to see earlier. My point is for a small group or franchise, more is good. And optional things that bring in more people doubly so, because the nostalgia, curiosity, and interest can enliven the things you love about the old ones, or even inspire future designers and encourage the franchise as a whole.
  18. i actually like her more, I was worried she was a character as only a plot device, but she seems like she has an important role to play. I always did like co-protags though, I think those give the greatest weight as a story, especially when one is the player character. It's harder to do, but looking forward to it.
  19. Each side complains for different reasons, and someone will complain regardless because internet, and vocal minorities, but once again that is the media we live with today that no matter what a vocal minority will complain, unless it is so popular, people will stamp all over any sign of opposition. That's everything. I just was annoyed how these days everyone will make gay jokes, hint and tease at a very strong relationship that borders romantic (and would be perceived that way if one of them had a different gender.) But no gay people. If they won't add them, stop making allusions to it, ya know? I am really tired of my media doing this, stop jerking my chain. Fire Emblem does it for laughs and that is fine, but others do it on purpose, and it drives me nuts. But Branching storylines are great, I dislike choices making no difference, so no choices, or them mattering would be good. Customization is always good. I really hope reclassing exists.
  20. Same, I have gotten pretty good at making Male Avatar look a bit like a girl, and he doesn't speak too much, so its nice to pretend, same in games like harvest moon that let you redesign the characters, but he pronouns kinda ruin it. Won't lie, the reason I found Fire Emblem Awakening, is I am always on the look out for romance themed or mechanic games, on the off chance I can play as a lesbian. Winter Wolf games and Bioware are the few who have made it possible so far.
  21. I have heard this a lot, but I mean, on top of their pretty high growth, especially in speed, I have had to level several of my characters to be even, and while the Taguel are somewhat subpar to Manakate's they are better than a swordmaster for me, although admittedly without the best skills. The extra bonus to all their stats from their stones, seems to more than make up for their lack of weapons. And Manakate's at the same level rarely seem to go twice while Taguel often do and add to the fact they are ridiculously hard to hit when built well. I often reclass them to get better skills, but I do the same with the manakate's and when Yarne has defense skills from his father, he has easily become one of my best units on several occasions, while Panne, due to her growths, is often an easier parent character to use on an equivalent level as compared to other 1st gen characters who often fall far behind. Maxed out and with Beaststone+ they are quite useful, as the stone acts like a 35 use 15 MT weapon, nevermind he can also get armshrift at a 50 luck due to the stone's properties. A never ending 15 weapon? And if you are willing to level up him in other classes or his mother to hand them down, he can get Astra, and Lethiality which will trigger much more often as they have good skill and luck, with decent defense and res, I actually think Taguel are not considered as good as they can be with a little effort put into them.
  22. Just aesthetics? My first game I played with hair 1, body type 3, black hair and face 1. I liked her, and she worked out as my serious tactician lady.
  23. A Buff Lady Kamui, or other female characters, sounds awesome, I love buff ladies! Fewer characters, but more character depth. A couple characters that can S support with same sex units (or stop constantly teasing at it) A full understanding of the story, without DLC. Characters all comparably useful and decent, so that they could all reasonably be used til end game.\
  24. I mean I know how common incest is too IRL and thats why I hate it so much. In these things, and media in general they portray it as harmless, but for every person who has sorta shrugged and said they are happy, I have met two who said it ruined their life and that it was the most horrific thing to ever happen to them, even as adults or between siblings. Real incest has many other layers most people don't consider in media and fandoms, and kinda wished it were banned. I don't go near things that heavily imply incest because I can't help thinking of people it has hurt. On the other hand, People who meet later and accidentally siblings? Don't really care. Doesn't trouble me one bit, that doesn't carry the same issues that real problematic incest does. So Luke and Leia, gross but whatever. Siblings raised together knowing they are siblings? It doesn't gross me out, it horrifies me.
  25. Thanks guys, this seems to be the coolest forum about fire emblem on the internet, really was doubting if I should play. As far as grinding, I will say, part of the reason I started was a problem I had since pokemon. I have to keep my characters equal, at around the same level, but some units are just, well, it is like they are designed to not be played with. Why add characters that are actually detriments? I almost felt I needed them to shine and get them up to par. It would help if every unit was at least somewhat comparable to the others.
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