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Metal Flash

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Everything posted by Metal Flash

  1. Awakening has two main points I could see them make a prequel around. The first is the reign of Chrom`s father, like Jotari mentioned. The second would be the time of the First Exalt. However, the latter has the issue of us knowing literally nothing about it, except that Grima nearly destoryed the world until he/she was sealed away. For the former however, we got a few characters to work with. There is the previous Exalt, Gangrel, Validar, possibly Robin`s mother, the Duke of Themis (father of Maribelle) and they could include some minor boss cameos (like Pharos before she went over to Valm`s side). The Taguel could even get some expanded lore. I think this prequel would stick to canon pairs only, like the Kaga era games. Maybe give the Exalt a few options for a spouse, ala FE7 lords, but I don`t think it would copy the "everyone can marry anyone" approach Awakening and Fates had. Got no idea what a Fates prequel would even entail.
  2. It is pretty dumb, but that is the way the cookie crumbles sadly. There are a couple of characters I wanted to romance who are affected by this, but it`s no big deal. Romance ain`t all I play these games for.
  3. Supposedly, the localization removed the implications of romance from the S-supports of characters age 17 or younger. And yes, plenty of people online have shown anger and/or disappointment at this. Some are just confused why Alear(17 in game) can marry guys in their 30s or 40s, but not fellow 17 year olds
  4. As much the House Leaders being announced as a shared Emblem did not surprise or impress me, I will say the gameplay benefits they offer are pretty interesting. Edelgard lighting tiles on fire and Claude applying poison can lead into some interesting strategies, provided luck is on your side, since the leader you get is random.
  5. Man, reading all these leaks is making me consider picking M!Alear first after all. I concur, having different ranks to denote weather the endings are romantic or not would be best.
  6. Once again, Pizako does not miss, it looks great.
  7. Welcome to anime land, where anything above 25 is considered ancient.
  8. Same here, the fact that there is still no info leads me believe we are back in "paired endings only" territory Please let Alear transform into a dragon and wreck shop.
  9. Characters I expect to like: Diamante: great design, neat personality, feels like he belongs in FE Citrinne: she looks to be a neat character, hope her relation to the princes is expanded upon. Great design too Alfred: always love me a *good prince character Celine: always love me a *good princess character Amber: looks to be a fun character Characters I am unsure of: Ivy: her as a enemy and her as a ally, from what has been shown, seems like two entirely different characters Rosado: I fear his love of cute things, including himself it seems, could make him very one note and, at worst, really annoying Fogado: nothing about him seems bad so far, but nothing has really impressed me either. Design is good at least Alcryst:: his over the top apologies could get old quickly, and his self-deprication could suffer the same fate Panette: the way Timerra describes her in the snippet we saw on Twitter makes me worried she could end up like Constance, one side being a fairly polite lady, the other being a loudmouthed punk that tells others to "get bent!", with supports alternating between the two moods Chloe: part of me worries her love of fairytales could end up like Nina`s yaoi obsession Characters I am expecting to dislike: Hortensia: a loudmothed, obnoxious brat? No thanks. Not a fan of her design either Bunet: seems pretty boring, with his gimmick being "I cook" Cramme/Framme: looks like they`re gonna be Alear simps that worship the very ground they stand on, while also being obsessive fans that demand to know every detail about the Divine Dragon The Four Hounds: might be cheating, but nothing I`ve read or seen regarding them has given me a positive impression. *Good, as in, is a good person
  10. Oh right, I forgot that daggers makes poison stack. That is definitely one strong niche to have.
  11. Calling it now, Photo mode will be the source of most Engage memes. That aside, it does look kinda fun to mess around with. Tail aside, Merrin has one of the best designs in Engage in my opinion. I`m curious to see how her performance as a unit will reflect how good Wolf Knight is as a class. And I wonder what kind of role Wolf Knight will play to separate it from other cavalry classes in Engage.
  12. Sounds like Fates, just with younger siblings instead of the daughters having no relevance. As much as I don`t want it to be, I feel Gradlon will be the "fallen nation of dragons" of Engage. It would be nice to get another Dohlor or Goldoa in FE, a nation of dragons that isn`t either falling apart, in decline or already destroyed
  13. She certainly did with Rosado in that clip on Twitter
  14. I still cannot get over how modern the training clothes look. Reading that Goldmary could be somewhat of a narcisist makes me curious to see how she interacts with characters aside from her lady and fellow retainer.
  15. Thanks, glad to know others like my silly idea. Yeah, I thought it would be fun to see the animal lover of the cast interact with someone who boasts to know everything there is to know about alpacas. Now that you mention that, I imagine Louis trying to impress Jade with his training regimen, only for her to remain unamused.
  16. I think you pretty much covered the supports we can expect to see. For supports I wanna see Citrinne x Diamant (non-romantic, just wholesome cousin bonding) Merrin x Amber (would be neat to see Amber teach Merrin about alpacas) Louis x Jade (to see them discuss the different ways Firene and Brodia train their knights) Diamant x Ivy (mostly cause I jokingly headcanon them as friends with benefits)
  17. I will also do this, seems like the best option.
  18. Still sad that the dragon milf is confirmed to die With that said, I would not expect Lumiere to be the next character Pikazo would draw. Since they had drawn the elder royals, I figured the younger ones would be next. You know, it probably wouldn`t happen, but since Micaiah did fortune telling at one point, I kinda wanna see how she and Seadall would interact regarding it.
  19. That is very likely, could also be a way to let players obtain characters like the monarchs or the Four Hounds.
  20. I wonder, if Engage has New Game+ like Three Houses/Hopes did, would investment levels carry over or would they be reset?
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