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Everything posted by Blasied

  1. Let's see: Lecture Notebook iPad 3DS Water bottle Umbrella Clipboard Pencil case (with stuff in it) Manuscript book for music writing Student diary/planner Small pillow (for nap emergencies) Think that's all.
  2. Leg. I remember how much harder my life got when my dominant hand was out of action due to a broken thumb. Don't want to do that again.
  3. Thylacine, aka Tasmanian Tiger. Relatively recent extinction, so it could actually survive coming back.
  4. Q553: Blasied the Lethargic Q554: My parents don't listen to much music. I'm studying music at university. So no.
  5. I go back to when Whitlam was Prime Minister to get a University education without a lifetime of student debt attached. Then I come back and struggle to get a job with my useless degree.
  6. Q550: Computers. I wish I could properly maintain my PC instead of relying on other people. Q551: Probably Scotland. My sister moved there a few years ago and my parents are considering doing the same.
  7. Let's see: A few boatloads of CDs Assorted cables (I don't even know what half of them are for) Headphones Sound system Moniter My old DS 2 Pens My high school drama logbook Some Dream Theater DVDs 2 d20s Some letters from the bank 2 books by Yahtzee Croshaw A Blind Guardian concert ticket A notepad A nail clipper Game controller Some dermatitis ointment 2 plushy animals And this is not counting what's on the shelving above and below the desk. Thank god most of this stuff is compact and/or stacks well.
  8. If you want to know how lucky/unlucky you are with your levels, I can post the growth rates of your units here. Assuming the stat calculator in the hack topic is up to date.
  9. I get that plot demands that Kamui's base class has dragonstone access, but I would like to choose the other weapon type instead of it having to be swords.
  10. I don't really watch movies any more. I remember that the movie "Brothers Grimm" scared me quite a bit but I was 10 so that doesn't really count.
  11. There is no way I would live long enough to be found by anyone in a zombie apocalypse. And really, you shouldn't let me in your team as I have no practical skills. Maybe if you want some fodder, I might keep zombies occupied for long enough for the useful people to get away.
  12. Later on in the game: "Oh sorry, we don't have any Caineghis left. You can have Giffca though."
  13. Point and click adventure. Make it so frustrating that Sierra Games would tell you to dial the adventure game "logic" back a bit.
  14. All aboard the Happy Birthday Bandwagon! Wheeeee!

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