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Status Replies posted by #!/dev/haru

  1. The Oldest Hipster of the Future: "I liked flying cars before they were cool... or even existed"

  2. blargh

    1. #!/dev/haru


      Your approval fills this entire forum with shame.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Extrasensory perception, I want it.

    1. #!/dev/haru


      And then you'll die from neural overload. And all will be well.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. The Oldest Hipster of the Future: "I liked flying cars before they were cool... or even existed"

  5. was up til stupid o'clock trying to write a function, finally went to sleep. Woke up, murr, caffeine, and then sat down to work on it again. Did it after a few seconds of thought in one line of code. Lesson: I should not stay up til stupid o'clock.

    1. #!/dev/haru


      No, lesson: You should stay up 'til stupid o' clock but not do work until morning.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. It's official. Too much snow to keep wearing sandals.

    1. #!/dev/haru


      It's never too much snow to wear sandals. We get to 6' here and I still wear them sometimes.

  7. I wonder if anyone will remember this: I DO LIEK COMMENTS (not in this box the comment box Astra because if you spam this one I swear I'll--)

  8. Shouldn't let things distract him from work. Ahhhhn~!

    1. #!/dev/haru


      I swear, that Tenko icon is the cutest little thing ever.

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