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Everything posted by Life

  1. What about her? Welcome to 2011 where putting two Arms Scrolls on Mist for 25 uses of a sword is as fanboyish as arguing Mage Band, double Spirit Dust and levels on Mia for the exact same sword. So... what about her? Jesus Christ Snowy, he kills anything that actually does damage to him like Wyverns and Warriors. Myrmidons tink him. That's a neverKO. The Wyvern Lords in Chapter 24 have ~38 HP and ~18 Def. Haar has 37 Attack with the Silver Axe and he doubles them. Clean 1RKO. The level 6 Warrior has 47 HP and 12 Def. Haar still ORKOs him. I fail to see how Myrmidons in Chapter 21 affect the stats of Wyvern Lords and Warriors in 24 that Haar cleanly kills in a single round at 9 Move. Now you're sounding like a broken record. He doesn't have to use the Brave Axe to salvage his combat because I just proved that an Arms Scroll salvages it a lot better than a single 30 use weapon. In this case, the clothes don't make the man. The man makes the clothes. We're not pimping Haar up to use the Brave Axe just like you talk about pimping up Mist or Mia just for the Sonic Sword. Here, we're pimping up Haar so that weapons like Silver Axes or the Brave Axe want to be used by him. Funkmaster Flex would be proud. Because Haar is a brick wall made of fuck? Are you implying that Haar's flying ability suddenly doesn't exist because he only joins in Chapter 24? 1. Haar kills with store bought Silver Axes. Don't turn this into the same shit that you did with Stefan (claiming that his Att was lower than Lethe's for a good 7 or so chapters when I proved that it was equal with a store bought weapon in his first chapter). 2. In your own words, quadding with the Brave Axe is 7 kills. Even worse for Boyd since he'll waste it faster that way. Now, why don't you actually respond to my points instead of creating imaginary ones and then attacking that?
  2. Haar with an Arms Scroll has instant access to Silver Axes. The Arms Scrolls aren't really contested (only people that could really use them are Haar, Devdan and... Nephenee?) so if you don't want to sell them, that ups Haar's combat in an instant. 37 Att out of the gate isn't exactly something to sneeze at. Since everything turns into a 2HKO (he actually ORKOs the Warriors in the next chapter with it), he's a wrecking ball with 120 base Hit. Not bad at all. Also, a Speedwings on him is never bad (though probably much more contested than the Arms Scroll), mostly because his combat takes an immediate jump. A lot of things have 14 or 15 AS at this point and with 19 AS, Haar's going to be ORKOing anything that crosses his path. Looking at Chapter 24 alone, a Speedwing and Silver Axe has him ORKOing everything but the Myrmidons, Paladin, Berserker reinforcement and Ricard. Without the Speedwings, take out the Snipers, an Archer and all the Cavs except for the Steel Sword guys. Lacking the Silver Axe, he can't ORKO any of the Wyverns or the Fighters/Warriors. What a difference these resources make on him. In addition, fliers are always nice. Even Yuno or Syrene have uses that may not be combat oriented. Same thing with Haar. Oh and you're using the Brave Axe wrong. You shouldn't be looking to quad with it. You should be looking to kill something without taking a counter in return (this is why Marcus having B Axes is so key). It actually works better on a guy like Haar than Boyd or Keiran since Haar usually doesn't double and Boyd/Keiran kill their man anyway. Your Haar review is about 3 points too low since you're not using him right. AND:
  3. If I'm the world champion of competitive hotdog eating, is that skill? No, that's called being a fatass. It's the same thing here. What you call skill is really luck in disguise. Please explain where skill exists in NOC. All you did was say "lol no even though we prove otherwise". My fucking god, Tables. That's the most important thing in OC games. The town leader is in the WORST position to find mafia members because no mafia member (that's got at least 3 brain cells and knows how to dimly use them) is going to slip up when talking to him. But they might to a townie who's pulling bullshit out of his ass.
  4. I know I'm not playing but... I just need to respond to a couple things on the first page. So... a semi-informed lynch in a NOC rather than a lucky guess means that there's a problem? OH MY GOD, LOGICAL THINKING AND SKILL EXIST IN THIS GAME! THE WORLD IS GOING TO END! This was something that I was talking to Kaoz before the game started. I personally think that towns deserve a penalty if they have a tie lynch because they didn't get their shit together when they had the majority. NOC or OC. Doesn't matter. Kaoz agreed with me but I did not tell him to put it in. I just gave my opinion.
  5. Hmm. You seem to believe that we actually care about what you do. Strange. I didn't think that anyone gave a shit about whatever you do with your free time.
  6. At times like this, one important question needs to be asked. Who?
  7. Because people are determined to "prove" that there is skill in NOC. Like you. There is no skill in NOC. You can't co-ordinate shit without the mafia knowing AKA you just plain can't co-ordinate shit in the beginning. If there's two mafias, crossfire will happen because that's what happens with random aiming. And logical sense gets tossed out the windows and gets replaced with "feelings".
  8. This makes absolutely no sense. Because (once again) "suspicion" in a NOC game is glorified guesswork. People get credited for nothing more than lucky guesses in that game unless you're playing against retards.
  9. And, you know, not be ORKO'd by Uhai's 23 Atk and 14 AS. He doesn't escape a 2HKO until 15/0 on average.
  10. Legit. I can live with that. Shafted stats and late jointime really do suck in this game, even with the Rescue staff. If Warp existed, you could bump her up 2 points but it doesn't so... yeah. However, take out the part about the sages being staffers. E Staves is not good. Only Mist and Rhys compare as the real staffers and Mist has been on a horsie since around Chapter 11 or so.
  11. So, who's going to get banned first? Me or Desoato? I'm guessing me for obvious reasons. Back on topic. Snowy, when you do the Elincia review, she's got to get about a 5. I can't see her getting higher than that simply because she exists for 4/30 maps (yes, I did just include the prologue).
  12. I think my favourite part was when he claimed that he was decades older than me when it turns out that he's born in 1989, 2 years before me. Look kid, I know that the internet is a great place to wave your e-dick but let's not get out of hand, shall we?
  13. Oh? You mean the fact that you put Resolve, Lethality and Shade (already there) which takes up 35 Capacity on a unit that has 25 after promotion? Could be 30 (SF doesn't have that info for some reason) but I didn't know that you are so good at this game that you can manipulate basic math. Wait, 2 does come after 3, correct?
  14. Oh god, it IS Anacybele. I wonder if he's going to run off to DeviantART to cry about me too.
  15. You attempted to prove that Volke is a better combat unit than Mia or Zihark. I can bring up exact quotes if you want. Not even an hour old. I am Life. Nice try. And my numbers were using a Dagger. Just used the wrong name. Knives are 2 Mt, Daggers are 4. It's like saying Laguz Gems instead of Stones. You're like Anacybele. But with Fire Emblem. I'm gonna shoot myself.
  16. Snowy's a buddy of mine and I still point out complete mistakes in his logic that exist (which is surprisingly often). Like the time he straight up explained growth rates wrong (I can even link you to it if you want). But it's your call. If you want to dispute the numbers sitting in front of you, be my guest. Mm, I just love the smell of fresh hypocrisy with a side of eggs in the morning. Don't you?
  17. 6 years later and people still don't know the mathematics behind Shade. So no, nobody knows what it does. Or if it works. And yes, you are a "kid". See, I don't care about age. To me, you're measured on smarts. And kid, you have none. You mentioned YOUR personal experience once. Then you mentioned someone else's personal experience once. Unless we have different meaning of the term "personal experience" (as in what actually happens when you play vs. theorycraft), I'd say that you're still talking about personal experience. Really? Hmm... Volke has 24 Atk after promoting. 20 Str (and that's being generous) and a 4 Mt knife (again, Stilettos don't exist yet). The level 19/20 Soldiers have defensive parameters of 37 hp and 11 def. In case you don't know how to do math, I'll walk you through it. 24 - 11 = 13 damage. 13 x 2 Hits = 26 HP Soldier has 11 HP left. So no, he doesn't 2HKO average Soldiers. But I guess I'm the uninformed one... You might want to check again before saying stupid shit. Volke has a 49% chance of having 33 or less HP after promotion. The math don't lie. Considering that Zihark starts with Adept and Mia is a fine candidate for Wrath (and usually gets it if we don't want Wrath/Resolve Ike)... yeah, you kinda did. Whoops? You have better persuasion skills than Rick Perry! Anyway, Lethality is so pointless because it really doesn't do anything. Oh sure, it OHKOs an enemy. Great, that's critical / 2 chance. So that's a 12.5% chance of happening assuming that Volke's maxed his Skill (18% chance of not happening) and using a Stiletto (really only viable once Chapter 27 comes around and we can buy them in bulk due to the first one only have 20 uses between Chapter 21 and 27). 1 in 8 enemies. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Actually, you could bother to explain this last part. What does it even mean?
  18. Also Snowy, you have been trumped in the stupidity category. This is a very good thing.
  19. This is bullshit and you know it. It's like saying Amelia or Ewan are worth the investment. They're not and neither is Volke. He's not a combat unit whatsoever. His defensive parameters are pretty bad (34 HP and 12 Def in Chapter 20 is not good for any combat unit ever). His Max Att is a joke. 24 Atk in that same chapter (Stilettos aren't available until 21 and store-bought until 26) 2HKOs only the magic enemies who have ass defensive stats anyways (22 Atk 2HKOs the strongest Sage) and 3HKOs the Archer/Sniper. That's it. Even fucking Soldiers escape the 3HKO. This is not a good performance and you know it. 1) If you use any other units, you can get Ike to Ashnard before Turn 9. Welcome to the "we don't move 1 space per turn" club. People here actually try to maximize the usage of good characters. 2) Resolve on Volke? He can't even fit Resolve due to 20 capacity for Lethality and 5 for Shade, both skills you claim to use. Pretty sure that's max Capacity too (not fully sure though). 3) Sorry kiddo, I haven't played in a bunch of years due to a dead Gamecube. And I've never played Easy Mode. So pardon me for not knowing the exact stats for Easy Mode since the Hard Mode stats are posted on this very sub-forum. I guess that makes you SOOOOOOOO much more knowledgeable about the game that I am. This is motherfucking personal experience. My last FE9 run had Ike with 20 Str at 20/20. He barely damaged the BK. Does this mean that Ike sucks? Nobody gives a shit about what YOUR Volke did. Volke can't kill anything in the Final chapter. The only stuff he ORKOs is the Sage and the Bishop. And here's a nice tidbit. Both have 32 Atk. Against Volke's 8 Res, that's a 2HKO. Volke does not "lay down lives far faster and easier" than Mia and Zihark when the only enemies that he can reliably kill tandom 2HKO him in return and at scary enough hit rates. This is still personal experience. It might not be your personal experience but it's someone's personal experience. Which still makes it invalid. My god, do you think before you try to formulate ideas? Oh my god, you did not just refer to Lethality as a better skill than the generic shit that Mia and Zihark can both equip. FYI, you can unequip Skills in this game. I'll just give either of them Wrath and Resolve and they destroy face much better than Volke (guaranteed critical does that to you). See, this is why you are wrong. Mia doesn't NEED Wrath to be better than Volke, she just naturally is. Got news for you, kid. This game came out in 2005. To this day, we still have no idea what Shade exactly does.
  20. I think you missed the part where I proved that even if his stats were maxed, he does a grand total of 0 damage to Dragons. And Resolve + Lethality is takes 30 Capacity and I'm highly sure that Volke has 25 after promotion. Oh. So you're a cheater. That explains everything.
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