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Everything posted by Life

  1. Burn the disk and erase all memories of the game from your mind.
  2. But Int, you've forgotten the real question. What's the point? So we turn Mist into a usable combat unit. Yippie. Now what? Oh, she can clean up a missed kill. Hmm. That applies to just about... well, everyone. I don't see you talking about Rhys' offense in this light. Perhaps you should in order to stay consistent. If we give Rhys a forged Light tome (and a Speedwings), we have the ability to turn someone who is normally not a combatant, into an instant bail-out button. In other words, if you need temporary offense -- such as in the case where enemy density is more than the normal crew can handle, or when something otherwise untoward like a badly-timed miss happens -- Rhys is capable of stepping up and taking someone out. Stop me if this sounds like a case of deja vu; my copypasta skills aren't well polished.
  3. We go after your logic, not your person. I just enjoy making snide little remarks about intelligence. Bastian is a shit unit. No two ways around it.
  4. Boogie on down to the Opera House. Ultros is up to his usual tricks so we gotta stop him. Managed to cheese my way past the rats without fighting them (I fucked up, I shouldn't have AP trained Sabin before this and just waited for now for 15 AP) which was really nice but it took a LONG time and a lot of restarts. And Ultros' first words when I get to him? "Oh, rats!" Anyway, Locke simply punched himself in the face all battle and it was the Sabin and Edgar show. Sabin went down to a pair of Acid Rains after returning the favor with Aura Cannons, Edgar quickly revived him after summoning Ramuh, Sabin pulled off another Aura Cannon, died again and Edgar finished Ultros off with a pair of Drills. -17 for Ultros is a pretty nice score (General Horace will beat it but he's got three guys... :P). Setzer kidnaps Celes like usual and pilots my ass to Albrook. Save because I'm heading out for brunch and going to my uncle's afterwards (last bus stops running in 2 and a bit hours). LATER: After doing the math, I realized how badly I fucked that one up. Note to self for future FFVI drafts, the 15 AP required for the Ifrit/Shiva fight is best collected on the rafters from 2x Stunner, 1x Goetia formations rather than the trip from Zozo to Jidoor. Oh well. Trial and error. Albrook has nothing but an Elixir. I fight a pretty rough battle on the way to Tzen (2x Litwor Chicken, 1x Don, 1x Wyvern) for a level up for both Sabin and Edgar but more importantly, 3 AP. Sabin needs a single fight for 2 AP now and I'll do that in the IMRF. The Tzen Relic shop has a Black Belt for sale. I don't have one. Since I know I never sold one, it means that I got screwed fighting the General with Cyan. Thinking back to my Fewest Steps Run, Celes needed it for Inferno since she didn't want to face Meteor. Nothing Terra has equipment-wise will stop it (barring 128% MEvade) so I go the safe route and drop 5k on a Black Belt. Yeah, I'm already thinking of Kefka's Tower. Sue me. Maranda's the only interesting town equipment-wise. Mythril Mail, Mythril Helm, Green Beret and Priest's Miter plus a Trident. The Trident is Water elemental which will do a bit of damage to the Cranes. Edgar's other options are Chainsaw and Drill but this is motherfucking effective damage. I buy one for 1.7k because I really don't think I can go wrong with this purchase. Suddenly I wish I had a Gauntlet for even more damage. But the Genji Glove is too useful vs. Tunnel Armour. Might try it out the next time I pull Edgar in this kind of draft. The Armour situation is a little trickier. The obvious purchases are the Green Beret and Mythril Mail. But this runs me about 6.5k and leaves me with under 3k. Normally, this isn't a problem but the issue is that I have Thamasa to worry about. More specifically, Flame Eater. My plan is to have Terra break 2 Ice Rods on the sucker. I get one for free from the Burning House but I need to buy the second. That's 3k. I get no money from bosses so from selling shit, I have barely enough money. And there's really good armour in Thamasa. I know I get 41k almost immediately afterwards but 30k of that is designated for Espers with a possible 3k going to a third (depends if I feel that I need Seraph now or later). That's 8k remaining at worst. This might be tight. I buy only the Green Beret and leave my total money at 6.2k. A chocobo ride later and I hit Vector. I take out the two Guards in the healing house for negligible Exp and cash. The stores in Vector sell rubbish so I don't even bother with them. Instead, I book it for the IMRF. Cool beans. The IMRF is a fun place. After getting Celes and Locke killed off, I have Edgar Noiseblaster the place so that the brothers can run in peace. To help Edgar, I give him the Hermes Sandals so that he has Auto Haste. I'll pull them off before Ifrit/Shiva but for right now, it does wonders. I also Flash a group of Onion Knights for 3 AP, enough to teach Sabin Slow. Good times are ahead. It nets me pretty shit Exp and 500 Gil (very nice). The more notable items that I snag from this place are the three elemental blades, Dragoon Boots (gonna need these), a Zephyr Cloak and a Golden set. Once I get down to Ifrit/Shiva, I quickly realized that Sabin is relegated to only Raging Fist due to not being level 15. That means that Earrings on him are useless and that I probably should have kept a Hyper Wrist. Oh well, that 4k is more important. I give Sabin the Zephyr Cloak and a Reflect Ring in order to make him more durable. The actual battle went so much better than I expect. Slow on Ifrit makes him much more managable and Edgar alternated between Drill and Chainsaw (I was trying not to pull the ID part of Chainsaw since that's a wasted turn). Sabin played healer since he was basically invincible with the Reflect Ring. Shiva showed up after a bit and Sabin slowed her too. The Reflect Ring turned out key at this point since she killed Edgar with a couple of Blizzard counters. Sabin revived Edgar and the two hit Shiva enough to bring Ifrit back out. Ifrit then tried to Firaga Sabin only to hit the Reflect Ring and do zilch. A couple of turns later, the Espers gave up. Moral of the story: Reflect is god. -19 for Ifrit/Shiva. I grabbed my magicite and gave Shiva to Sabin and Ifrit to Edgar. Switched Edgar's Trident to the Flametongue too. Found Number 024 a little while later and absolutely trashed him with Sleep. Had Edgar quickly summon Ifrit and then switch over to Thunder spamming (went with the Thunder Blade too at this point). Sabin summoned Shiva, abused Aura Cannon and Slept Number 024 when he had to. MY GOD, TOO MOTHERFUCKING EASY! Same levels means that I scored a -25 on him.
  5. It probably is. You gain 3k in cash from South Figaro, 5k from Narshe, another 8k from selling both of your Hyper Wrists and those three amounts should tide you over until the Esper Caves. After that, the Imperial Post opens up and that's 41k sitting there in straight cash. Not to mention all the useless shit you can sell along the way.
  6. CONTINUING ON WHILE DRUNK (or at least significantly buzzed)! Edgar and Sabin blazed through Zozo like a herd of bulls in a china shop. And by blazed, I mean ran from everything and absolutely destroyed Dadaluma with Aura Cannon/Drill/Flash. That's a -25 for Dadaluma with a level 10 Edgar and level 9 Sabin. Snagged the Chainsaw too while I was at it. Never hurts to have extra damage (didn't feel like playing around with ID in this battle but I don't understand why I didn't. Got a Hermes Sandals from the top of Zozo so I don't need to backtrack either (only need 1 pair for Tentacles). Got myself the first four Espers (wow, been a while since I've had more than just Ramuh from the end of Zozo. Siren to Sabin (for Sleep and Slow specifically) while Edgar gets Ramuh (he's summoning). Might start half grinding now. Looking at the MP totals, Sabin needs about 15 AP for Slow (his slowest vital spell) so I'm going to allow myself to have them fight for that much AP (he would love it for Ultros but won't have it until Ifrit/Shiva). Edgar just needs to summon Ramuh so fuck his AP intake. Tools are good enough until I can drop him. I make my way back down to Jidoor. I only fight stuff if it gives me 2 AP. If it's only 1, fuck it. Not worth the Exp. Edgar and Sabin both grow a level on this journey (Sabin is 5 AP away from Slow and has learned Sleep while Edgar can now trivialize the IMRF with Flash/Chainsaw/Drill/Thunder). I unlock the Opera House and head down there. I save here because I'm too drunk to continue. Sad but true.
  7. He can't use lances or bows. I always knew you were stupid but wow, you are retarded.
  8. Long ass update this time. My goal is to finish up to the point that Edgar and Sabin leave with this single update. I'm writing it from the beginning. So the Figaro brothers start their journey back in Narshe. The Armoury opens up and spits out a bunch of goodies with the two most notable being a third Earring (this one for Edgar), Reflect Ring (for Ifrit/Shiva) and 5000 Gil. That's an awful lot of Hi-Potions, ya know? In Figaro, I do my real shopping. Edgar grabbed Drill and Flash to up his damage and then spent the rest of his money on Hi-Potions and Phoenix Downs (30 and 5 respectively) after selling all my useless shit. Fun fact, Edgar first in the party gets you a discount in Figaro. Sent the castle to Kohlingen and left it. Kohlingen's got nothing nice except for an Elixir but the Dragon's Neck Coliseum to the north has a Hero's Ring with Edgar's name written all over it. At this point, I'm starting to worry about money but I have enough for a Chocobo and ride him south to Jidoor. Unlike Kohlingen, Jidoor's shops actually have nice stuff. I'm looking at you, Ninja Gear. The problem is that it costs 1100 Gil and a Mythril Vest for Edgar is an additional 1200. Taking a look at my relics, the "sorta useless" ones are the Sniper Eye, Mythril Glove, Thief's Bracer, 2x Hyper Wrist, Peace Ring, Jeweled Ring, Barrier Ring and Knight's Code. I'll never need the Knight's Code, Sniper Eye or Thief's Bracer so I can sell those. The Mythril Glove and Barrier Ring will never come in handy due to having to be in critical to activate. And the Hyper Wrists are simply inferior to a Gigas Glove or anything like it. Everything else may have a purpose later in life but it's unlikely due to having a Ribbon already. This selling binge nets me 12.1k in Gil, an amount that I'm not really to go nuts with in buying stuff. My item stock is pretty ridiculous as it is. Side note: I also found out that there's a Hermes' Sandals that I've missed. I will be backtracking for those when I can. Need them for a WoR boss. A chocobo and Tent later and I'm at the beginning of Zozo. And my friend just came so it's time to go out drinking.
  9. The Narshe Battle sequence is always nice. I've now perfected a way to get to the Hell's Rider and Kefka without fighting. Killing them, on the other hand, is a whole other story. The Hell's Rider is pretty simple. 1300 HP and slow as fuck. !Silver Lance is the only thing that can leave a scratch and we're talking about ~150 damage. But he'll only use it on the first turn and that's 33% of the time. Venomist won't show up until Turn 4 and by that time, we're facing Kefka. Sabin grew a level after the battle but for actually beating the Hell's Rider, I got a -10 (-6 for Sabin and -4 for Edgar). Kefka's much harder. Like Blizzara OHKOs both Edgar and Sabin. His attack script is pretty simple (mostly Attack but with a few dangerous spells like Thundara and Confuse thrown in) and they're coming from his pathetic 9 Magic power. If you don't see Thundara and heal with Hi-Potions once your level drops low enough, you should be fine. Auto-Crossbow and Aura Cannon is the way to go. -8 from Edgar and -9 from Sabin gives me a total of -38 levels gained from the past two battles alone. This is gonna be sick.
  10. More updates (after going out and running to the bank)! Blasted my way through Terra's scenario. Killed off Edgar for kicks but it didn't matter since I wasn't going to fight shit anyways. Sabin's scenario was trickier. Some formations can actually kill Sabin and I can easily run away but the Templars and Magitek Armors drop common Hi-Potions. I want. So I fought my way through the Imperial Camp and picked up the Barrier Ring, Mythril Glove and Star Pendant. Not that I actually need them (aside for the Barrier Ring since it ups Magic). Phantom Train was fun. I walked in with full HP and a shitton of Hi-Potions (I believe it was about 12). Bombs drop Hi-Potions so I fought single formations of those. Also fought single formation Angel Whispers for shit Exp (not that I want it in the first place) and decent money (125 Gil a pop which translates to 1 Hi-Potion for every 3 or so battles). Brought my Phoenix Down collection up to 11 (10 + 1 for the Phantom Train), Hi-Potions to 20 and spent the remaining 2350 on 47 Potions for a total of 59. You're only as strong as your item stock in the earlygame of this game. The rest of the ride is pretty uneventful. Sabin grabs the Earring, equips it to wear two and proceeds to smash both the Apparition and Phantom Train without even blinking. Free Phoenix Downs (both were free from the Apparition Room) do that. Sabin snags a -6 from the Phantom Train kill and proceeds to the Baron Falls. The idea with Rhizopas is that you're either going to kill him in 3 rounds or die before you get that far. Megavolt hurts, !Bite hurts, Blizzard hurts and El Nino is an auto KO. And to top it off, he gets 2 attacks on his first turn. Sabin was missing the 2HKO with both Earrings so this fight is pure luck when you're under level 10. All it comes down to is how often you see Attack. The more you see it, the better your chances are. In fact, seeing Attack x3 almost guarantees you the win but the chances of that happening is about 7%. So expect a lot of resets. Sabin did grab me a -5 from the Rhizopas fight. Recruited Gau after a side trip to Mobliz (fuck the Tintinabulum) and jumped into the Serpent's Trench. A couple of battles later (which I ran from) and an X-Potion and Green Beret richer, I arrived in Nikeah. Ladies and gentlemen, time for the main event. LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBLE!
  11. My Asvel pulled a similar performance. And those archers at the top of the map hurt. Brave Sword!Fergus is so key here.
  12. Update time! So, I made it to the Returner Hideout. Snagged the White Cape, Genji Glove and a bunch of Hi-Potions in preparation for the route split. Banon came in at level 3 which means that he can't survive shit. So I fought a couple of Narshe River battles and took him up to level 6. Edgar hit 10 and Sabin got to 8 (since Sabin is one of my picks). Ultros was fun and I managed a -7 on him. Route split! Went with Locke first for shits and giggles (and the Earring/Ribbon) and had Locke/Celes running from everything (didn't even take time to kill her, just ran). Ended up facing down Tunnel Armour with a Level 5 Locke and Level 6 Celes. And I believe that's... -21 for killing him? Coolio. EDIT: I figured out Wrexsoul. Using Banish on him counts as 0 points (no penalty since you beat him but you didn't actually kill him). Actually beating that fucker is however many points you rightfully earn.
  13. Ok. More update. So I finished up my shopping in South Figaro (blew all of money on Potions) and headed out to Mt. Koltz. Grabbed the Gigas Glove for use and the Main Gauche for selling. Level 8 Edgar couldn't get past the Ipoohs so I quickly grinded him up another level. That did the trick. Gigas Glove + Auto Crossbow took out the Ipoohs and Edgar finished off Vargas with 18 HP remaining. I'm so happy that I get Edgar and Sabin for the majority of the WoB. Life's gonna suck for all you guys. I fully intend on destroying this draft.
  14. So my progress so far: I grabbed Edgar, killed off Locke and Terra and beat the Magitek Armors easily. Had to keep them confused while I suicided the pair but it was all good. Took Edgar up to level 8 in the Figaro Cave (just so he has SOME HP for Vargus) and bought a couple of useful Relics in South Figaro. Jeweled Stone is for Petrify and Star Pendant for Poison. I'll keep these going for a while until I can snag the White Cape from the hideout. @ General Horace: Sorry mate, that was me getting antsy because I lose all free time on Sunday. You can run with the same team (you might need the Lightbringer to beat Demon thanks to 128% MEvade) of course.
  15. They're free, it's impossible to kill the Guard Leader with them dead. Completely forgot about that. My problem wasn't killing him, it was making sure that Locke didn't get any Exp during the fight. Had to try again a number of times until I got it right.
  16. Project post! I'll update my scores here. Current Progress: Restart on phone (15/12/15). 6/14 recruited in WoR (Team: Terra/Setzer/Shadow). Deleted Typhon because he is part of Ultros (4) Ymir 6 -> -3 - Terra (3) Guard Leader 8 -> -3 - Locke (5) Magitek Armour 8 -> -2 - Edgar (6) Vargas 12 -> -5 - Edgar (7) Ultros (1) 13 -> -12 - Edgar (7), Sabin (7) Phantom Train 14 -> -7 - Sabin (7) Rhizopas 13 -> -6 - Sabin (7) Tunnel Armour 16 -> -21 - Locke (5), Celes (6) Hells Rider 14 -> -14 - Edgar (7), Sabin (7) Kefka 18 -> -21 - Edgar (8), Sabin (7) Dadaluma 22 -> -33 - Edgar (8), Sabin (7) Ultros (2) 19 -> -20 - Edgar (9), Sabin (9) Ifrit/Shiva 21 -> -24 - Edgar (9), Sabin (9) Number 024 24 -> -30 - Edgar (9), Sabin (9) Number 128 23 -> -25 - Edgar (11), Sabin (10) Cranes 23 -> -25 - Edgar (11), Sabin (10) Flame Eater 26 -> -36 - Terra (8), Locke (8) Ultros (3) 25 -> -34 - Terra (8), Locke (8), Relm (FREE) Ultros (4) 26 -> -27 - Sabin (13), Setzer (12) Air Force 25 -> -25 - Sabin (13), Setzer (12) Ultima Weapon 37 -> -72 - Sabin (14), Setzer (13), Shadow (12) Nelapa 26 -> -25 - Sabin (14), Setzer (13) ------------------ Tentacles 33 -> -23 - Celes (10) Dullahan 37 -> -24 - Setzer (13) Humbaba 31 -> -56 - Setzer (13), Terra (12), Shadow (12) Behemoth King 46 -> -33 - Setzer (13) Chadarnook Stooges Wrexsoul Hidon Valigarmanda 62 -> -149 - Terra (12), Setzer (13), Shadow (12) Yeti 33 -> -62 - Terra (12), Setzer (13), Shadow (12) Master Tonberry Samurai Soul Deathgaze Magic Master Inferno Ultima Buster Guardian Fiend Demon Goddess ------------------ Gigantuar Leviathan Storm Dragon Ice Dragon 74 -> -185 - Terra (12), Setzer (13), Shadow (12) Blue Dragon Holy Dragon Red Dragon Earth Dragon 53 -> -163 - Terra (12), Setzer (13), Shadow (12), Umaro (12) Gold Dragon Skull Dragon ------------------ Total To Date: -1175 (470 WoB)
  17. Problem. Bum Rush is magical, not physical. Same with most of Sabin's blitzes. The stat boosts don't apply. All you're doing is pulling out an Esper when you could be using it.
  18. Before route split: Edgar Sabin Basically, the first section of the game is me running from anything that looks at me funny. Edgar is there for the Magitek Armors and Vargas. Sabin will do nothing. Until Narshe: Nobody So a Terra solo, Sabin solo and Locke solo. Fun. Narshe Battle to Vector Part 2: Edgar Sabin This is hilarious. I should not have ended up with the best two bosskillers for a good portion of the game. Hell's Rider, Kefka, Dadaluma, Ultros (2), Ifrit/Shiva, Number 024, Number 128 and Cranes. That's a ridiculous amount of bosses. I am gonna rock. Thamasa to End of WoB: Sabin Setzer Shadow Terra/Locke combo for Thamasa and Esper Caves but the Floating Continent will be fun. I'm going to Rasp the shit out of Ultima Weapon. Nelapa will go down quickly thanks to Aura Cannon and Gil Toss (holy fuck, I'm actually using it for once). World of Ruin: Terra Setzer Shadow Umaro I have no clue where I'm going to use Umaro but huh. Terra will take a little while to train (thanks to only gaining AP at Flame Eater) but once she gets going, shit will get hilarious. Shadow has nice Fuma Shuriken damage while Setzer will probably go Viper Darts and Slots until I grab the Fixed Dice. Which may even happen right away. Terra takes on Demon, Setzer goes after Goddess and Shadow has Fiend. I think I'll send Umaro with Terra for shits and giggles (maybe he can eat some Metal Cutters for her?). I just really can't think of an actual use for him.
  19. Sabin until route split. AKA USELESS FUCKER. I'll do an analysis of my team in a bit. Should be done the WoB by tomorrow.
  20. You know what? I'll take Umaro. And use him too (no clue where though).
  21. Uh... throwaway picks at this point (since I'm going to run like hell). So... Edgar until route split.
  22. I've boiled down Fiend and Goddess down to strategies that may or may not involve the Merit Award, depending on who you choose.

    I didn't upload videos but I did have the thread where I worked with a bunch of screenshots and explanations. It's linked in the thread.

  23. Celes first pick was the best pick not named Terra. Seriously.

    Demon requires either somewhere in the high 50s of a level or the Minerva Bustier. The other options are basically tricking out your MDef and MEva as high as it can go.

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