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Everything posted by Life

  1. Now here is a chap that has correctly identified the problem. Spot on.
  2. You may not have social lives but I do, thank you very much. Not enough money. Now I know why I stick to bars but I can't pick up girls well when I'm with like 5 mates.
  3. Girls that dress up for clubs end up looking like slutty Oompa-Loompas. This turns me off. This is not good. What do I do?
  4. Well you know, the Welsh don't really have rights and all... not that they deserve them...
  5. Fairly smart? Fairly? I'll have you know that I got a 56.90 on my Kaba for the IDF. Go check up what that means. Haven't really watched this season. Stopped at Ep 3 but was liking what I saw. Colton was being set up for a nice downfall.
  6. Do you actually think that I don't know that you're English? Of course I fucking know that you're Irish but remember, Wales is shit while Leeds is the shit.
  7. Dark Sage: Actually respect you. Can we not get monotonous here?
  8. Lemme see... Freohr: Naive little girl. Should probably grow up if she wants people to take her seriously AKA actually give a shit that she exists. SlayerX: Still don't know how he passed Grade 8 since he clearly doesn't understand READING COMPREHENSION. Silver Harpoon: Don't know you, don't give a fuck about you. Neither does 99% of the world. That last 1% wants you to slice your balls off and hang yourself. Emerald: I have nothing against gay people. But I have something against faggots. And you are a class A faggot. Elieson: See Silver Harpoon but let's add in that I also think you're mentally retarded. Raven: Scottish boy could do with some manners... and a brain. Obviam: Smartass. No really. Complete unlikable smartass. Spike: Haven't played enough LoL with him. SSS: Neutral. Completely forgot who the fuck you are. So let's just say that you're not really noticeable to anyone. Kay: You're like one of those feminists in Maxim that needs to be converted into a loyal housewife. I can start your training free of charge right now if you want. MRaven/Paperblade: Actually respect. Moving on. Ether: I definitely expect you to be arrested as a pedophile. In fact, I'll surprised if you don't. I'm like 99% positive that you worship Pedobear as your god, judging from your like of 5 year old anime girls. For the record, I can see her underwear in your sig and almost threw up. That is disgusting. Rehab: Don't know you. Darros: I remember him being so stupid that he actually got a failing mark on an IQ test. Aside from that, no strong opinions. Eclipse: Actually respect. Lumi: Tell you what. You'll get into my "actually respect" group if you draw a specific picture for me. And by that, I mean drop everything else not related to school and do my picture immediately. Who's next?
  9. If you really want to know what I think of you, go ahead and post. It'll be colourful.
  10. I'm the man. Combat soldier WHAT UP. im dangerous, that guy is so dangerous, that guy is a bad guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  11. Life

    Cheating Tips

    During course ivrit (like less than a month ago), my commander would put the words that we learned behind us on the wall. A lot of the verbs had a letter that came afterwards, preposition if you will, that we had to remember. But I can't fucking remember half of them so on the tests, I'd just turn around and look at the word on the wall. She didn't take them down for whatever reason. Never got lower than an 85% on those tests with 2 of them in the 90s. And I don't understand Hebrew. That's the extent of me cheating.
  12. Women's Day? Is that what they call a kitchen nowadays?
  13. I dont see Jews with big noses and holding money. Wrong picture is wrong.
  14. I got drafted into the army. Really not that hard to understand. Chose to do it rather than it be mandatory but since I'm basically moving here, I have to serve anyway.

  15. Uh... uh... What awareness? Kony has been a known problem in Uganda since '92 at the very latest (technically earlier than that) and suddenly (and randomly) on March 7, 2012, people are concerned about it? Are you fucking kidding me? Invisible Children has been making movies about Uganda since 2004. ... Let me repeat myself. Kony 2012 is the 11th movie about the LRA since 2004 and is only considered now as something that everyone needs to support. Bullshit has been called out.
  16. Not exactly. Canadian but I currently live in Israel and work for the Israeli army as a combat soldier.

  17. Without getting too deep into politics, I'm not complaining about the status quo in Syria. Keeps them from attacking me. It ain't great to see innocents get caught up in that shit but I'm pretty sure the alternative isn't the better choice for Israel's current "peace". EDIT: And I'm so sick of seeing this Kony shit all over my Facebook. It's exactly like MJ dying. Everyone suddenly becomes the biggest lover of peace and whatnot. It's kinda disgusting.
  18. Well, SOMEONE here is out of touch with reality.
  19. Unfortunately for you, I don't give a shit.
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