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Everything posted by Life

  1. Would love to know why it's taking me 30 minutes to log in. Just got a cooling pad for my computer so I might be able to make it through a game without overheating this bad boy.
  2. Perfect. Now move to Israel. Seriously though, everything that can be said on the matter has been said.
  3. It depends on the law system there. If the law will prosecute, I hope they do. If not, shame. But nothing can be done in those cases. Don't confuse my point. I have not once condoned honour killings. I am more than 100% against them. But there is nothing that can be done in countries where it is acceptable.
  4. I didn't know anyone could miss the point that badly. In the past three days (18/06/2012 -> 20/06/2012), over 50 rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza, an area that is "victimized" in the media. Gaza is one of those areas that infringes on human rights in the name of religion. But Israel is the country that is condemned for wanting to keep its civilians safe. The point that I was trying to make was that the rest of the world does not understand the Middle East and WILL not understand the Middle East and should stop attempting to. But all you saw was "human rights" and "gay marriage" and went off on a tangent. Next time, read the argument properly before replying. EDIT: The bold is to everyone else. I am in complete agreement with Baldrick and I think my opinion holds weight because I actually live in the Middle East and you do not. Just let it be. This shit will continue, no matter how much you disapprove of it. "OH MY GOD, THEY'RE KILLING THE VICTIM! WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING!" Well smart guy, let me hear your plan. Let me hear what YOU individually are going to do. Bear in mind that you're attempting to fight against a religious view and will lose about 99% of the time.
  5. Twilight is shit because EVERYTHING of it is shit. It's a wet dream put into paper. That's the only reason why some people "like" it.
  6. Life

    Why is your member title in Hebrew?

  7. Twilight isn't a good example. Looking at the writing itself (with a literary view), it's actually shit. Dan Brown books would be a better example. Not great writing but effective.
  8. I've been looking at Blazing Sword recently and well, I'm not really pleased with a lot of the name changes. I mean, take Canas for example. Very weak name. Eubans? Probably doesn't even have proper roots. As a result, I'm requesting a hacker to help me change the names in Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword to more readable names. Here's just a few of my changes. A lot of them aren't much of a change and all of them have proper reasoning behind them. Putting this in spoilers because it is long. These are just my examples. If you're interested in helping, please contact me. Thank you.
  9. I'm about to go on a rant. Not trying to hijack the thread but I need to vent. First off all, most of these cases happen in the Middle East. My territory, not yours. This is culturally normal here (not Israel but ME in general) and the world does nothing but "condone" it. Fine. It would be nice if the world stayed out of our business but what can you do? My real issue is not with the fact that atrocities happen but rather that the world then turns around and blames Israel for infringing on human rights. We are a country with legitimately more freedoms than the world's self-proclaimed "free nation" (I'm looking at you, USA, and your illegalization of gay marriage). We are surrounded by countries which deny women basic human rights, all in the name of Mohammed the Prophet. Take the blockade of Gaza that's been up for years now as an example. How many resolutions have been passed by the UN against Israel's inhumane actions simply regarding the blockade? Countless. But does the rest of the world realize that the PA treats their own citizens worse than we do? We provide food, we take out the terrorist organization which hides in their homes and uses their children as human shields... We do that stuff. Not their own government. Many Palestinians don't really care two figs about Israel because they actually want to live in peace. Unfortunately, it's their government that screws it up. What I'm trying to get at is that if nothing is going to be done about honour killings (which nothing should be done because this stuff will continue), then stop lambasting Israel as being the nation that denies freedoms. Sorry about that, needed to rant. Murder is a crime. Murder is an issue. And yet, there are murders every day in every city of the world. Just because something is deemed unacceptable doesn't mean that it won't continue. I really don't understand your point. Education of issues is a wonderful thing but it means nothing without an agenda.
  10. But that's not the point. If honour killings happened in any democratic country (Canada/Israel/GB...), there would be a trial and public uproar. But when it happens in the Middle East (excluding Israel), it's considered culturally acceptable and the rest of the world views it as "a pity". EDIT: I actually do remember the Shafia case and the uproar it caused. Because it happened in Montreal, people were shocked and wanted the family to hang. That doesn't happen everywhere.
  11. They don't go after the offender though. Remember, this is the fucked up version of Islam. Even though women dress up so that you can only see their eyes (AKA so that men don't think of sexual fantasies), they were still tempting the man and therefore, it is their fault. It's like the guy who claims that the girl was asking to be raped because her skirt was that short... but now the court agrees with him and pardons him.
  12. Life

    Yep. Pretty much.

    Funny thing, my roommate and I were talking about honour killings the other day.

  13. This topic is a cesspool of bile and phlegm.
  14. This topic ruined the joke, hence this topic is ruined to begin with. Not that hard to understand.
  15. How does this even make sense? You can't ruin a joke in a good way. Or even with good intentions. You just ruin a joke.
  16. Aku, question. Do you know how to hack Golden Sun?

  17. So are hot girls who are finishing up trips to Israel and want to experience kissing and fucking a soldier.
  18. Quoted for truth. "Nothing because he is a good Muslim man." - My roommate. I asked her if that was a joke. It's not.
  19. I don't want to insult Nightmare (a very good friend of mine) but I need to get this off of my chest. In most Middle Eastern countries (even in the West Bank and Gaza), this is the norm. Welcome to a world that is run by a religion that has perverted itself in the name of power. Women have no rights. Yes, you read that right. A girl is killed if she is raped because it is dishonourable for her to live. The victim gets a worse punishment than the perpetrator. I know a story of a mother that took her daughter to the police (in Israel near Hebron) for protection from the family because the daughter had been raped. Protection from her own family. Can you even imagine that? And the rest of the world thinks of it as... distasteful. The Middle East with regard to Israel vs. Arab countries is rife with double standards. If this happened in Israel (not just among the Arab population in the West Bank), there would be world outcry and Israel would be infringing on basic human rights (like the UN believes otherwise anyways). But in Iran? Egypt? Jordan? Saudi Arabia? Syria? Well... that's saddening but it just what happens there.
  20. Once again. This. Seriously. Live your life and stop bitching that you have no friends or that you're a loser or anything. If you want to go out and be popular, make the fucking effort. Go out to parties, get social with people, start spending time away from your computer and with friends. This doesn't mean drinking or drugs, it just means gaining a social life. I have a wallpaper which perfectly describes my feelings. It's why I do what I do; at the end of the day, I have no regrets whatsoever. Mods, don't take down the picture, it's completely relevant.
  21. Huh? VI was more designed to be a "fuck around with the world" game. There is no game (with the exception of 1) which says "Alright, you've beaten 2/3 of the game, now you may beat the rest however you want or just go straight to the final boss". VI also is the only game (that I know of, don't know 2/3/12 so well) where the main antagonist is actually the final boss (V doesn't exactly fit here since Exdeath has been taken over by the Void itself). There's no conspiracy, no ultimate being stronger than the bad guy, there's just you and the god that you've wanted to topple for a year. That's about it. That being said, IX is still the second best FF game to exist.
  22. Chapter 8 is 8 turns long and Soren sits behind Ike or Boyd and snipes away. He gains a retarded amount of Exp from that chapter alone. A level of BExp takes him to 8 for the start of Chapter 9. Very reasonable. Ilyana's supports aren't really that good if we're playing efficiently simply because of the Move differences. The only viable ones are Zihark and Mia and it's unlikely that both get fielded together. Her D in Thunder is really nice (and better than Soren's fat E) but all we need for Bolting is C Thunder. Soren has the jump on Wind (it means that he starts using Tornado a full 2 chapters before Thoron appears) and still has enough time to build up his Thunder rank for Bolting (15x2 uses of Thunder and then 10x2 of Elthunder before Chapter 17). I'm not trying to sandbag Ilyana but the thing is, she really is mediocre and her current position doesn't reflect that.
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