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Everything posted by Life

  1. Whip out your dick. Great way to break the ice.
  2. Your argument falls null and void when they start spitting on young children. The Torah specifically says that you should not treat others as if they are beneath you because you are brothers. I'm specifically speaking about Joseph when he held a position of power in Egypt. He did not treat his brothers as if they were beneath him just because he was second in control and they sold him into slavery and whatnot. This is where the hypocrisy lies. Derech Eretz (respect for people) is one of the most essential parts of Judaism. And the Haradim seem to have forgotten that.
  3. Since when is Astra locked to Stefan? If I take it off of him, flaw doesn't exist anymore. That was the silliest argument I've ever heard. I take that back. THIS is the silliest argument I've ever heard. Let's say that Boyd gets 3HKO'd by enemies. 3 enemies attack him and Boyd has about a ~8% chance of getting hit by all three. Does this mean he's terrible? For the record, this means that he's facing about 45 Hit rates. The chance of Boyd getting 3HKO'd by three enemies and dying due to shitty RNG is the exact same as Stefan being critical'd by one. You're attempting to use luck as a negative against Stefan. I didn't see you mention this for Nephenee. Try being consistent with your arguments for once. Until? Are you trying to imply that 19+50% Str and hilarious Crit with Killing Edges has him slowing down at the end of the game? That should read "for the rest of the game". Which I proved is pointless since his base Def lets him be deployed at base level 9 chapters after joining and still not having durability problems. Check the debate thread. And the Vague Katti gives off +3 Def and he uses it better than Mia/Zihark/Ike thanks to actual reliable Hit with Gamble. Gamble should be going to Stefan without a doubt. He uses it better than anyone and can ORKO pretty much any existing boss in conjunction with just a Killing Edge or specialized weaponry. For example, Gromell is a ORKO with the Killing Edge and that motherfucker's parameters are 47 HP and 23 Def. Stefan still doubles the man when he's in Resolve range. Rating is fair but your reasoning for it is incorrect. It's like the retard who got the answer to a really hard physics question but when asked to show how he got it, he drew a fish on the board. Lucky guess.
  4. Since I live in Israel currently (and am an Israeli soldier), I don't exactly have access to anti-Israel outlets to know what's being said. Mind helping a bro out over here?
  5. I think so too. The president (Shimon Perez) has already started calling for the public to join the rallies against Haradim Jews. This is starting to become a really big problem in this country.
  6. For them to act this way in the first place is directly violating the Torah. They just become the ultimate hypocrites in the world if they pull such a stunt.
  7. Are you kidding? The Torah (and Judaism in general) is all about sanctity of life. You can break any law in the Torah simply to save a person's life. There is only one nation that Jews are allowed to kill and that's Amalek (basically anyone who tries to kill the Jews are descendants of Amalek). In fact, there's no rule about modesty to that extreme whatsoever. It's all teachings from it and that's where it gets fucked up.
  8. There's a bunch of woman who have become famous in the world of Israeli politics. I'll link you to articles about each of them. Yocheved Horowitz Na'ama Margolese - If you are going to read only one article, read this one. Doron Matalon The thing is, this topic isn't about Israeli politics. It's about the amount of blatant hypocrisy in the world. Haradim Jews (beyond Ultra-Orthodox) are supposed to be extremely pious. They sit all day and study Torah (the Bible) and that's all they do. They don't work or contribute to society in any way whatsoever. They just live off of handouts from the government. And these people are abusing women like this? Especially an 8 year old girl. Eight years old. Surrounded by 20ish men and spat on simply because of the way she was dressed on her way to fucking school. And she was religious too. I could go on about the riots and problems that these people are causing but no need. The articles speak for themselves. Just look under the national section of Haaretz if you want to read more. What are your thoughts on situations like this? What should be done (realistically, if you post something along the lines of "the world should be full of sunshine and rainbows", don't bother contributing here since you're being purposely naive) about it from both ends? Personally, I've never liked Haradi Jews and this pisses me off. One of these days, they're going to kill someone over the way that they dress and the government is going to declare them a terrorist sect. Which means the end of Haradis. Which means a civil war. One that Israel really can't afford to have, especially with Iran acting the way they are.
  9. So... miss me yet? I got this weekend off, before you ask. Wasn't kicked out. YET.
  10. Freddie Highmore as Ross. Or Ewan (better for Ross). u jelly?
  11. Fix'd and quoted for truth.
  12. This isn't really true. Most of the time, they are trade fodder for other monopolies or just straight up money. The same rings true for all deeds but even moreso for Light Blue for being cheap and needing three for a monopoly rather than 2 for purples. In addition, it's a lot harder to trade for Reds/Oranges. You can expound math all you want but the fact of the matter is that it is highly unlikely that you grab all of them without needing a trade. If you had to give away a Light Blue monopoly or a Red monopoly, most players choose the Light Blue simply under the impression that it won't hurt THAT badly. I personally think that talking about the probability of landing on a specific square is pointless since it's not even an exploitable RNG we're dealing with. A lot of the game is more based on human interaction rather than straight numbers (trades are that big of an issue). You can't say "Reds are landed on most often" and expect them to then be at the top of the tier list because the outcomes of any specific game rely on who lands on what and who is willing to give up what for what. No, you're agreeing with Renall's argument because he mentions "math" while I look at the human element of it. Unlike Fire Emblem, outcomes are not fixed based solely on math. Trading is probably the single most important element of this game, much more than rolling the dice. Play without trading and then explain to me how easy it is to achieve a monopoly when relying completely on "the luck of the dice".
  13. < Jew. Don't really suck that badly.
  14. My ego is bigger and better than that shit.
  15. So... army in 7 hours. Don't miss me, faggots. To anyone I give a shit about (you know who you are), I'll miss you. To anyone I don't (you probably don't because you're too much of a cunt to realize that people hate you), fuck you too. Peace. ~ Life
  16. Which is a great argument... until you realize that Reyson joins in Chapter 18 and uses those stones better than Mordecai can due to also starting with 0 gauge.
  17. OK guys, gonna take a breather at this point. I can't continue for a little bit due to drafting into the army tomorrow. Also, General Horace is going to destroy us all thanks to have 3 guys for the majority of the game. WOW. My only hope is that I can replicate that kind of epicosity during the WoR but it's unlikely.
  18. Ah, the cart ride. The best part of this game. First off, the cart ride is forced Exp. You cannot run. So all of you suckers with lower levels than me get slightly more screwed than me. Secondly, Edgar and Sabin are gods here, especially against Number 128. Speaking of Number 128, the bastard has two friends with him. Right Blade and Left Blade. Taking both of them out is always nice since the difficulty of the battle drops (note, there is none to begin with) at this point. Sabin hit him with a quick Slow (just to stop the Blood Feasts) and Edgar summoned Kirin for some Regen (was having trouble figure out who I should summon). Turns out that Regen was enough to keep me alive and I didn't have to toss many potions. Quite nice. Since Sabin and Edgar both gained levels from the Magna Roaders, I get a -21 from this fight. Quickly set up Edgar for the Cranes. Sabin's good (and is trying to learn Rasp ASAP) while this is the last fight Edgar will be in. Edgar gets Bismarck and the Dragoon Boots for this battle. Time to test out the Trident. And... the Cranes. The Cranes may be the most bullshit boss of this entire game. Seriously. It's a pincer formation on you and their attacks hurt if they hit your back. Both have a decent amount of HP (high enough that it takes 2 Aura Cannons and a Bubble Breach to down one of them) and both use high level Magic. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU... It's a very simple concept in theory. Sabin uses Aura Cannon to pile on as much damage as possible while Edgar starts with Bubble Breach and then jumps afterwards. In practice, it really depends on the enemy AI. Magic is going to hurt so hope for Level 1 Spells MT'd or sniping at the opposite Crane. Attacks want to be blocked (best case scenario) or hitting frontwards characters at worst. A back critical is going to OHKO you. I had to fight them multiple times before I succeeded and both Edgar and Sabin lived through the battle (I wanted Sabin alive at the very least). Another -21 received. Now I get the Blackjack so I can fly around and figure out my next move.
  19. So, I like, you know, absolutely thrashed Ifrit/Shiva and Number 024. Make sure you time your spell learning situation correctly.

  20. In your opinion... Sweetheart, nobody cares about your opinion.
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