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Posts posted by ichikawa

  1. The only good thing i saw in this FE pv's, was FE # Shin megami tensei, and that the dub is in a advanced stage (at least i hope it is).
    So maybe we can see this game sooner than we expected *-*

    please Naga, let me be right ....

  2. My reasoning for Takumi to be so distrustful of Kamui is that he never really knew him before.

    I mean Kamui doesn't remember being Hoshidan royalty, so it's reasonable to assume that he was very very young (I am guessing 4). Now Takumi is even younger, so he doesn't really know anything beyond the fact that you are related by blood. Hinoka's profile states how deeply the kidnapping affected her, and I am pretty sure that Ryouma was too.

    Now, here he is growing up in a family still grieving for the loss of an elder sibling who he doesn't remember. Having to work hard to achieve anything in his life, he might feel largely inadequate compared to his stronger siblings.

    As the next younger sibling after Kamui he also may have thought it his responsibilty to make up for the loss.

    Then his sibling returns..from a hostile enemy country where they have lived comfortably and with great adoptive siblings who consider them their own.

    Would you trust them? Would you like them at first?

    And his distrust isn't really unwarrented, considering Kamui CAN side with Nohr.

    Anyway this is just my speculation on what his beef is. Let's see if I am right.

    Yea you have a point, it's not easy to trust Kamui on Hoshido side, but we already have informations that Takumi easly distrust people, se he may be a more antisocial character, that prefere to work alone.

  3. Does she attempt to kill you if you choose Hoshido because she wants you to belong to her and her alone? Is this her way of 'saving' you from them?

    I can see this hapening xD

    Or she will help and kill for him/her, no matter what side you choose

  4. i like to do this kind of exercise, so let´s go to my bets on how the royal siblings personalities will be based on the info we have

    Ryouma: A charismatic leader of hoshidan army and the personification of Bushido (way of the warrior). Ok he will be a good brother but who live by the sword, die by the sword. His samurai honor will force Kamui and himself to make harsh decisions who may not make Kamui happy, and you can expect a formidable enemy.

    Marx: He is a honest and silent person, and a charismatic leader as like Ryoma, he will be very loyal to his father and his country, believing he is doing the best for his people and his family. He will be more affectionate toward Kamui that his counterpart, and so have a soft spot toward Kamui. He may never fight with all when facing Kamui as a enemy. At the start Marx will follow every order from his father but Kamui will make his mind with the time.

    Hinoka: She will be the lovely elder sister that will change after Kamui's kidnap. This fact will make her choose the way of the warrior, wishing to never lost another sibling ever again. She will always follow Ryouma's footsteps, and only show her weak side to few. As a enemy she will never acept to fight against Kamui.

    Camilla: The Yandere-protective-hot big sister. She is the type that like strong women, so she may act cold to any man besides her possible cute little brother, to the extend that she only choose girls to be her royal guard. Her twisted personality will make her do anything to her beloved Kamui, even as a enemy she may leak informations and even kill allied units to protect him/her.

    Takumi: Being the prince who always seek for strength, he may be weak when was a child, and so will always try to show strength to anyone around him. He hardly trust someone so he may act as a lone wolf. He never really trusted Kamui, and as a enemy will shot to kill in the first sight

    Leon: Leon the prodigious prince, he will exceed anything he do, and act arrogantly as will always try to show that magic is better than strength toward his older brother. He like his family but will show a twisted personality when face loss, being quite scary. This dark side that will make Zero loyal to him. Leon can be a trusty ally and a fearsome enemy.

    Sakura and Elise: no much to expect, both of them will love Kamui, and do anything to help him/her. But we can expect some great feat made by them, something that will make we think "I can't underestimate little sisters"

  5. Camilla really got many lovers and many haters, mostly because her looks. Ok her looks are a little "flashy", but i'm sure that together with her little brother Leon, they will have the most complex and dubious personalities within the royal brothers. I'm really looking into her

    gogo team Camilla <3

  6. The older brothers seem both equally great to (please don't make me kill them)

    Agreed :D

    The younger bros seem both to have a more conflicted personality (Takumi is cynical while Leon gives off a bit more moral questionabilty). I am sure they are both likeable once we really get to know them.

    again ..

    but i still want to protect both my little sisters T0T

  7. Camilla has this twisted personality who will kill anyone for her cute little brother/sister, and her preference to strong women will be interesting, maybe she will act cold to any man, unless her possible little brother.

    I think Hinoka will be more plain. Strong willed Warrior princess, i liked her also but Camilla got my heart <3
    I don't like Takumi and i have to choose Elise i wanna protect both my little sisters T-T
    I can't Decide between Ryouma or Marx, both of them seems nice
  8. More and more the game is going to romantic relationship. The my room skinship kinda lead to that. the more you please the unit, closer the face will get.

    including same sex skinship

    Marriage it's probably too much, in [awakening] the children was the core plot, so it was necessary the marriage. But S rank suport and some romantic relationships it's very possible

  9. I was thinking in how far this "if" will go. When the game was officially announced in Nintendo Direct, they told us that the game will drastically change with our choices, but there will be only one big choice ?

    Or we will have other key choices that will lead us to a different [route] ?

    In shadowofchaos translations (ty for that man) we could see this line:

    "Each of those stories will approach different endings, depending on you choises"

    So maybe each story (Hoshido or Nohr) will have others key choices that will lead to different ending.
    This kind of mechanics is very common in japan, like visual novels, that you choices will lead to many routes and many endings. And as this game is based on this kind of choices. Maybe (just maybe) we will have variable endings to Hoshido and Nohr.
  10. TV commercial Translation

    You was born in Hoshido

    But was created in Nohr
    Ryouma: This way!
    Sakura: Niisama!
    Marx: Come on ... come back!
    Elise: Onichan!
    Which will you not betray
    But you have to choose
    Takumi: The traitor of Hoshido, is only you!
    Leon: That which brings death ...
    Mikoto: You're back ...
    Here is where you will fight
    Here is where against the enemies you will fight
    Nintendo 3DS Fire Emblem if [Hoshido Kingdom] [Nohr Kingdom]
    The chosen path can only be one
  11. I can see that most people will play english because can't understand japanese, prefer to hear the english mother language, and last cause the japanese girls high pitch voices xD~

    I can understand most of japanese audio, love the japanese fuking hard languange, and of course i'm fan of Animes and Manga, so usually i'll use japanese audio if i could chose.

    In my case, i dont like most of the american dubbing, i'll only prefere english over japanese, when english is the original audio option. Of course there are many excelent american voice acting (i love how Disney do their work), but most of them can´t convince me, specially the japanese adaptations ....

    To sum: english original game i will choose english, japanese original game i'll chose japanese.

  12. I used the English audio for Awakening, but when I played Bravely Default recently I used the Japanese audio settings and I really enjoyed it. I think I might try using the Japanese voices for FEif at first, too. I can always switch back if I decide I don't care for it.

    Yea, you should try, and as you said, you can always change back

  13. ^ uh what? Every parallel seal i have seen seems to link to the promotions of a single class and the class they are already in, true strategist could be un linked to butlers and maids, but every one besides that links to an unpromoted class. And most reclass options already made in character sense in awakening.

    I know it's possible to Maids be linked to Rod Knight, but if Kantopia translation is correct ....


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