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Posts posted by ichikawa

  1. Technically this hasn't been confirmed. The reason we think this is because Maid/Butler comes with the two skills that Troubadours learned in Awakening, and Rod Knight appears to be If's equivalent of Troubadours. But unless we see a status screen of Elise and she indeed has these skills, or we explicitly see footage of a Rod Knight's promotion, it isn't 100% certain. It's definitely likely, but then again Elise promoting into a Maid is weird as shit.

    The other possibility is that there is some unrevealed class (Felicia's base class) that promotes into Maid/Butler and Strategist and has the Troubadour skills, while Rod Knight promotes into Strategist and some other class.

    That's the point, it is kinda weird a Princess be promoted to a servant ...
    Famitsu told that different from Master Seal, the Parallel Seals promotions are unique to each character if i understood well.
    Joker can change to Strategist / Great Knight / Paladin
    On the other hand Felicia-tan can change to Strategist/Bow Knight/Brave Hero fuck the logic ... Note Joker has 2 class branches and Felitan has 3 branches, and they are both Maid/Butler.
    It´s fair to assume Rod Knight can promote do Strategist, but be promoted to Maid/Buttler it´s really weird. I know it's possible, but still ....
    erratum: Felicia also change to 2 branches, my bad -q
  2. Maid/Butler is confirmed to be a promotion of Rod Knight along with Strategist. sorry. Honestly tomes and axes would be cool, not sure what else it could be. New speculation, maybe she can use Dragonstones like the avatar.

    where did you saw that, dude ??

  3. I dont like any pre-promoted character, normally they are broken at start, and sucks late game, and seems even Elise is promoted in Nohr. Nhorian tears It's Always better to up till lv 20 and promote after this.

    And i don't think that Felicia and Joker will be promoted, in my opinion they are Special Classes like Dancers and Manaketes.

    In my utmost beliefs, i want my dear Camilla won't be promoted not happening

  4. We all know that Camilla's starting class is named Revenant Knight [ レヴナントナイト]

    but what kind of class is it ? In the last Famitsu issue, we could see Camilla's mounted in a zombie Wyvern with a generous axe in her hand, no surprise until now, but the main question is:

    Is the Revenant Knight a new class, or a new branch from Wyvern Rider (Dragon Knight) ?

    Is the Revenant Knight a Promoted class ?

    Which kind of weapon will the Revenant Knight use ?


    You can note that the Revenant Knight is almost a color swap from Wyvern Knight, as the Promoted Wyvern Lord looks alot more armored. Like this, i could assume that Revenant Knight it's not a new name to the Wyvern Lord, and obviously is not a Griffon Rider.

    It's fair to assume that in "if", we have the same formula that a unpromoted class can promote to 2 different class branches. So or the Revenant Knight is there to substitute Griffon Rider, or is a brand new Wyven Class, being fair to assume that Wyver Lord is still there.

    The Last topic is, which kind of weapon the Revenant Knight will use, the obvious one is the Axe, but assuming that the Revenant Wyvern is a undead, maybe Camilla could use Dark Magic like a necromancer.

  5. it's important to know more about the history to start to theorise about the third path content ... Until now we only know that the main history is a bout two Clashing Kingdoms, and Kamui has to chose a side. One he will protect his homeland and the other is change the country from inside.

    But we all know that it's navel only a was, we always have a evil plot behind everything.

  6. I Think this is only a Fanservice, Awakening and if are in two different universe, and this is quite normal in FE series.

    it's fair to note that Luna has the standart Hair color that you see in Severa character design, the same seyuu (voice actress) and same personality, it's in a level that its obvious its a reference.
  7. I also wonder if there are exclusive characters to the third path, or if everybody is eventually recruitable or something.

    Yea ... Yokota made a big mystery, i think we might see some surprises about it but i am really worried about te royal siblings

    I would hope the third path is a bit more than the "here's the middle road that makes everyone happy somehow!" option, especially since that could imply the other two paths have unsatisfactory one-sided endings (ala EO3 or SMT4). I'd want all of them to feel like complete stories ideally.

    If the third path went as far as bringing you a bunch of new characters and units, that'd be extra cool.

    they have a novelist writing the stories, and we have also the same content from the two main routes, i'm expecting great things about the histories

  8. Until now we know nothing about the third path, unless it might be a intermediary route in difficulty between Hoshido and Norh

    First we have some key point in both prime paths:
    - The royal siblings: Both paths has 'their own royal family and it doesn't have an importance just in the story, but also with their Dragon's Vein ability. if you don't pick one of of the Sides witch of them would follow your path, or only Kamui and Aqua would have this ability ?
    of course the siscon Camilla !!
    - Alliances: Which will be your allies beside the siblings, in the interview Genki Yokota made a big mystery about it, i'm really looking forward about it
    - "My Castle": if you aren't in Nohr neither in Hoshido, how you even a Castle ??
    maybe "My Village" or "My dog house"
  9. the best i can hope is to be released in the first semester of 2016, the game is with a huge hype so it's possible or not to the Nintendo America put more effort on it

    come E3 !!! i want moar hype for FE if u_u

  10. judging for the info, i think it's indeed related to Dragon Vein, if you see clearly, the symbol are in front a Dragon Statue which is curled in itself, and the center is a curly symbol. Moreover is known the Dragon Vein ability could control elements .... or not

  11. At "My Castle", when you win a spotpass battle, you can recruit the other Army units, so in theory you can have all the units regardless the faction ... the question is if you can have support conversations withthem. probably not

    Personally i don't like to do this kind of thing .... but it seems possible

  12. This is getting out of hand. I wish they'd just confirm marriage/no marriage already. The new feature is not my favorite, but it would be ridiculous to include it without actual romance, right?

    i don't know if marriage system will be re implemented, but i think you can rest assure that the "S" support level will be there, so at least a romance will be there and hopefully some shoujo/shounen ai

  13. troll detected .... he can't be serious about this .-.

    to start, they aren't only versions, they are different routes with different stories, basically different games. Pokemon differ almost nothing in its versions. The only thing that actually looks like it's the "amie" that for sure wasn't created by Pokemon (cof ... Nitendogs)

    Again can't take this post serious xD

  14. Ok, it's confirmed the support system still there, it was obvious at this point. But it's still too early to speculate about marriage. In my opinion it won't happen, but who know.

    But i think romantic relationship might be possible, and now that it rated as CERO C at japan, we might expect more mature content like same sex relationship ... But we are talking about the Occident and Nintendo who censored Tharja's butt D:
    I really expect that Nintendo open their mind to this ...
    ps: Team Camilla + (F)Kamui FTW
  15. In the last update, the official website showed more informations about Fire Emblem if characters.
    i will post some translations i made .. it may have some mistakes but here i go.



    Mikoto (cv: Ohara Sayaka)

    Hoshido Empress. Peace Loving Queen

    Hero's real Mother

    The next to the throne, after the accidental death of her husband Sumeragi.

    The mysterious woman was indeed the Queen, and her name is Mikoto. Apparently her husband named Sumeragi suffered an "accidental death".

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