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Posts posted by FutureKnightX

  1. Just click on the Ryoma image and go to the option of replacing the image. It'll keep the name, while updating all uses of the image on the wiki. Be sure the image you upload is PNG, like the image is on the wiki. If you don't know how to do that, right-click the image, click "edit", and then go to "file" "save as" and click "PNG".

  2. Lazward's first skill should be: Whenever this unit attacks, if there is an allied Xander on the battlefield, this unit gets +10 attack power until end of turn.

    It is an AUTO skill whereby it only starts checking for the presence of an aliied Xander on the battlefield WHEN Lazward attacks, not to be mistaken as a passive skill.

    the other cards' image quality are pretty blur to make out the wordings on the cards themselves, can't really interpret until a clearer image surfaces(most likely on the official twitter hopefully)

    I like to point out one term being defined/translated on wiki in a way I totally disagree with, i.e. 撃破 - Destroyed. Many of the cards with skills that has the term 撃破 is being translated by the wiki as "destroyed by/in battle".

    Firstly, the term 撃破 simply means Destroyed, no addition of under what situation/condition/circumstances.

    Secondly, units with straight kill effects like Camus, Gaius etc. as long as the skill's cost were paid and requirements met, the player gets to destroy whichever legal targets he chooses and this is a result of the skill NOT a result of any battle. Also, promoted Henry's CCS allows him to "suicide" which actually means he destroys himself and this is definitely NOT a result of battle.

    Thirdly, Pieri's first skill triggers whenever any unit gets destroyed, doesn't matter as a result of battle or skill(yeah she can combo with Henry somewhat).

    Lastly, the few skills that requires the unit itself to destroy an enemy unit through direct attack (such as Shiida. Navarre, Cordelia etc.) will instead have this phrase "このユニットの攻撃で敵を撃破した時" which means "When this unit's attack (successfully) destroyed an enemy unit". Only then a unit is required to be destroyed as a result of battle due to the addition of the phrase "このユニットの攻撃" which changes the requirements to specifically so.

    tl;dr Check for phrases that modifies the requirements of destroy methods, if not, it is just simply "destroyed" full stop

    Well, that was how it was decided to be translated and I just followed what they decided on. Obviously, we need to return to this or one of them will need to explain why they went that route. It may seem like I'm shifting the blame here, but I really just follow what those peeps say.

    I will fix Lazward, though, as that makes sense. He's not as crazy now.

    I see no series 3 and 4 .

    Because none of those cards got revealed, just arts. I suppose Vincent can make banners, like he did for the other two, but I think it's still too early for that, as it isn't known if IK cards are gonna be the same colors as Nohr/Hoshido or a new color entirely and the color of PoR cards hasn't been revealed yet, either.
  3. The illustrators seem to be

    Kagerou = Homare

    Lazward = Sachiko Wada

    Cavalier Xander = lack

    Ryoma & Xander Panorama = Rika Suzuki

    By Names u mean the name and title?

    5 cost Kamui (F): Chosen Princess of Yatogami - Kamui (Female)

    5 cost Kamui M: Chosen Prince of Yatogami - Kamui (Male)

    5 cost Marx : Pitch Dark Paladin - Marx

    5 cost Lobster : Saint Sword of Roaring Thunder - Ryoma

    Thanks, guys! I got the wiki updated with all the new info. If anyone would be kind enough to go over it all and take care of any possible mistakes, that would be swell.

  4. http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Jakob_%28Cipher%29

    Got Jakob done. Can we get translators on the names of both the Pieri and Jakob cards? That's all we don't have (well, not the artist for Jakob, so it would be cool for someone to get on that too).

    Also, in three and a half hours, the Cipher Livestream should be starting and I heard only Nico Nico subscribers can watch it not live. If any new reveals happen, can someone screencap those?

  5. Skill 1: "There's plenty of blood to return here!" / Auto / Whenever a unit is destroyed, until end of turn, this unit's attack power gets +10.

    Skill 2: CCS "Pieri's Small/Tiny/Little Spear" / Active / [Flip a bond] Until end of turn, this unit's attack range is changed to 1-2. (CCS: If this unit was placed without the promotion unit cost, this skill is inactive)[/size]

    Cool, thanks, but can I get a name for the card? lol

    I mean, I updated the page with ability, which is the most important part, but there is still the name, the flavor text, and the artist. Oh, and her class. Is she supposed to be Great Knight? I didn't wanna just assume that.

  6. It was.

    Also i reaaaaally need some details on levelling down and re-promoting a unit to the same card.

    As far as I know, when leveling down, you pay the regular deploy cost, and then you can promote it normally. All previous forms remain under the new form, so you can get a nice stack this way. Of course, I wouldn't ever recommend this move, but it's there.

  7. Well...it's more like it is less to memorize. Just input the set number and you don't need to memorize the rarity on top of that. It's mostly for the card art galleries I started. I had a hard time looking up the rarity numbers the entire time and when I was doing that, I realized that the rarity didn't even need to be a part of the name, as it isn't like the same set number will be used for two different cards with their rarity being the differing factor.

    Basically, when it comes time to input the images en masse, I just need to know how to count to 100 and not have to bother with rarities, you know?

    EDIT: In the interest of avoiding a double post, I will do this in an edit. I made a Pieri page:


    Obviously someone who knows how to read more of the card will need to fill in those blanks, but I did the rest! Also, I can't believe no one had made a category page for Armor yet, but I got that done, too.

  8. Ok so nowis level 3 eff has a slight issue, it has the term "you may" in the translation for the eff of adding bonds to the hand. This implies that this eff is optional which ive been told its mandatory. If thats the case we need to reword the eff so ppl understand that it is mandatory

    Fixed the wording and clarified how her effect works in her comments section.

    Japan's Twitter Page just posted a new card, Saizo

    I'm going to add the page in and fill in the effects

    Done! The effect names, title, and effect wording might need a clean-up though, perhaps by someone who is more proficient in Japanese

    Isn't the name of his weapon type "concealed weapon", though? I noticed you put it down as shuriken and I thought it was more than just those in that weapon group, like kunai and such. Oh, and I think it is best if we stop putting rarity type in the file names. The set number should be enough and that just makes the name unnecessarily longer. Otherwise, it all looks good and I hope he has some kind of combo with his second effect, because, as of right now, it is just okay and not worth the R spot.

  9. While his effect has yet to be translated, I put up his picture along with the appropriate categories for him in his own page, just to make things easier. I also made the new Corrin images the main images for their pages and had the promos put under alt arts. Oh, also made the category page for Saizo's weapon, seeing as he is the first card with that weapon in the game.

  10. http://buddyfight.wikia.com/wiki/H_Extra_Booster_3%3A_Lord_of_Hundred_Thunders

    Just as a comparison, this set here is releasing around the same time as Series 2 and we have info on it. Don't mind the English only release date. Japan can be slow in releasing data like that, but it's bound to be one week before like the other releases. We even know a few cards from the set after that one too. I just wanted to show that the whole "it's more than a month away!" thing isn't necessarily a factor.

    But yeah, I am just gonna assume they are carefully balancing the set and don't want to look like idiots by showing off a card and it winds up different at release or something. They also have to deal with introducing new mechanics and likely will have to until all the colors are finished releasing. It's still kinda painful to not see what some of these cards do, though...

  11. We're probably going to have to deal with mass translations for a bit as the game is far too new for them to just be dishing out new cards and info out the wazoo. They have to make sure that they know what kind of balance they're looking for otherwise we'll end up with top tier broken sets every time a new one comes out. We're gonna have to be patient until they get out a few sets before they can start speeding through things.

    I suppose if the set isn't finished like how I think you're saying (to make sure it's balanced), then it makes sense, but still, they really need to step it up, I feel. No one's talking about their product right now and that can't be good for their bottom line in this day and age of social media and all that.

  12. I hope this doesn't come out as whiny, because it is more out of concern, but where is the Cipher news? I go to the sites and there isn't anything, which leads me to think that there really isn't anything to report on. If so, then Nintendo or IS or whoever needs to do something because interest is dying down from what I can tell. The last 24 hours, this sub forum say no new posts and the few days before that, it was just trading.

    People who play TCGs know what I mean here. Stuff like YGO and the Bushi games have a constant stream of news. In Buddyfight, we know of specific cards in a set that comes out after Cipher Series 2, along with specific cars in the set after that one. And yes, I am talking Japanese release dates. I'm not saying "show us all of Series 2", but rather "show us something from Series 2, over rehashing cards we already know". You know what I mean?

    Also, I would just bloody hate the idea of having to deal with mass translation and card page creating when the set releases. I'd hate to feel like we have our pants down again. Or maybe that was just me.

  13. Why does Femui's cost 5 card looks like she has a swimsuit? Is it suppossed to be a joke? The guy who designed Ryoma's card must like Buster Blader.

    You know, I didn't notice that. That is kinda messed up, when you think about it. I guess due to the fact that I didn't notice, it really isn't a big deal, but still someone went "oh, that's the female, so the thighs dont need to be covered up like the male version". I don't mind females being sexualized, but double standard much?

  14. In reading the comprehensive rules, it states that you do not draw when you place a bond. Am I to assume that if you wish to place a bond, you must skip drawing for your turn?

    No, it's a separate phase, and even happens after you already drew that turn. I specified that you cannot draw, as most TCGs with a similar mechanic have you draw when doing such an action. In Buddyfight, you draw, and then you have the option to "charge" a card (place a card from your hand into the gauge) and if you do this, you would draw another card. Basically, the fact of the matter is, people would think that you could draw another card when you placed a bond if I didn't say that, due to how so many other games work.

  15. Alright, so the α, ∞, & symbols and the like indicate when a skill is to be activated from what I gather, do I have that right? Is there a list that says what each means? My friend and I just started playing and we were having a pretty rough time trying to figure out when skills were to be activated and whether they took up a unit's attack or not.

    And to clarify, if a unit is attacked outside of their range they can still defend, yes?

    Yeah, we really oughta fix that. α means "action" and you can thus use it as an action. What this means is you declare that you are using the ability, pay the cost, and then do the effect, all during the Action Phase. ∞ means continuous. This means that as long as the conditions are met, it is active (like Tiki needing 5 or more bonds to gain +30 power). & is automatic.This means that when the conditions are met, the ability activates, with some allowing you to choose whether to activate the effect or not. You can only use the ability once per timing. I'll work on fixing this soon, as I overlooked this.

    And yes, you can defend an attack coming from out of the unit's range. They would be evading the attack, not countering it.

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