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About Durandal

  • Birthday 10/04/1992


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  • Interests
    People, talking, games, music, having deep, life related conversations. Obviously Fire Emblem.
  • Location
    United States

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Oh, that sucks D: I feel like if fe6 could do it, so could fe7
  2. Hello, I need help inserting the manakete/mamkute animation from Fe6 into Fe7. I can't seem to get it to where they transform, will I need some kind of custom events or text or something? Maybe an item that triggers it like in fe6, the base attack works with the Flame Tongue but there is no transformation, it's already transformed. If anyone could help me that would be great, I usually check serene's forest about once or twice a day for message and notifications, if you have Skype, you could message me on there, it would be more likely to get to me faster, my skype is TaylorVain, it's all one word. Alright thank you.
  3. Does anyone know who made this portrait, I would like to use it, and if no one says anything can I use it? Fancy dude 1.bmp
  4. Niccccccccccccccccccccccccccce, it fits to a T.
  5. Sorry Hoshi and Lenh. I was just in a bad mood, and when I originally posted the request, I was really tired, so I didn't think about explaining why I want it, I actually want it for my 2nd most important character. Also Bky I love your sprites. Obviously lol
  6. Yeah, Lenh you should calm down, why is everyone so defensive on here, I literally just see people cry about dumb shit on here 24/7. "wahhhh you didn't detail every single aspect of your post to perfection so I am going to cry about it!" And I only wanted to use one, the very first one, the girl with the blue hair, I need a blue haired female sage. And Bky I will pm it to you.
  7. Did you ever try it since I disabled the tutorial?
  8. Uhh yeah, so asking one time on one post if I can use a couple portraits and posting ONE topic about it isn't even close to "collecting for the sake of collecting" he is the only person I have ever asked to the portraits of, my thread was purely if someone wanted to donate a portrait to my hack for credit and a custom character. I think you are over reacting a bit. Just because some other asshole asks people constantly for things doesn't mean you should get touchy with me, I was asking innocently because I think they're really nice. Also I probably sound really aggressive, (I'm not trying to)
  9. Would you be willing to share the contents of that drop box? o:
  10. Hello, I am currently making my own Fire Emblem 7, 10 chapter hack, so far I have all my character concepts down and the entire story. But I am limited due to my lack of abilities to create a few things, so far all I know how to do is, edit all the text, edit palettes, insert custom animations and portraits (but not create them), edit items, character growths, stats, and items. Yes, my skills are few, but I do know how to all the things I named extremely well. I am currently in need of help creating maps and portraits (decent splices would be good enough), I cannot for the life of me seem to make them right, they make my game crash. Basically if someone wanted to give me a crash course on eventing and map making/inserting that would be awesome, I know everyone is probably going to say "Read this: *Insert link to guide*" but I am not someone that reads a guide and is able to do it very well, I need to be able to ask questions right then and there, not wait days for someone to maybe, possibly reply to my topic. I know I sound complainy, and well, I guess I am, but I'm just sad because I really want to make this hack. If someone could just take like an hour or 2 to show me the basics I would be the happiest person.
  11. Are the portraits free to use? O:
  12. but in actuality, the carrots were sorely misunderstood
  13. And that garden grew only carrots.
  14. Okay i disabled the tutorial (I should have done that at first I know) sorry for taking so long, I have been busy with moving and packing all my things up, it should work fine now, if not tell me and I'll do my best to get it working. I am currently implementing the custom events when I get the time. I hope you all enjoy it so far.
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