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Everything posted by Skizzy

  1. Fine then. If you don't want my byes, I'll keep them all to myself. <_<
  2. Oh. BYE :D .....It doesn't apply now. so? Oh. Sorry. Bye anyway *bricked*
  3. -_- I know that. What I mean is the fact that my Sigurd gets gangbanged. Often. Like a hoe.
  4. Yeah... the problem is the fact that I keep using him to defend the others... I mean, Azel and that other guy that goes with him...
  5. Nah, I'm not so stupid as to leave the barbarians around, but I keep getting Sigurd and Cuan killed over by the forest to the left of Chalphy.
  6. If Sigurd is dying.. well let's just say you're wrong to be polite. Well, be that as it may, I just don't understand what to do... should I take that one guy away from the castle...?
  7. I don't suck T_T I just... am not good...? Sigurd keeps dying...
  8. ...What in hell's name did I miss...? RF? Neeeever played it... on the flipside, I still can't beat the prologue on FE4
  9. Just tried again and got screwed... again. oAo
  10. Bandit killed your Sigurd? He was gangbanged. Kinky. Steel Sword? Yes. :/ Bad luck. You don't use Ethlin's Live Staff? . . . Wut? Ethlin can heal Sigurd. That's what she meant. Oh. Had no idea o.o
  11. Bandit killed your Sigurd? He was gangbanged. Kinky. Steel Sword? Yes. :/ Bad luck. You don't use Ethlin's Live Staff? . . . Wut?
  12. Bandit killed your Sigurd? He was gangbanged. Kinky. Steel Sword? Yes.
  13. Bandit killed your Sigurd? He was gangbanged.
  14. In my first and current FE4 playthrough, I am stuck on the prologue chapter. Is this a bad thing? Am I worse than Crash?
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