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Status Updates posted by Amelia

  1. Yeah. :3

    Tiger. He isn't worthy to be a lion. >__>


  2. Tee hee. :3

    I dunno. Maybe not...

    I surpassed Fia. What.

  3. Whee~

    Yup! :3


  4. Yeah. It hit 9999 yesterday. ;3

  5. Inorite. :3

    Nothing. Just... I have a cat for a nephew. =D

  6. Yup. (I used to have a bunch of cats. :3)


  7. Dunno, maybe both?

    Okay, male. :3


  8. Yeah. :3

    Milk~? *gives milk*

  9. Cute~ :3

    Double cute~

  10. It was orange and yellow if I don't remember wrong.

    My neighbor's? It's white, with orange and brown.

    *pats head*

  11. I found it on some old Vietnamese game site.

    I upload it Imageshack.

    Meh. >P

  12. It's that cat from Sherk! >w<

    Damn, I used to have a cat with colors like that... *sits in corner* -__-"


  13. OlolHatari... <__<


  14. Yay~

    Welcome! :3

  15. Really?

    *gives milk* Sorry~ :rolleyes:

  16. *kitty eyes*

    Cute~ >w<

  17. Meow~

    *pats head*

  18. Spam spam spam spam spam! :'3

  19. Excuse me...? They are annoying. Especially Mieu. >__>

    (You are making me jealous El! >__< ;A;)

  20. Happy mood equals kitty face. :'3

    Good little nephew!

  21. Yeah... :'3


  22. Meow. *wipes tears*

    That was funny. :'3

    So please!!! Don't call him uncle! D:

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