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Status Updates posted by Amelia

  1. Hello~

    You're lucky this time...

  2. Hello there.

  3. I love the style very much. =)

  4. Cool. New name change.

  5. Magnet is so awesome. >w<

  6. Frostbite = cold. Not cool.

  7. Hello Frostbite~

    Lol, that sounds cold.

  8. Jade's Mystic Cage and Indignation is epic awesome.

    I know. I wanna play it now. But I can't put my hands on it until September...

    Although, I did watch the anime.

    Watch it. Love it. >w<

  9. Er-... Yes.

    And I believe the word is impossible.

  10. I'm going to play TOA this Sep.

    Cause my sister promise to buy me that on my b-day~ :3

  11. Haven't played any Tales game yet.

    But Joshy(Sync the Tempest) got me into this. xD

    And true, I do like Tales.

  12. That sounds good~ =D

  13. How about you then?

  14. I'm really good! :3

  15. Do you like the videos I sent? >w<

  16. Shut up and watch the video.

    Then comment my profile later.


  17. It's based on the song "Magnet" from Vocaloid just so you know.

    The song that MIKU and LUKA sing. >___>

  18. I hate you and your jokes oniisan....


  19. Banned? YOU GOT BANNED?


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