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Status Updates posted by Amelia

  1. Uhm... I post a lot? :|

  2. But Baka does.

  3. Now you're a lazy cat AND a fat cat.

  4. Use cm or m and kg plz.

  5. Nah, I don't believe it. Fat cat.

  6. No prob, dad. *draws face*

  7. Happy Birthday Rei Rei~!

  8. Happy Birthday!


  9. At first I didn't know that it has hentai. AFTER I played few chapter. I saw it, and I headdesk'd and good bye T3 PC!

    I'll never let you rest if you keep saying that.

  10. Nah, don't worry about it. Me and Zak both played it already.

    *kills* THAT IS UNCOOL! >:

  11. Yeah, for me.

    Old ver: PC, new ver: PS3 (I like PS3 more than PC because PC has hentai)


  12. Wow, you had the same idea as me, I was going to use that fanart for avy but meh, Shana is cuter.

  13. I lol'd at the "happily eats anything"

  14. Ya. Shana is awesome.

  15. Thanks. I love this picture of Shana and ice-cream.

  16. Yes, yes he is. <3

    Number 1 in the forest only. In Mangafox, there are a lot of fans of him.

  17. Ahaha, I'm a big fan of Oz, you're bigger fan of Oz than me. Although you haven't read the manga yet.

  18. Probably cute, but don't expect too much, that gives me the pressure.

    This time you will be Oz, and Rhythm will be little Echo~ How cute~<3

  19. I know! It's not fun without Oujay. And he hasn't seen the friendship manga too. D=

  20. I think you and Rhythm will like it, it's not about love so don't worry. And the story is very cute.

  21. Yeah, he PMed me but only 3 replies and now he's gone.

  22. Ether and Oujay*

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