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Status Updates posted by Amelia

  1. Happy Birthday!!

  2. Happy Birthday!!

  3. Happy Birthday!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!

  5. Happy Birthday, Raven! Enjoy your 21th~! *cheers*

  6. Aww~ Evil kitty face!~

  7. Nah, waiting is fine with me.

  8. xD

    Yeah, I'm good. =D

  9. Hello and welcome to the forest!

  10. No wonder. You're as evil as ALS

  11. Happy Birthday!

  12. Happy Birthday

  13. Got blue, too eh?

  14. Nice. Pokemon.

  15. Ephraim~! :wub:

    Fine then.

  16. I hate you.

    I "love" You~!

  17. I'll kill you.

  18. Never noticed.

  19. Still don't know. Sorry. Hehe.

  20. Sorry. *pats head*

  21. *sighs*

    Night time, sorry. *pats head*

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