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Status Updates posted by Amelia

  1. Stop stalking me already.

  2. Kai isn't bad. He's just silly, trolling him is fun.

    ...Who is Fred? =O

  3. Silly El, I live in MSN, Skype is just a hologram~

  4. Yes... Maybe. I shall ask them whether they like that kiss or not, if they say yes, then yes you're my brother. :3

  5. You said you'd do anything~

    Now gogogogo

  6. You support Kaimelia and make bad jokes about hair. You're bad.


  8. B-But I do have my choice! ;A;

    giO can be good sometimes.



  9. You can't be my big brother unless I want you to.

  10. Everyone will approve anyways. :3

  11. Hezul x Holsety OTP. :3

  12. Incest is good. :3

  13. The whole person*

  14. That OTP is serious El. It's not a canon anymore.

  15. I still love him, duh. <3

  16. Dat hair > EVERYTHING~

  17. Astra has done better~ ;3

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