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About Mox

  • Birthday May 12


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    The slowest of tacticians.

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    Writing, drawing, human biology, music. Likes to make friends.
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    Sacred Stones

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  1. I was thinking it odd as well, but I just saw this go live on twitter so I don't know if the rumor that I heard was wrong now. Jeritza S-Support (M/F) .
  2. I don't know how much credence this has to it but I heard a rumor that the Jeritza S-support for
  3. I love how the emblem for the carrot is actually a tomato.
  4. The manga is fantastic, would recommend.
  5. Get on with literally everything else and try put it at the back of your mind. Then if something happens before then it might be a bit more exciting. That way time will also pass quicker too if we occupy it with heaps of things to do. :)
  6. I do not think that this is a question that can be answered currently without inside knowledge. From what I am aware of the answer at this second is no. Although we should not discredit the potential that FE16s main protag may appear. We may see them to promote the game and get people excited but I wouldn't count on it until we hear or see something more substantial of either game.
  7. In light of my previous statement I am glad to see that it is not delayed, I am also glad that I was wrong. Even though this is small news it is good news that we should cherish. I guess now we just need to wait it out and be patient.
  8. I do believe that the game will be delayed. I don't want to jump to that conclusion before E3, however, the distinct lack of word related to the game has been odd. Of course, upon saying this there has not been much word for other big titles that are supposed to drop this year either. Honestly, I would rather the game be delayed and we receive a quality product with good writing and gameplay that draws in new and old fans alike. This is more preferable to me than a rushed game where it has not been polished to its full potential.
  9. I don't want to be that guy but I think it's important we keep things in perspective and don't get ahead of ourselves till we actually get news. Speculation is fun and all but at this point all it is doing is making people really disappointed. In Jan we thought we were going to get something because it was one year since its announcement, then we said Feb because there were leaks and things, then March and now April has clocked round and I personally doubt we'll get anything with Labo coming out. All we're doing is clutching at straws for news. There'll be some reason May might have news and the cycle will continue. Will we eventually get news? Yes. We can't do much more until then.
  10. Hey guys, I don't usually like to make requests and things like this, but does anyone have a European/Australian/PAL Special Edition Fire Emblem Fates Poster (the one with the map of Nohr and Hoshido) that they would be willing to send/sell to me? I've gone through a really messy and long break up lately and my partner refuses to give back my personal items, including the poster he was going to make a frame for. He is angry so now he will probably throw it out or destroy it. The poster is the only item I can replace from the break up and I still would like one to keep my limited edition whole. I can buy the poster from you and pay for postage as well if that helps. Any other advice for sourcing this poster would be helpful, thank you.
  11. @Cysx Thanks for your response. I probably won't get the book then if there's not really anything new or unseen in it.
  12. Hello guys, To any of you that have the special edition artbook - are there any concept art or final art images of the antagonists or enemy units or is it entirely playable characters? I have a keen interest in the armour for the playable and non-playable characters as well as any concept art for Iago or even for art for the maps. Would it be worth purchasing a copy from ebay?
  13. Alright, well see you guys at the next possible leak or direct or reveal or otherwise E3. I'm just going to get on with life for now and try and forget they ever said FE 16 was coming in the first place.
  14. I think we could make our own fan game and release it before we hear a shred of information about FE Switch.
  15. First thing they started talking about Splatoon I knew we weren't going to get anything god damn it.
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