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Everything posted by Scar

  1. Man, some of those portraits look great! Hope these peeps have cool supports. Can't wait!
  2. http://www.sporcle.com/games/RadShadow/the-most-favorite-rpgs Here's the top 92 games from my collective findings. See where your games rank. If they made the top 92 that is.... There was over 440 RPGs submitted, but I only made this quiz to represent the ones that got at least 50 votes. Let me know if you see anything egregiously wrong with the quiz. Hope you enjoy it!
  3. You guys have helped me get this to over 300 lists collected. Thanks a ton!
  4. Hello, First time poster, long time browser! A series of random conversations with my coworkers led me to do this. I'm gathering as many people that are willing to give me their top 10 favorite rpgs of all time. I want to see what the masses consider. If you want to participate (I'd love to get over 300 people's list) please send me a pm (or just post in this thread) with your list in order so I can give them points. I'm asking for pm so everyone's list is individual and so another person's list doesn't affect/alter/adjust you own games. (you can always just spoiler tag your lists if that's easier.) Any and all games you would consider a rpg are fine. I've gotten plenty of obscure games so far. The more people I can get to participate, the better this project becomes. So please join in, and when I'm satisfied with enough lists, I plan to tally up the totals and make a grand project that I will share with you all. Thanks again. Scar, out!
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