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Everything posted by HyperBowser

  1. Good thing I hoarded orbs for Celica. I also wonder how well Gronnowl is going to work on a Spring!Camilla with Fury 3 in flier emblem. +13 Atk/Spd and +19 Def/Res when you have Fury 3, Gronnowl and three adjecent allies with Hone Fliers, Ward Fliers and Fortify Fliers sounds hilariously broken.
  2. Update on Julia vs. Sanaki. Julia: 17,167,695 Sanaki: 10,419,577
  3. I'm going to be joining team Julia. For the leader (who should be able to deal with some units Julia can't) should I set: A +Spd, -Res Ninian as the leader she has Fury 3, Wings of Mercy 2, filler alongside default breath and Moonbow. A +Atk, -Res Cordelia with Darting Blow 3, Desperation 3, Threaten Defense 2 alongside a Brave Lance+, Luna and Reposition. A +Res, -Atk Ephraim with Triangle Adept 2, Seal Defense 2 (mostly filler), Forify Res 2 alongside the default weapon and offensive skill + Rally Speed. Or +Atk, -Spd M!Robin with Close Counter, Swordbreaker 3, Spur Defense 3, default weapon and offensive skill + drawback. My ID is 9181764981.
  4. I broke my record with a deathless run: Right now I'm rank 1,433 in tier 15. Not sure if I can stay in the upper 10%.
  5. I forgot flying / mounted Gronnblade users are a thing, I'll keep that in mind. I still need to get Sophia Triangle Adept 3 so I'll have her and Henry wait on the bench in the meantime. Edit: I just remember I've fed Sophia a G Tomebreaker 1-2 in the past (when I gave her RauĂ°rraven from a 4 star Henry) so I can easily get her G Tomebreaker 3.
  6. I'll probably have Sophia inherit the tome in that case (I like to keep Cymbeline on Sanaki). Sophia already has R Tomebreaker 3 so losing G Tomebreaker 3 wouldn't be the end of the world (besides Julia I can't really think of anyone else who would like it).
  7. I just got a +spd -hp Henry. Should I train him or does Sophia make better use of his tome (heard she was pretty good with triangle adept + breaker skill)? Even at +Spd he's slow and his Atk isn't doing him any favors either. Sophia hits pretty hard and has similiar bulk (at the cost of being even slower).
  8. Got a +Atk, -Res Nowi and a +Atk, -Res Julia using 28 orbs. I think I'm blessed.
  9. Anyone gave Fortress Defense on Adult!Tiki a try? She pretty much becomes some sort of 1-2 range red Lukas that deals magic damage (stronger bonfire compensates slightly for the lower overall damage output). Combined with Fortify Dragons and a unit with Spur Defense neutral Def Tiki has a ridiculous 50 defense.
  10. I decided to give Robin and Merric Close Counter after getting two Takumi's in a row from the Hero Fest banner. Merric with vantage and some buffs seems to be able to solo most flier emblem teams (the ones that don't run Palla or Caeda). Unlike Takumi (or any other archer running Close Counter) he can also deal with the triangle adept gronnraven Spring!Camilla's. It's almost like Merric's stats are made for the skill (high hp and decent speed / defense).
  11. I did considering slotting swordbreaker as it would allow her to beat most (all?) sword wielders and green units. Only problem is that the combination of WoM 3 with Reposition got me a few wins against cav teams in the arena I couldn't otherwise (closest thing to a rescue staff in this game). I run Fury because I like her to be able to tank some hits and it has a nice synergy with Minerva's Ward Fliers (giving Palla effectively 35 Def and 31 Res) and Reciprocal Aid (which makes the Fury 3 recoil more manageable and allows Minerva to get into desperation range). Are there any other units who make better use of the Wa Dao+? I heard Draug was a good one.
  12. Would the Wa Dao+ be a good fit for Palla? I managed to upgrade a +Atk, -Res Palla to 5 stars and got her a nice skillset made out of a ruby sword+, reposition, moonbow, Fury 3, Wings of Mercy 3 and Goad Fliers (alongside the speed+1 seal). It would allow her to take out red and colourless units more reliably and give her somewhat of a fighting chance against blue ones. On the other hand is she the only unit in my flier team (Palla, Minerva, Subaki and Spring!Camilla) who straight up counters all green units.
  13. Gave the Hero Fest banner a try. Got a Selena and Hinata I needed for skill inheritance and a +HP, -Def Lucina. Got the skills to finish my flier emblem team (just need to get Palla to 5 stars) and a really solid unit in addition.
  14. If I manage to summon a Julia I'm going to join her team, if I can't I'm going to join team Robin (who is probably the only character I can see standing a chance against Tharja). Now if only team Nino was a thing.
  15. I managed to get ranked (#5,487) for the first time by using flier emblem. After a deathless advanced run I got a nice score of 4.716 using Palla, Cherche, Subaki and Spring!Camilla. Map design is less likely to screw you over and having one swap and two reposition users allows you to deal with most enemy formations, it also helped Subaki had Iote's shield making him amazing bait for archers.
  16. I got a +Atk, -Def Ike on my first orb. It's like Alm all over again. Time to start hoarding orbs for Celica.
  17. I just drew a +Def -Spd Sheena. Would Svalinn Shield, Wary Fighter 3, Threaten Attack 3, Bonfire / Sacred Cowl and some reposition skill be a good set for her?
  18. After failing a couple of times to beat it on lunatic with a team of Young!Tiki, Ninian, M!Robin and Cecilia (I didn't have a unit who could safety ORKO the mages from range), I switched Tiki (who couldn't do anything) out for Ephraim (my buff bot N.1#) and managed to clear it in my first try after that. Used a combination of drag back and a dancer to poke at the mages early on and used that same tactic to take out the armours without eating the AoE attack from the mages. Eventually they had to overextend a bit and I managed to take out both of them outside Zephiels range. After that I softened up Zephiel with Robin using Bonfire and finished him off with a Iceberg proc from Cecilia for good measure.
  19. I got a male Robin with Swordbreaker 2. He should be able to deal with Zephiel and the red mage atleast (and maybe the blue armor), he also has drag back. Cecilia should be able to deal with the blue mage and blue armor (also act as a emergency healer with ardent sacrifice). Young!Tiki could easily deal with the axe knight (and heal a bit with Breath of Life 3). Ninian dances and with Triangle Adept could tank the red mage if needed (Also gives Young!Tiki a nice +6 Def/Res buff). I'm expecting both armors to have Wary Fighter and Goad/Ward Armor
  20. How viable would Galeforce be on Minerva? With the Hauteclere she would be able to proc it every two battles (4 actions) and she generally has the attack power to kill most things without procs. Main issue would be the insane requirements to get her that skill. You would need to: Sacrifice 5 star Lyn / Cordelia Get 150 SP for Night Sky Get 300 SP for Astra Get 750 SP (oh god why) for Galeforce
  21. But entire thing about Windsweep is that the enemy doesn't get to use a counter attack at all if you outspeed them by just one point (which is something Alm can easily do with a +Speed mod and a little team support). With a dancer he can kill most enemies without taking a single point of damage (or atleast weaken them for a ranged unit to finish off). I haven't tested it yet but I assume it also prevents skills like vantage, quick riposte and swordbreaker from proccing.
  22. Alm with a +Spd mod and the Speed +1 seal makes pretty good use of Windsweep if you have something with rally/fortify speed (gives him 38 speed once rallied). He prevents counter attacks on anything with 37 speed or less this way (I gave mine threaten speed to also have windsweep work on units up to 42 speed). Main thing is that it allows you to kill things without taking damage (which combined with the passive renewal 2 on Falchion makes Alm pretty durable).
  23. It's probably the best on a high attack unit with slightly above average speed. Not sure how much use a debuffer is getting out of Windsweep since seal Skills can't be equiped alongside it and dagger users only avoid counter attacks from archers and other dagger users (windsweep doesn't prevent magic users from counter attacking). Unless there is a weapon with a build in seal attack, speed, defense or resistance build in I can't see this being to helpfull. Units with good attack and above average speed (like Alm with a speed boon) will usually be able to activate Windsweep but lack the speed to double. With a bit of dancer support Alm should be able to kill most things without suffering any damage (and it would allow him to beat some lance users), with rally speed and/or threaten speed he should be able to activate Windsweep on most of the faster sword units to. It might also allow him to prevent the activation of vantage, swordbreaker and quick riposte but I'm not sure about that yet.
  24. When Alm attacks and he has atleast one point of speed over his opponent he won't double attack, but his opponent can't counter attack at all. If Alm is the one being attacked combat just works as normal (Alm doubles if he has 5 points of speed over his opponent).
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