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Everything posted by maybe

  1. jesus christ man how big is that rock you're living under
  2. i played maplestory for like 3 minutes they were the worst 3 minutes of my life
  3. also the helmet or whatever reminds me of that one mega man character
  4. no thats not right youre only supposed to make it a lmgtfy if its easy to google i dont know what these words are. thats just rude
  5. why are there so many guys posting in this thread y'all can't read
  6. i know ive seen this before but i dont know what it is. what is it
  7. "reset... you little shit..."
  8. this is like if a kid asks his mom "what are we having for dinner today?" and the mom says "actually we're eating out for lunch tomorrow"
  9. i aim to be cuteugly too
  10. what does this one even mean
  11. i read that url as "skyrim vr comes to skyrim vr" and for a second I was impressed at how todd's powers had advanced to the point that he can port skyrim to skyrim
  12. As the dog licks at the honey, the girls respond with sexualised language. is a good sentence
  13. usually my response is "OH GOD DAMN IT I FUCKING HATE YOU" or "nice", kinda depending on who posts/makes it
  14. rename this thread to "dsp news thread" because every time i remember sf exists this thread updates me on What DSP Did This Time
  15. i bought demon's souls like two or three years ago i should probably play that one day
  16. can i have a link to that it sounds really funny and useful considering how often ive seen some dipshit go on a "political correctness has gone too far" thing that's actually one of the funniest things i've ever seen though everyone please read
  17. wait what is ps3 online dying i don't keep up with games stuff at all
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