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Posts posted by Chrosion

  1. Except that Camilla doesn't even seem bisexual to begin with honestly.

    A woman can admire other women for their strength or beauty without being sexually attracted to them.

    Hell, I admire Lena Headey and I'm pretty damn heterosexual.

    The reason I put Camilla in this is because she said to Hinoka, quoted from the translator, "you're my type" so idk, lol.

  2. Honestly speaking, I'm glad Camilla isn't a same sex pairing option.

    I imagine she would get even more "slut" comments if she could flirt with girls too. Some people like to bash her character in anyway possible, so I'm willing to bet money on it.

    well, sexuality doesn't have to do with how much of a slut you are, and honestly I don't believe in calling girls sluts, a bit sexist imo. I could however imagine people going "not only is there incest in this game, there's LESBEAN INCEST!!1!" (even though there's no real incest hah) Camilla seems to get more positive reactions than negatives ones though, because of her erm, bountiful harvests. Her armors a bit unpractical tho lol

  3. Yeah I don't get it either. We've got characters like Silas, Camilla and Soleil who would make complete sense as same sex romance options, and instead they give us the sadist torturer and the creepy stalker. Oh well, it's a start, hopefully they'll do better next time.

    I'm not even annoyed that Zero and Shara are available for same sex romance, it's just strange that characters that would make much more sense aren't.

    Yes! Silas 100% he's the childhood friend and he said he became a knight in hopes that he'd see MU again like how cute is that... in Awakening I didn't like Tharja at all because she's abusive like she put curses and hexes on her daughter and husband how fucked up is that lmao

  4. Camilla likes strong girls, not Belka. Hence why Camilla likes Belka.

    And the only lesbian option is Shara, Tharja's lookalike. Although I agree that the thing with Soleil is weird and that she could have easily been a same sex support.

    oh, really lol? I could've sworn everyone was like "omg is she gay" when a Famitsu was released with that in Belka's description.

    And yeah I know Shara is the only lesbian option. :/ shame that the two same-sex options are sadists.

  5. I'm pretty sure Camilla and Belka don't have same-sex S-rank supports, but what about Soleil? Her personal skill is literally "Girl Lover" so I don't see how she'll be able to have S-ranks with males??? Are they all "I'm a lesbian but every other girl is straight so I'll marry you instead" like I don't understand, this would've been a very easy to pull off same-sex marriage option. I mentioned Camilla and Belka because Belka's description thingy mentions she likes "strong girls" and I saw on Tumblr some screencaps of Camilla hitting on Hinoka saying "you know, you're my type" and calling her cute and stuff. So...? These to me at least seem to be easy same-sex options.

  6. Based on the information avaliable right now...

    You get basically everyone from both routes. The only unconfirmed characters in the third path are:





    Gunter might be unavailable too, if his "survival" after a certain story event was a glitch (which seems likely since he isn't mentioned in the text dump at all after that event).

    You can get everyone else, and even some of those characters might still be fully playable in the 3rd route, aside from Crimson, who almost certainly is an obligatory death.

    ooooo I hope this is true that would be beautiful and definitely my main file

    I don't believe any of the other Kamui-only support characters were confirmed for 3rd path.Also, apparntly Izana dies.

    NOOOOO he was so precious

  7. Guys, we have a CONFIRMED MAID!! (not the blue-haired one though)


    Found at 6:35.

    Maid reclass confirmed!

    looks more like a generic enemy.

    the character customization was underwater, so maybe that ties in with all the underwater stuff

    set the speed to go slower, and at 2:02, pause right when Suzukaze's portrait fades, it's the character who we saw a glimpse of in the Hoshido castle

    at 2:04, there seems to be some unknown ally character

    at 3:00, Camilla's wyvern looks dark and evil af

    Kamui appears out of nowhere at 6:32 (presumably w Dragon Vein) with a cool new sword that he wields again at 6:41, and a slightly different sword at 6:50

    6:47 Kamui is with Lilith out of the castle

  8. I don't particularly care much for lesbian/gay stuff, but the way BRS described them, it happens to be the way Bioware handles romantic subplots down to the letter. It also happens that the way Bioware handles romantic subplots is TERRIBLE.

    Seems like what you want is to have gays/lesbians/transgenders in for the sake of having gays/lesbians/transgenders in and be able to say "oh gosh we are like, so progressive!"

    Fire Emblem did homosexual supports fine with Ike and Soren already. It was well-written, it was touching, and most importantly, it was subtle. If I were to have my way, I'd make it so several characters had options to S- (or even just A-) support with both men and women, their sexuality ultimately depending on who they choose to S-rank, instead of being a constant, , blatant, pervasive part of their character.

    Not that having blatantly gay people is bad, I agree with BRS that VC did it right with Jann (but only him, the lesbians were boring tripe), mostly because he was not just "that flaming gay", he was also a funny and charming character and also best girl.

    That's my opinion, hopefully my low postcount and 4chan reaction image avatar won't make people disregard it before reading it.

    this line was interesting. maybe instead of each character having a set (canon) sexuality, you more or less get to choose by who they S-Support with? of course this doesn't have to mean every opposite-sex support means they're straight, and every same-sex one means they're gay since bisexuals do exist, but i mean, idk. just a thought.

  9. each character has their own stat modifiers that hinder or boost their max stats, so child characters, especially Morgan, have the best stat modifiers. having access to good skills and classes is important too, so remember that. so ultimately MU's children are the best stat-wise, as well as many SpotPass recruits and DLC characters since not only do they have access to every class but many have unique skills like Shadowgift or Rightful King.

  10. That's what I mean. Restrict romance to optional S supports, the rest of the supports should be about friendship only. So, no implying my char is in love with x char unless I want it by doing a S support. If that's done then I'm fine with it.

    isn't that how it always was, at least with Awakening? no one actually confessed their love until S-Support and you basically got to choose who loved who

    If somebody doesn't like the fact that somebody is gay, they are a homophobe.

    i think I'd have to agree.

  11. Kind of a random thought, piecing together FE and VC - since we've already seen the inclusion of personal skills, what if we had an LGB character who got a skill like those VC potentials "likes men" or "likes women" and that's how we learned about their sexual orientation, rather than through it being shoved in our faces through dialogue? For instance, in VC it's very obvious that Jan is supposed to be gay, and Dallas is also quite the stereotype if you read her backstory, and you don't need their potentials to know that. Ted, on the other hand, is, IIRC, totally normal except that he both "likes men" and "likes women." That's at least how I "figured out" his sexual orientation. I mean, part of the problem in FE is that most characters don't get much screen time - supports tend to be awfully short, after all - so anything we learn about them is either really obvious or posed as a revelation. If we just use a different outlet for it, we could avoid that. Another option I wouldn't mind would be to have a L/G couple join, although that of course doesn't open the romance for Kamui but who care about that anyway?

    replacing someone's personal skill with literally "is gay" is a bad idea from every viewpoint. it replaces something they could've had going for them as a unit (some personal skills seem to be handy asf) with "supports with _"

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