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Posts posted by Chrosion

  1. People won't openly state they'd settle for comical stereotypes (why settle for less when you can ask for more) but I imagine if they were given the options, "You can either get 5 Heather/Jan (VC character) tier gay characters or none at all" they would still choose the more poorly written characters over getting nothing. It's subjective whether characters like Heather and Jan are good enough to be progressive inclusions (I'm rather indifferent). Some will say they are good enough, others will say bad gay characters shouldn't be included at all.

    i guess I'd be able to settle for just one or two comical stereotypes personally, better than none I guess. any more than that and it'd just be a mockery of the community which I wouldn't be okay with.

  2. >Nintendo Zone

    And what if there are only two of them in the entire province, both in the same city which you happen not to live in and have no excuse to go to?

    And have only managed to get around 6 tags total from your town/city in the 2 years of owning your 3DS?

    /grumpily kicks Nintendo

    So long as that isn't resources+weapons+items, similar to Awakening. :x

    you seem to live in the middle of nowhere, surprised you have internet connection lmao

    in all seriousness that sucks. I don't particularly have too much trouble getting streetpasses.

  3. If any of you have played Pokemon Conquest, some stages had a hazard that like every 2 turns either rocks landed in random areas and hit Pokemon located there, or damaged a random Pokemon somehow, so I guess it could be like that? Just choosing a random enemy unit to attack every couple turns.

  4. We have that accessory feature with visible items that affect stats slightly, so maybe like it gives you a whole set of items they all match, with either good stat boosts or an added effect. That'd be cool wouldn't it?

  5. I do not support this in video games. I fully support them in real life though. I don't want another Dragon Age 3 Dorian or that tranny who served no purpose aside from stating their sexuality. Just let the devs tell the story they want to tell it. Too much social justice leaking into video games just to satisfy a small minority. Like stated above, it is an issue that should not exist.

    Then let it be casually mentioned. It should not define a character. You can not make some one exclusively homosexual because I guarantee there will be a backlash. If you make everyone bi it becomes unrealistic and unimmersive, kinda like skyrim where everyone is bi. There really is no winning, which is why I said let them tell the story the way they want to. If they wanted homos and bisexuals it would have been included by now. If they get added in it is because of all the people whining and ruining gaming with their agendas. I'd rather have them put more effort in story telling.

    Dorian was my favorite but ruined because his sidequest was "WAH Im gay and my dad doesn't accept me". Zevran was bi and it was handled perfectly. I just do not want another Dorian. If it is done like Zevran then fine, I am cool with it.

    responding to bolded, and most of it is just to tell you to mind your slurs. "tranny" and "homos" aren't acceptable but i'm going to assume you don't know that so, whatever.

    social justice, as the OP stated, is just that... justice...

    and finally, a gay character struggling with acceptance shouldn't bother you. it's not just some crybaby whining, it's a real problem. i personally struggle with family acceptance and it's just horrible for so many reasons. really i just have a big problem with that "ruining" it for you.

  6. I wasn't quoting you, per se, I was paraphrasing what a lot of posts in this thread essentially boil down to (regardless of whether those people realize it or not)

    exactly. I can't even find that person's original post and there's just a lot of people in denial of being homophobic on this thread, it wasn't specifically to that person...


    As the artist of the picture, while I intended the comic for humorous purposes, it was meant as a joke on how Ryouma and Marx getting married would solve the issue of WHICH SIDE KAMUI GOES than "lol gays", and the bride dress was simply because FEA doesn't exactly have a groom class so I gotta improvise with what I got

    If you're gonna use it to show the idea is ridiculous please stop using it


  7. I don't have a problem with lgbt people, I just don't want to have to see them or acknowledge they exist.

    Without the quotas!

    Also note I don't understand acknowledge as in accept they exist, but as in appreciate...

    Pls hold back your salt, as 1. do not care and 2. do not want to waste time on this endless debate.

    you...your...your picture is from a fan art of Ryouma and Marx getting married.....

  8. I agree that'd be nice! in Lon'qu's case I'd say it's a resent towards women that he learns to get over, yknow? so he isn't universally hated on the internet for being a misogynist lmao. i think you're thinking about aromantic though, not asexual. although we don't really even have gay/bi etc. representation in the games so maybe it's a long shot? not too difficult to do either of these but ik people would be disappointed at "I can't marry this waifu!" with having aromantic characters

  9. I perfectly understand what being neutral means - I find you saying that to be rather insulting.

    Regardless, if it doesn't effect a person, being neutral is a fine option. It does nothing for either side.

    The only thing that bothers me is that far too often, being neutral could be synonymous with choosing the side of the oppressor/default., rather than actually being neutral and not supporting anyone.

    looks like OP has a very nice understanding

    "I don't have a problem with lgbt people, I just don't want to have to see them or acknowledge they exist"

    i love you

  10. Only if they're well-written and make sense.

    I'd be much more interested in incestuous couples though. I see nothing wrong with sibling incest.

    i agree but it seems WAY too controversial atm...

    also not gonna call anyone out but seems there's a lot of homophobes in denial like "I just don't like seeing gay people but im not homophobic trust me :///" but yeah and I support having characters with distinct sexualities like in Dragon Age: Inquisition but it seems like it'd really limit their supports for homosexual characters since they'd have about two to three possible partners. so, i would also be satisfied if every character was bisexual. I also won't be tremendously disappointed if there isn't same-sex supports but it'd be nice to have some inclusion, yknow?

  11. there are 5 skill slots not 4 so you can definitely get skills from other classes. there's a screenshot that has Camilla as level 40, so maybe you get a skill every 10 levels? who knows.

    EDIT: guess it was Felicia not Camilla, haha.

  12. Well the gameplay will be the exact same if that's what you're asking. But if you mean will it still be as fun after everything's been spoiled for you, then I mean, that'll be up to whether you fall into temptation for spoilers or if spoilers actually matter to you. It's usually a lot more fun finding features for yourself but I honestly can't just not see every small amount of news once its revealed lmao plus I like planning ahead for my own playthroughs. But yeah I don't see why the American version wouldn't be just as good as the Japanese version.

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