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Everything posted by twice

  1. Brawl~ Ike Smash 4~ Robin, Palutena
  2. This is the gr8est thing mentioned on this topic. Best 10/10
  3. like some child possessed, the beast howls in my veins, I want to find you tear out all your tenderness
  4. I honestly think her necklace has something to do with it.
  5. Was that the wrong pill to take?
  6. Aqua needs to train her Pokemon better xc
  7. What do you think is the reason for this scene? (besides the fact that Kamui's a damn Pokémon for all we know)
  8. (Battle type like super smash bros?I meant..) As in it not being turns, tactics etc like usual battles, just a regular fight between characters like it is in Smash. But I highly doubt there will be online features.. even if there was, probably not in this way. xc
  9. tysm for the list!!! I'm really interested as if Nohr will have a shapeshifter as well... And I want to see who that blue haired female cavalier is (kawaii) and apparently 'not Inigo' XDD
  10. Maybe XD Camilla much?? https://youtu.be/sK4an5sJCcQ
  11. ^^ most definitely. I wouldn't mind seeing Joker as well x.x lol XDDD
  12. I dunno lol... The female Ninja? Kagerou looks pretty badass.
  13. Belka must endure those death stares if she wants to stay under Camilla's orders XP I can imagine some sister rivalry against those too... XDD as Sakura and Elise sit in the corner watching WHhhy is Kamui smiling??? (I hope its because he's about to go ape sh*t )
  14. Yes, as we don't know exactly what Belka was ordered by her.. No matter the situation I think ordering something like that's a bit much.. Although Camilla might have other reasons and intentions (as I'm sure its from her being protective and not her being pure evil). lol I can see Camilla being angry XDD but who knows we'll have to see !!!
  15. I couldn't find a higher quality picture without the English translations from other places... I can barely read the Japanese here.. but this is it- https://kantopia.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/fami0406-nohr1tra.jpg
  16. Its alright !!! I don't like speculation over things we don't have enough info on either.. But its all just for fun. I kinda like how Camillas ordering absurd (??) things honesty
  17. It's just a joke x.x do I really need to add that?? EDIT: I should have kept that in mind XDD a third option is now open.
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