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Posts posted by Yari

  1. 1)I actually like Navi from Legend of Zelda.

    2)Beowolf/Raquesis is my favourite FE4 pairing.

    3)Luigi is a million times better than Mario.

    4)The fifth Pokemon generation is tied with the third as the best Pokemon generation.


    5)Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword and Majora's Mask are the best LoZ games.

    6)Emmeryn should have just stayed death.

    7)Everyone should just stop complainig about every single thing in a video game.

    8)Every single pokemon generation has it's flaws but they are all good.

  2. The same thing happened to me in my Awkening save files. I was messing around in the SD card memory and wiped out the date somehow I'm not sure how but it happened but it's really not a big deal I just started the game all over again. As long as the same doesn't happen again you don't have to worry about it.

  3. It might be because they thought that adding a gay option for her would be too much of a scandal? They already did the gay option for Mamui and Femui but thought that adding another would be too much trouble? Soleil mentions being bisexual with a preference for women in her supports with Foleo... Maybe they thought it would be better to just make her being able to marry male characters for some reason.

  4. This. I really like this.

    I think this explains his motives perfectly: my impression of Bushido is to regard your opponent with some level of respect for following their ideals (even if you bear searing hatred for them, because they have their path and you have yours and the only way to settle it is to confront one another).

    Therefore, if your opponent presents as someone who will not take responsibility, does not take a 'stand', and tries to follow the path of least resistance they come across as lacking honour, discipline and, courage. I'm sure this would be viewed as flouting the basic principles that Ryouma stands for.

    Furthermore, although not a perfect analogy, I'm sure Ryouma has taken to Bushido with the same enthusiasm that is seen in very devout religious followers: I'm sure he believes in his doctrine absolutely, therefore it's not only a slight on him (and his family and all that he's lost / has happen), but on the very way of life he pursues. No doubt in what is presented as a very Japanese country (therefore with a very Japanese mindset), this is a great insult.

    I'm not saying that makes it okay (per se), but as others have said it's an intense mindset (it's not called a way of life for nothing) and Ryouma is clearly particularly zealous about it; no doubt in part due to his father's influence on him (he seems to be quite the daddy's boy).

    In that context, I think that Ryouma's fury at Kamui in the 3rd path is justified. No doubt when the Nohr path is chosen it does upset Ryouma, but perhaps he respects his sibling for taking a stand and (maybe) believes he will get Kamui back when he defeats Nohr / restores peace?

    In this 3rd possibility, he has to work with the people who are responsible for a lot of pain and trauma in his life - I'm sure most of us would struggle with people who are associated with the murder of a parent/(s), that's something that doesn't really require cultural context to understand. Even on a basic level I'm sure Ryouma's feelings can be understood. I know I'd struggle with it.

    Of course, that all said, it would seem that Ryouma's fury is at the cost of some of those virtues he holds dear (self-control, benevolence, etc) - but he is human and the path of enlightenment is long: perhaps momentary 'red mists' are forgivable (particularly in that armour)...

    You actually understood very well what I was trying to say with all that. His reasons are understandable but somewhat flawed because he somewhat "forgets" in his fury and hurt some very important things of his way of life, in the third route it looks like his self-control shattered and he made a wrong choice. He does get around to it and joins Kamui later on. The fact he did this shows a new side of his character. He's just a young man trying to find his way in life making mistakes along the way. In a way it makes him more interesting.
  5. Both him and Garon are hunting Kamui in the third route one is an evil asshole the other is caring older brother who is tracking you down for your "betrayal" and what I gather is making it personal as he sees it as family affair.

    As I said his personality and way of thinking give him a good reason to act that way. The more I analize is supports and tranlated story lines the more it makes sense for him to take it personally. I'm not saying I agree with his actions I just understand why he would act like that. He has a hot blooded streak that shows up a couple of times in the story and he also appears to be very stuborn and family driven. You do get to call him out on what he did and he realizes what he did wrong and joins you. That's what I got from what I've seen.

  6. But still really Ryoma? I understand you must have felt hurt and all of that pressure and Mikoto having just died and all the stuff I said earlier but it doesn't make it any less of a jerkass move! An understandable jerkass move but still a jerkass move.

    But I have to say having a non villainous character chasing down Kamui is something very interesting and I'm glad it's Ryoma because from my point of view he has very legit reasons to do it. Still jerkish though but I still love Ryoma anyway!

  7. I think it has to do with his personality and way of thinking. He seems like a hot blooded and somewhat stuborn man wich easily explains how angry he gets at you and why he chases you for so long. His reasons for that are probably the tension between Norh and Hoshido(you know that kidnapping and war thing) but that doesn't explain why he gets more angry at you if you choose neither side in fact he seems less angry if you choose Norh. That's explained through the way of the Bushido wich according to his character profile he follows. The way of the Bushido is a set of rules that all samurai must follow and eventhough said rules may vary they always follow a set of eight virtues some of those virtues are loyalty, courage and honour. He probably thinks that by choosing neither side you're being a disloyal coward with no honour. Hoshido is your bloodline so it's kinda of a loyalty to your bloodline thing and Norh is said to be loyalty in the trailer so it would be easier to swallow if you end up choosing it if you choose neither it means you're severing your loyalty towards Norh and Hoshido and by doing it in his anger he sees you as a dishonorable coward. But that's just theory...

  8. At least from what I've seen, fan work has been more overwhelmingly Nohr as well, and at times I feel more pressure to even put out Lobster art because so few other people draw him compared to Marx. I see a lot of love for the Nohr siblings in fanwork in general -- and don't get me wrong, I really like them as well, but it sucks when I don't see fanwork on the Hoshido siblings almost ever. Support translations go the same way. I feel that unless you're one of the people who actually imported and can read Japanese and formulate your opinions of characters based on that, wouldn't it be too early to write off Hoshidans until people get around to translating them?

    I mean hell, I thought I wouldn't like Charlotte based on the combination of her 2-line character blurb and the name of her personal skill, but it turns out I really like her now.

    I agree with you. I've only read a handfull of Hoshidan supports and most of them are of the Hoshidan siblings but I feel more in love with them because of these few supports..

    I didn't thought I would like Charlotte either and she has become one of my favourite Norh characters because of her supports.

  9. Looking through the supports on the stream it seems Gunter can S-rank Kamui and only has 2 support conversations, as opposed to the multitude everyone else has. His options are Joker and Kamui, seems strange to me that he can't support with anyone else from Nohr.

    No! I wanted to marry him to Camilla! In wich stream did you saw that?

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