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Posts posted by Yari

  1. It would be good if you were able to chose to kill them or if like in Pelleas case you could save them on a second playthrough or not of course this save them path will be hard like put the right unit on the right panel or make x talk to them on chapter x/y and y fight them on chapter y/x you know stuff that only with a lot of hardwork you would be able to pull of. But I think second playthrough bonus could be used or even people who just stay death no matter what.

  2. I'm imagining my F!Kamui having to fight Marx anger and pain in his eyes while she tries to remain cold like she always does.

    Then they fight swords clashing blood and sweat dripping she tries not to look at him like her brother but like an enemy.

    Then he falls to the ground she runs and catches him:

    "No! Marx, brother please don't.."

    "I'm so proud of you. You've become so strong."

    His eyes close and she yells for help and kneeling his body on her arms she begs:

    "Marx brother it will be fine please keep your eyes open look at me. MARX!"

    But it's too late his body limp in her arms. She has just lost the man who had been her brother.

    Tears roll down her eyes her sister Hinoka kneels next to her a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her while she sobs and craddles the body in her arms.

    They had won... But at what cost?

    Damn my imagination! And damn this whole thing! I need tissues.

  3. Body 1 FeMU: Chrom (Lucina and Morgan were amazing)

    Body 2 FeMU: Gangrel (they were great on the battlefield)

    Body 3 FeMU: Kellam (my main avatar my favourite husband)

    Body 2 MaMU: Anna (JakexAnna forever together)

    My avatar was the one killing Grima except when I marry Kellam (around 6 playthroughs) when that happens I let Chrom do the killing.

  4. I mean that just like her male counterpart she has a very fancy shirt. Unlike her male counterpart, her inner tights have a cut to expose her underpants, which clashes with that extravagant upper half.

    Oh that? I'm thinking an early class change but that would only be possible if Anna is back and I hope she is she was the only reason I played M!Robin in Awakening and called him Jake.

    Still a fox is faster. Or at least more nimble. A bear can be fast but it's shape is not very aerodymanic I mean a bear has a significant girth wich makes running more tiresome for them. A fox however has a cylinder shaped body and a cone shaped nose wich is way more aerodynamic. What I mean is yes bears are fast but can't handle the pressure of long races while a fox can. Beaars are fast and take the prey down in a hit if not they might lose a meal while foxes run after the prey until they're tired and then attack.

    So a bear should have all around good stats with attack being the stronger and resistance the lower. But that's just my opinion.

    On another note I think a selkie would be better to have has a shapeshifter.

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