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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. Celice can be pretty awesome & usually gets around 23-30 STR, SKL, SPD on my files, I always give sigurd all the rings in the 1st gens so Celice gets them (that's what my earlier post ment)
  2. yeah well if he's level 18 then training him 2 levels is worth it. Does your Lakche have bad growths or something.
  3. If he's unpromoted he's pretty useless too me ( got way better people to train by then anyway).
  4. that's a nice change from the Cutter/Javelin combowith Oifaye
  5. by that chapter no one else could (except Oifaye but he sucks, or Celice with a bunch of rings)
  6. Tactics can only go so far in any battle. Maybe with a holy weapon but you don't get Gaebolg & Ichival till after the crossknight assault. Actually A Level 30 Sigurd, 100 kill Silver Sword could kill him. Yeah Sigurd could get him there but I never train my Sigurd enough by that point anyway.
  7. Tactics can only go so far in any battle. Maybe with a holy weapon but you don't get Gaebolg & Ichival till after the crossknight assault.
  8. if it was in chapter 4 maybe but i know that I would definitely need more experience for that fight.
  9. If Eltoshen was a Masterknight no one would survive it would just be a massacre, he could just cut the stache of anyone!
  10. nothings wrong with that when you have Lex's accuracy:lol:.
  11. Yeah cause everbody wanst 20+ paladins mercilessly attacking you.
  12. Better stats, Big Shield right of the bat, able to use all physical weapons, better growths. It is. And it's easier than you'd expect, you just need some luck I just go with Holesty & Balmung, Mistolin or Tyrfing. I once finished him off with Oifey(he had one HP) THAT WAS SATISFYING! That's selling your soul scary Oifey's Stache is just THAT awesome. It's always the Stache! It is. And it's easier than you'd expect, you just need some luck I just go with Holesty & Balmung, Mistolin or Tyrfing. I once finished him off with Oifey(he had one HP) THAT WAS SATISFYING! That's selling your soul scary If things go wrong there's always that rewind button Thank god for computers & emulators! I know. And jesus said unto Bill gates "make computers"
  13. It is. And it's easier than you'd expect, you just need some luck I just go with Holesty & Balmung, Mistolin or Tyrfing. I once finished him off with Oifey(he had one HP) THAT WAS SATISFYING! That's selling your soul scary If things go wrong there's always that rewind button Thank god for computers & emulators!
  14. It is. And it's easier than you'd expect, you just need some luck I just go with Holesty & Balmung, Mistolin or Tyrfing. I once finished him off with Oifey(he had one HP) THAT WAS SATISFYING! That's selling your soul scary
  15. It is. And it's easier than you'd expect, you just need some luck I just go with Holesty & Balmung, Mistolin or Tyrfing.
  16. Yeah that does give you a warm feeling (with Narga I just kinda hold spacebar & wait)
  17. Still manages to get me every time, that and Mahnya's death... It's so sad..... ;__; At least Celice kills Alvis that's proper revenge. Killing Manfroy is MUCH more satisfying, killing Alvis just doesn't feel right... Alvis was just manipulated Manfloy is the true architect of the whole ordeal (Alvis could've just incinerated them though).
  18. Still manages to get me every time, that and Mahnya's death... It's so sad..... ;__; At least Celice kills Alvis that's proper revenge.
  19. Actually Ayra could have Astra Luna and Sol. I love Binary. +Hero Sword. Lakche with Astra, Luna & Sol+100 Kill Hero Sword= Killing machine & Crying Yurius:lol: Fixed. =P wow this hack has it all, crazy hard gameplay & anyone can use any legendary weapon (with minor blood) Oops forgot about that. Lakche with Astra, Luna & Sol+100 Kill Balmung + 100 Kill Swanchika= Killing machine. That's just mean:lol: would love a swanchika using Lakche.
  20. Actually Ayra could have Astra Luna and Sol. I love Binary. +Hero Sword. Lakche with Astra, Luna & Sol+100 Kill Hero Sword= Killing machine & Crying Yurius:lol: Fixed. =P wow this hack has it all, crazy hard gameplay & anyone can use any legendary weapon (with minor blood)
  21. Actually Ayra could have Astra Luna and Sol. I love Binary. +Hero Sword. Ayra with Astra, Luna & Sol= Killing machine & Crying Yurius:lol:
  22. Shooting Star's just unfair with Lakche.
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